Reviews from

in the past

Mixed bag on this season. Some of the god mythics were pretty fun and loved playing with the air dashes in particular. The Avatar crossover event had some really unbalanced but fun items to use too. The Star Wars crossover was really mediocre though. The map barely changed and then didn't change at all again for the whole season which is pretty boring. XP rates were nerfed really bad and made me not bother actually even finishing the pass this time, and most of the BP skins honestly were bad. (Artemis looks cool though.)

If it weren't for how fun waterbending was during it's brief availability this would be a flat 2 1/2, but it gets the extra half star literally just for how fun bending was.

im gonna start doing the individual season logs cause i'm a lil goober like that! these won't be like super in depth, just kinda basic cause that's all that fortnite deserves!

anyways! this season kinda blows lol
it's, not better than the last season, but the addition of the mythological powers was a fun addition!
...that ultimately got ruined by the addition of waterbending! the biggest thing that all these powerups do is to add a fun sort of variation to how to fight people in the game, but waterbending tends to be a bit overpowered in every single instance that it's in. that being said, it's mostly balanced, except the icarus wings are not as useful as they should be

on the 'story' front, though, it's so inconsequential and i have no clear idea of what's actually going on, even though i am reading along with what's happening. this is my least favorite aspect of these seasons, because the story never matters in the long run, and never really makes sense in the moment. i know it didn't always used to be this way, and god i wish it was better...

star wars crossover was mid as hell, with overpriced packs and not very fun stuff that went along with the gamemodes overall, and the skins were fine, and it's really just a fine season. once again, the second season in chapter 5 where the train does absolutely nothing for the gameplay. i can't believe i've played so much of this shit lmao

Interesting premise, but got overshadowed by collabs, pee-pee poo-poo balance and the most dogshit financial decisions by Epic.

Ight I'm fucking done with the season now. If I'm being honest this shit dragged on too long and the avatar mythics can suck my fat fucking nuts with how dogshit they were. How do you let your own mythics get overshadowed by the fucking crossovers, fuck this shit.

I will possibly be back next season but that's because I have stockholm syndrome.

A very mid season with some weirdly uninteresting mythic and just not a super fun loot pool as well it's just been an unfortunately underwhelming season. I did enjoy the Star Wars collab but it was just alright I haven't watched Avatar yet so the collab was not as cool for me.

Better than undergrounds by half a star.

That was most definetley a second season of Fortnite

Another season wrapping up and another one that didn't set the world on fire. Collaborations were fine but having almost all meaningful rewards restricted behind additional $10+ passes was highway robbery, not to mention the time, money, and effort clearly split between all the modes. For example, this year's Star Wars event was lackluster compared to last year to put it nicely.

The loot pool was fine, overall but the wings were nerfed a bit more than I would have liked, the bowcaster wasn't that great, and waterbending can go straight to hades. The chain whip was the only consistent, seasonal weapon I enjoyed using.

Lastly, this season's skins were not great. I usually don't "keep" every skin from the battle pass but archiving all but 2 shows this is one of the weak ones.

Bastante buena temporada, aunque me han gustado más las cosas de Avatar y Korra.

Still can't believe they vaulted the only good things about this season midway.

Messing around with the wind avatar power was kinda fun though.


A tiny bit underwhelming tbh. Doesn't help that the items defining the season were vaulted for a significant chunk of the season.


This season had several fun mythics like the wings and Avatar elements. Water was my favorite to use so I'm glad it was available the longer. I honestly don't think I'll use many Battle Pass skins in the long run but I like Medusa quite a lot. Aang, Toph, Korra, and Lady Gaga were definitely my highlights from this season. One underrated aspect of the pass is all the instruments. I like having a nearly full set themed around the gods. Unfortunately no car this time which is alright. XP was harder to get this season so hopefully they buff XP next season. I barely got beyond 200 this time around and I played a lot with my boyfriend, his brother, and their cousin.

why did this season have to get shafted so hard man. could've been the best season since C3S1

The best word I could use to describe this season would be: inconsistent. Some parts of it are genuinely great, while other parts held it back by a lot. Some parts I loved, while other parts I vehemently despised.

I really enjoyed the start of the season. In fact, I loved the start of the season! I'm a huge Greek Mythology nerd, so being able to fight Greek gods was a lot of fun for me! (Side note: why the hell didn't they bring back Kratos during this? Huge missed opportunity). I also really enjoyed all the more silly additions and weapons. Stuff like the wings of Icarus added a lot to the game's sandbox. And the little missions you could do around the map weren't that investing, but they were a nice little distraction. I also really loved the enhancement to the medallion system, which changed the medallions from being straight up player enhancers to functioning more like individual abilities that didn't guarantee a player's victory if they got a hold of one. They felt way more balanced and way more fun to use.

However, despite making so many great strides in the first part of the season, everything was thrown into turmoil partway through with the Avatar: The Last Airbender event. The bending weapons that were added into this game were all just horrendous and poorly thought out, to the point that they nearly ruined the entire game.

Firebending was just laughably awful. It almost never hit where I was aiming, and its lack of distance made it feel as useful as my starting melee weapon. I never used this thing more than twice.

Airbending is great if you like being annoying. Anyone who ever got airbending would just use it to run around the map in circles at the end of the match as they waited for everyone else to get killed. It was basically just a vehicle you could put in your pocket that had no limit or gas. If you're one of those jackasses who spends most of the match just running away and jumping instead of actually fighting anyone, then this was for you!

And then there's waterbending... my nemesis. I HATE waterbending. It was so bafflingly overpowered. It had insane reach, a ridiculous level of damage output no matter where you hit, and no recoil. And on top of that, it healed the player FOR FREE if they went into water. It easily outclassed every other form of bending, and in all honestly, outclassed most normal weapons as well. I was devastated when they moved past the Avatar: The Last Airbender stuff, but chose to keep this atrocity in. It made it so that you basically had to pick up waterbending if you came across it. What else were you going to do? Just let someone else get it and easily kill you with it? I hate this weapon beyond belief, but I pretty much had to use it in every freaking match I was in.

The only bending I have any positive feelings for at all is earthbending, which is the only bending weapon that felt like someone put some thought into it. It dealt a large amount of damage, but it was also very easy to avoid if you saw the attack coming (unlike waterbending). It also had a defensive option, which added a second layer of strategy to it (unlike waterbending). It was actually fun to use and fight against (unlike god damn waterbending).

And then finally, after that event, there was the Star Wars event which was... something. I don't know, this event felt really phoned in. All they did was put a few random stormtrooper bases around the map, and slapped a Darth Vader boss in the corner. It really just felt like an excuse to put a crapload of Star Wars items in the shop and that's it. They couldn't even be bothered to replace waterbending with something cool.

Overall, this season was just weird and confusing. This is my second season of Fortnite that I've played, and while I have a lot of issues with it, I still prefer it to the previous one (that season's only strength was the inclusions of Peter Griffin and nothing else). I'm hoping the next season will be cool, but looking at the battle pass and seeing it filled mostly with sexy post-apocalyptic Fortnite women and a few Fallout power armor guys doesn't exactly fill me with hope...

Man, last year I had a blast with fortnite´s battle pass, it felt easy to level up, and the dopamine rush from the fast level ups was great.

While the gameplay is kinda improving, I think I am already tired of it, the dopamine rush is what holds this game together to me, it seems, which I don't think is a good thing at all.

Since the introduction of the other modes, br leveling seems to be glacial, being forced to play lego or festival to have a decent daily level up. I dislike it.

The only reason I got this bp was for Korra, so I don't think I will be coming back to the br mode and might just play Festival, though the last has such an expensive model that I don't see myself purchasing anything.

I think Fortnite is cannibalizing itself.

Utterly baffling how much the ball was fumbled with this. Most of the pass is a mixed bag that are nearly all massive downgrades from their survey concept art outside of Cerberus, and frankly that's me being biased. The quote-unquote story is nothing, more than it's ever been before and it's been made clear thanks to outside sources that it's because Epic and eternally head-up-ass Tim Sweeney care more about their "metaverse" than creating something truly cohesive, leading to a studio that's clearly stretched too thin and with priorities all over the place. The crossovers taking precedence over the actual Greek god theming of the season to the point of removing core weapons and items for most of the season because of their inclusion continue to appall me, alongside the increasing hikes in prices of everything. I cannot believe the Star Wars pass costed as much as it did for useless Lego crap that few care about and a Chewbacca skin.

The map wasn't even really made that much better like I was expecting and hoping for. There still aren't enough points of interest spread across the map, and I really don't think taking out the majority of the snow biome to replace it with another grassy field (but this time it's yellow) was a good idea. The Underworld and Mount Olympus are cool areas, but there's also the whole other issue of retroactively making Season 1 POIs worse by removing the bosses and NPCs that used to wander them. Walking to locations like Oscar's mansion or Fencing Fields and just discovering that their vaults are always open with essentially nothing in them is such a joke. You can't tell me this multi-million dollar studio couldn't have figured out a way to balance out the old bosses and their medallions with the new ones, or even just giving a different reward entirely. Chapter 5's map doesn't feel like an evolving breathing world like previous maps nailed.

Rocket Racing is a little better thanks to more visual variety in the maps but the core game is still aggressively flat and uninteresting. LEGO Fortnite still hasn't changed any of the core world generation issues I have that sour the experience, even if I do think the actual Star Wars event stuff was actually kind of cool! Credit where it's due! But Festival truly shocked me with how awful the Riffmaster and Pro mode launch was handled. Embarrassing to the highest extent.

sorry for jinxing it by having any hopes on a live service game guys lol

I played so so much of last season and barely played this one. I think the improvements were really good but it just didn't feel all that different especially comparing the maps which had like 3 POIs changed. Season is over next week and apparently next season is apocalypse themed which is cool, excited for that fallout collab, but man Fortnite needs to change it up more season to season. They had the massive overhaul of chapter 5 and then had bassicly the same game for like 5 months, changed 3 POIs and added some weapons so we're bassically left with what we've had since like december.

Another pretty solid season, helped espcially by an amazing Avatar collab. The fact that they had an entire Greek mythology season and didn't bring Kratos back into the shop even once is absurd, though. I don't even want the skin and I'm sick of this FOMO shit.

People made fun of me cause i liked Aphrodite :(

Overall, a pretty disappointing season. The Greek mythology theme never really seemed to pay off, and there wasn't enough for me personally with Avatar and the repeat of the Star Wars content was frustrating at best.

I didn't really care for the skins. Frankly, the mythological skins feel uninspired and I'll probably just vault them all. I tuned out of Nickelodeon around 2003, so I never watched Avatar the Last Airbender. I was never really hyped for the promotion and got the Korra skin just because it was there.

I was also disappointed with the Star Wars content this year, and didn't really feel motivated to play much of it, since it was largely a repeat of previous years.

Something has to change with the UI. The store has become too bloated and I'm tired of scanning 20 pages looking for what was added each day. We need hard separation for each game mode so I'm not looking through jam tracks and Lego sets when I want BR skins. Vaulting items in general is still broken. We used to be able to multi-select and vault at once. Its so bugged now I'm questioning if my vault action is working at all. I'll vault a few items but some still show until I close the screen and come back. Really frustrating for a game that makes this much money.

I'm going to keep playing. I'm excited to see what they do with the post-apocalypse content and Fallout skins next season and the core gameplay is still rock solid, but they really need some internal changes to keep the game fresh

The concept of an entire Season being based around Greek mythology is something that I feel many fans have clamored for for as long as I can remember playing this game. To this Season 2's credit, I've gotta say that this is definitely one of the more solid and consistent sets of Battle Pass Skins I've seen in quite some time. Other than that, it was somewhat disappointing. I feel like more could have been done to really implement the theme of the Season, and it didn't help that it got muddied down by the Avatar/Star Wars events.

The season theme I wasn't exactly huge off, but the way it was treated throughout the season wasn't good. Half the season was fully Avatar based and the seasonal themed mythics were vaulted for Avatar mythics instead. which to me isn't horrible since I'm loving the show, but at that point, you should've made the season Avatar themed. Then once they re added the mythics back into the game, the Star Wars collab happened which again, I'm a huge Star Wars fan which is cool, but it didn't really feel like a Greek mythology season. An okay season that could've been handled better.

Oh wait, this season's ending in a couple hours? Okay, so I'm usually pretty defensive of Fortnite, it's probably the best live service game out there right now (although you wouldn't expect that to be a very hard bar to clear). But this season kinda sucked, guys.

Still not a fan of the Chapter 5 map, with the only new stuff here mostly being relegated to the corners (and a lot of the locations still feeling like empty repeats of one another), and the lack of reliable weapon upgrade spots made games feel like a lot more of a gamble than they already are. The mythology-based items are all mostly bad, with the only stuff really worth going for being the coins, which are often too hard to bother with in solo and fairly inconsequential in squads. The new shotgun was pretty good for a bit but it got nerfed into the ground really quickly, same goes with the wings.

It's live service so there's a chance that this secretly got a lot better in its back half, but it says something that this is the first Fortnite season in, like, 2 years that I've completely tapped out of halfway through, not even bothering to make back the vbucks on my battle pass. Really hoping for some big sweeping changes next season, as chapters have definitely been saved before even when their base map(s) showed very little promise.

im not gonna lie i think the part where they vaulted all the olympic themed items was actually the best part of the season the avatar mythics were so much more fun to use in comparison

avatar slop kinda ruined half the season and lack of major updates ruined the other half of the season

I'm gonna miss the Waterbending

Pretty cool season. Wasn't able to play as much as I would've wanted to because of studying for exams and binge playing the Persona series but from what I played it was really fun. The new mythic weapons were cool to play around with (I loved the Chain of Hades), while I didn't finish the Battlepass the skins I did get are pretty cool and the new POIs were nice and fun to explore. The Avatar event was cool to see, even if it did get rid of half of the new items in the game for a bit. I hope we see more collabs with other animated stuff that isn't just anime in the future.