Reviews from

in the past

Everytime Gex says words with his mouth, I remember video games were a mistake

Don't drink tap water at Jerry Garcia's.

why the fuck did I like this as a kid

This is liking cleaning dishes at john saint John's house.

okay but no one's talking about how Gex is unironically a better series conceptually than Sonic. fuckin TVs dude??? hell yeah. id play 100 gex games if they were all good. this shit is dumb garbage and i wish they had a full Twin Peaks level or some shit. fuck you sonic and spyro and your green areas having asses, Gex could have an It's Always Sunny level inside the bar or some shit. fuck you.

Some of the level tasks are really tedious. A lot of the time, you'll have to go through an entire level multiple times because the game boots you out every time you collect a red remote. Combine that with objectives like "Smash the 5 blood coolers" or other various ones that make you scour the entire level, and playing the game will start to feel like a chore.

i will bash your knees in like i did to Adam Sandler if you unironically enjoy this game :pray:

Loved this game as a kid but it's impossible to revisit. Really terribly aged.

ohh yeah - iiiiiiit's tail time

This game peaked with the Looney Tunes level.

"Licking my way to the top."
Same studio who made Soul Reaver and Tomb Raider 2013.
A game so violent and unpleasent it makes The Last of Us 2 look like Super Mario. The camera swings violently, plotting against you at all times, while Gex's rigid and jagged movements feel so stiff and unnatural. Meanwhile the audio design is working against you actively, annoying ass and cacophonous music coupling with Gex's inability to shut the fuck up to create a vomitous concoction that only the most bold gamers may feast. During the "Circle of Shit" section of Salo, they were eating Gex.

Super Tap Water at Jerry Garcia's 64.

Terrible tennis game but a pretty alright 3D platformer as far as first impressions go. The Looney Tunes level was great and I really like how the game looks. Also I'm just gonna say that the most hilarious thing about Gex to me is not the stupid one-liners, but how Gex just says them out of fucking nowhere, lol.

No one:
Literally no one:

Reminds me of Halloween at Rip Taylor's

Outta the way Mario 😎

in my copy gex is extremely homophobic and transphobic

I only wish there was analog control. then it wouldve been wonderful. it's pretty good as is.

Only third person game to ever give me motion sickness

Gex came a long way, from starring in three games to being the mascot of an insurance company. We're proud of you, Gex.

A heartfelt narrative about a gecko, it is like dinner at adam sandlers house

This game is more than a hoot than michael jacksons house party.