Reviews from

in the past

I was on the Playtest of this game, and despite some online issues, the game itself is a lot of fun. Highly anticipating to play some more of this game it's a blast. Please guys look up this game and see if you're interested, gotta support this dev team.

I'll update this review when it comes out but that play test was great man.

I only bought this game for the Godzilla dlc.

This harkens back to the old ps2 atari pipeworks games and War of the Monsters, a game type we've been severely lacking in recent time. Simple but fun, don't expect anything deep.

This pretty good.

it does have a single-player campaign which is pretty neat, seeing different cute little kaiju stories unfold.

but let's face it, you're here for the multiplayer, which is pretty fun.

Aside from the usual versus there are loads of little mini-game modes that are quite fun.

the game doesn't have the biggest roster of characters but I do like every one of them, especially after the Godzilla dlc.

definitely a fun couch co-op game to play that you'll especially enjoy if you're both little Kaiju nerds

A throwback to brawlers like War of the Monsters and the Godzilla games of the PS2/Gamecube era. Just a total blast, so fun to play something this well put together. It plays better than what inspires it, even. The single player is short and sweet, only took me about an hour and a half or so. I think some might see that as a detriment considering it's roughly $25 at this time, but it has a robust multiplayer. After all, it's a brawler! My only real gripes are that unfortunately it's not very alive online. It would make for a killer couch game though.

A really fun love letter to the Pipeworks Godzilla trilogy. My only real complaint is the lack of content, even with both DLC chapters. I'm also disappointed that I probably wont be able to get all of the achievements, as there doesn't seem to be an active player base for the online modes. I would love to see either a follow up to this game or the studio getting to work on an official Godzilla game.

Ehhh. Some of the mini-game modes were kind of fun, but even then only with friends. Overall it's just... ehhhhhh.

In a desperate need of modern Kaiju games and this is one of those that works. it's so much fun and it's also like, the best Godzilla game we had in ages

EDIT: Extra .5 star for Hedorah Nation

Parece um bom party game em uma tv e 4 controles

A+ for presentation, there's some really awesome, unique kaiju here and they captured some very authentic feeling physics for all of them. Playing Thundertross in particular is amazing, the way his sword is somehow weighted as if right out of a Megazord fight scene. Very nice music, too.

That said, this is a disappointingly simple fighting game. Every character has unique mechanics, but these mechanics almost come off as 'mash to win' buttons that just make every fight incredibly easy. Whether you're zoning with little limit as Pipiguras or capturing foes at every turn with Woolie, everyone has a distinct skill that adds a lot to their character but has little balance, making almost every character braindead to fight well as. As soon as you figure out your character's cheapest move with no cooldown, you have your win condition and the whole experience is kind of a cake walk.

Good ol Kaiju fun. Godzilla DLC really takes the cake!

Very reminiscent of the Pipeworks Godzilla games. A fun game to play every now and then on the Steam Deck. I could imagine this being fun in couch co-op too.

Que jogo bem.
Bom e fofo, daqueles que te prende daquela clichê padrão de kaiju.
Para mim a estória é melhor que o multiplayer e bem mais divertido.
Você fica o tempo tentando lembrar de qual a referencia daquele momento.

That one bit in Brooklyn Nine-Nine where Diaz talks about what she'd do if anything ever happened to Arlo the puppy - that's me with Gigaman!

Grabbed this with the DLC in the Steam sale and am pleasantly surprised by it. It's obvious that this was made by people who really love the old Godzilla PS2 games and love giant monster stuff in general (and Power Stone. They love Power Stone). It's not going to be winning any awards for technical depth, but Falcon Punching a kaiju into the nearest skyscraper and then meeting them on the rebound for seconds feels good and that's what's important. Lamping a giant robot with a radio tower should look and feel satisfying, and it does!
The original characters are all pretty fun and have a ton of personality. Gigaman and Pipijuras are my good friends! The DLC characters are all excellent - it's probably in their implementation that the team's commitment really shines through. I played a little bit of Ultraman and couldn't stop smiling at pretty much everything he does. Godzilla's dash attack is the Godzilla vs Megalon dropkick. Gigan is here and does stuff!! Gigan!!!
About the only complaint I have about it is that the amount of content is pretty thin even with the DLC (although the number of arenas is actually pretty good) - a very short story mode and then a handful of other modes like arcade, survival, etc. Not really too big of a deal, though - the game is clearly meant for playing a few matches with your mates. Get on it. Pipijuras vs Alien Baltan only, go!

Did I mention the music's good, by the way? The music's good.

A quick game but as expected for a monster Mash brawler. The combat and gameplay actually flows well it feels refreshing and unique the music is really good to surprisingly that caught me off guard at how entertaining it is. Not a whole lot to say about this it's fun and I can't wait to get the Godzilla dlc but yeah overall a good game

review: s'good, could be better and a bit of balancing in the story wouldn't hurt. starting with gorogong is the worst decision in the whole game.

first draft:Still playing, but making you start the story with fucking GOROGONG of all the possible monsters must be the most horrid choice they made. Getting my ass kicked in normal by everyone somehow, but that could be my skill issue (still kinda baffling monster can just combo your ass straight from the beginning, no difficulty curve at all? really?)

Yeah, this game is hella fun.
Gigabash is an arena fighting game where you play as different giant monsters based off classic kaiju media fighting in fully destructible environments like cities, military camps, research facilities, etc.
One of the best things about this game to me is how simple the controls are yet you can still pull off impressive moves or combos with them. It’s very much an easy to play, hard to master type game which is a genre of games I love because of how many hours you can sink into them. This also makes the game ideal for multiplayer as it makes explaining the controls to others a non-issue. The different characters you can select from are all fun to play as and do a really good job at being a homage to what they’re based on (my current main in the game is Kongkrete). My only main issue with this game is the lack of substantial content. There is a story mode which follows 4 of the characters in the roster but they’re extremely bare bones and are just a series of minigames or fights. Other than that there’s an arcade mode, an endless waves mode and a minigame mode but all of them kind of run their course after a couple of plays. The gameplay more than makes up for this lack of content but I would be lying if I said I wasn’t a bit disappointed by it. Overall, it’s an extremely fun fighting game that you can have a ton of fun with.

Gigabash is probably the closest we’ll get to the older Godzilla fighting games(bring those back!). Matches are too short. This game would be a lot better with the ability to change match rules.