Reviews from

in the past

Muito brabo, movesets diversificados, bosses sensacionais, foda. Aliás, eu tenho a cópia física original do PS2

not a big jump from the first game but i liked that the final cutscene of it is the first scene of GoW 3

Everything about GOW II feels grander than its predecessor. There’s more weapons, more content, more characters, and it really opens up the world of God of War by introducing us to the Gods and Titans, as well as the trilogy’s main villain, Zeus. There’s one spot with absurd difficulty (mainly a particular QTE sequence in my case) but otherwise it feels much more balanced than GOW I, which had many borderline untested sequences. I didn’t feel that the narrative was much stronger than GOW I, as both have tight stories with great moments but I expected a bit more of a step up in that regard. If GOW 1 is a light 4/5, then GOW II is a strong 4/5.

Mesma coisa que o primeiro com coisas a mais: novas magias, armas, cenários e nova história. Particularmente, prefiro o primeiro devido ao impacto inicial que ele me deu. Mas reconheço que o segundo melhora bastante coisa do primeiro. Outro clássico do PS2.

El mejor juego de ps2, y el mejor god of war de los de la saga de Grecia

It's absolutely insane that this is a PS2 game. Completely pushing the limits on what the console can do when it comes to spectacle and set pieces.

Que buen juegoo, la podes poner y todo, es increible, igual no le sale nada del pito a Kratos che, sera que es puto? Suerte

Quadrado, quadrado, quadrado, triângulo

It has some pretty nice set pieces here but i wish the gameplay was elevated more. Its pretty average there.

Hmm, hadn't revisited this one for a long time. Again I'll try to take in mind this is a 14yo game.

Having just finished a God of War replay, I can confidently say this one didn't stand the test of time as good as the first one. Not sure if it's the repetitive gameplay, unpolished combat system and weapons or the awkward rhythm and progression of the simple and uneventful story ark.

What I Played: The whole campaign on hard mode, completed with most Spells and Weapons maxed and emphasis on exploration.

What is Good:
- The first 3-4 hours. Returning to God of War feels refreshing and promising. Kratos has a couple of new moves and ways he can interact with the environment (for its time) which now looks more interesting than ever.

What is not Good:
- After the first 4 hours, the game starts becoming more and more like a clon of the original. The overall mood and environments become bland and repetitive.
- The puzzles are not as ingenious or interesting as in the first game.
- The sky battles seemed cool at the beginning but they could have done so much more with them. They feel like a wasted opportunity more than anything else.
- The story doesn't make sense. Using the concept of time as a story driving mechanism is not easy, and when you handle it irresponsibly it can break your whole universe apart.

Final Thoughts:
God of War 2 feels like a rushed clon from the original game. A lot of resources were invested on making the first act look and play great, but they couldn't translate that to the whole game. Still, I remember enjoying the hell of it when I was a late teen and could be a good time if you've never played it before ;)

Everything that was a bit unpolished in the first game they did right in this one. Can't really say anything bad about it.

A definite improvement over it's predecessor, nothing much else to it

My first god of war, fun, violent, a classic.

Arregla muchos problemas de su antecesor, haciéndolo visualmente espectacular, con un combate mucho más variado que transmite el estado de locura y de inconsciencia temporal de Kratos.

One of my childhood games, i finished this in a PS Cafe.

Truly good story with the best protagonist, Kratos.

PSTV version sucked so much I had to emulate it

anche questo me lo ricordo lunghissimo

meu favorito entre os clássicos, joguei sapoha umas 8 vezes