Reviews from

in the past

the first god of war game to really turn things around. god of war seemed to have a future of mediocrity until cory barlog took it by the goolies and decided that it should be one of the best action franchises ever instead

A revenge, betrayal and hate history told for us by the greatest unidimensional warrior of the games, exhales masculinity and coolness everywhere, funny and satisfatory.

Everything good about the first one but improved.

Sublime. The platforming has been perfected (GOD I wish
I had the Icarus wings in the first game) and the action is on such a huge scale that it's a wonder the PS2 could contain it.

The best out of the original three in every way but especially story and action and less frustrating platforming. Really cannot emphasize that last point enough.

this one made me fall in love with the series. a game cant be more perfect and timeless and beautiful and just perfectly perfect

It's the same game but Kratos is even more pissed now and he's even edgier than last time.

Lembro como se fosse ontem, meu tio chegando pra mim e mostrando um dvd escrito "God of War 2".
O jogo mal tinha sido lançado e ele ja tinha conseguido baixar. Tudo bem que as CGI's estavam com péssima qualidade, mas o jogo estava lindo, perfeitamente feito pra esmagar botões.
Zerei inúmeras vezes.

It's a long corridor but really satisfying to go through.

this game > every "good" DMC game
sorry folks

I know that this was considered more or less the peak of the series before the reboot, but I actually found it to be somewhat disappointing. It’s certainly bigger, but I felt like it was retreading a lot of ground.

The one big improvement was the focus on bosses – there are a ton of them – and given how full of colorful characters and monsters this world is, that was definitely the right way to go.

I’m honestly not exactly sure what it was that I wanted^ from a sequel after being so impressed by the original, but this wasn’t quite it. It’s mostly the same, but it feels a tiny bit less inspired. Still a solid, polished action game, no doubt.

^Oh, I know one thing I DIDN’T want from this game: for it to end on a bullshit cliffhanger.

Loved the scale but this didnt really have the dynamics of it like the first one did, that feeling of it being the “middle-part” never really went away, but I guess you didnt have too many games paced like that at the time.

One of my favorites of all time. I'd even go further and say it's my favorite ps2 game.

I think I beat the main campaign 30 times or so

What can I say, I adore these games! God of War 2 is not my favorite but still good and fun.

Not nearly as good as the first one.
The storyline is pretty sloppy.
The alternate weapons are pretty much garbage. No more two-hand sword from the 1st game which I loved.
Environment was cool at the beginning, but then kind of ends up being boring.

Um jogo muito bom que vale muito apena vc jogar

Better than the first. Actual proper bosses, alternate weapons, etc. Kratos becomes basically irredeemable at this point though no matter what God of War 3 tries to say.

More of the same really. Slightly more streamlined than the 1st, but this still neglects to fix the main issues with this franchise. Even graphically feels of the same quality. I never wanna play a 3rd person actioner where you can't move the camera ever again tbh.

Kratos is fuckin pissed again guess he's gotta swing those chain swords around forever.

Rented from Blockbuster when I was a kid and forced my parents to basically buy it from them cause I hid it lol

Mantendo a mesma qualidade do primeiro jogo, o segundo jogo da série traz mais e melhor, se destacando em todos os aspectos que o anterior, apesar de não trazer nenhuma grande novidade.

Improved massively on the first game, the story was much more engaging, having to defeat the sisters of fate to prevent Kratos’ death was a great idea for the story, and shows just how unstoppable Kratos really is. The combat is still fun and is much less clunky than before, and there is enough variety of enemies to keep the fairly simple hack and slash combat engaging with some good boss battles too. The set pieces are also great in this game and there is much more variety than there was in the first.

The best game of action that i play in my hole life.