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in the past

Not finished it yet but this is cooler than i thought it would be. There's quite a lot of effort put into this for a free dlc.

“It’s just a free dlc, don’t expect too much!”

What we got:

Way better than I thought it would be and it's free!

Que expansão boa, não esperava nada e entregou tudo. Pura nostalgia e um final muito mais digno e respeitoso pro kratos do que o jogo base.
Parece até que tiveram mais carinho e paixão nessa DLC do que na criação do ragnarok.

This is a great surprise. A solid roguelike on its own but also a gratifying conclusion of Kratos' road to becoming the Norse God of War. Fuckin loved it

This was a treat for both the new and old gow fans.A lot of references of the old trilogy at the same time it progresses Kratos story.
New to roguelite but had a blast trying to conquer the chalenges.
Great boss fights at the end of each run.

I'm not a fan of rouglites so this DLC wasn't targeted to me anyways. It's good in terms of story, same old god of war writing which is nice, I just hate how I had to restart from the shores every time I died (which was a lot). I died 3 times to Tyr in the first fight with him and 4 more times in the second and just gave up after that. I don't have the time to keep replaying it.

história PERFEITA do caralho, wtf.

In absolute disbelief that this was just some DLC they gave away. A whole ass roguelite mode with great mechanics, cool boss fights, and a great epilogue that will hit harder the more God of War games you've played. Not much more to ask for from a DLC, especially for free.

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At first I was skeptical believing this to be just another one of the modes in GOW 4 like the maze, however it actually expands from the main story and wraps up more things and im my opinion, has made me more excited for the next releases.

Kratos is being challenged with his past in an amazing roguelike where you're pushed to your limits, fighting old foes testing your knowledge of the game as well as your adaptability, giving you new enemy types to face.

The new rage mode is something past god of war fans will love being the blade of olympus, whether this is to stay in the next title I'm unsure however the rage mode, rather than giving you an easy pass is almost like a whole new weapon, with it requiring you to parry and use it to its max.

As well as encountering young kratos at the end, we now get to play as him which is great, and the model is perfect! Santa Monica has given me a reason to play new game+ again and experience the story in a new, fun and interesting way.

Apart from all the new things, the story of this DLC is quite compelling, with Kratos becoming closer to that "All-Father" status and potentially growing closer to Freya too. Tyr also makes a great appearance and shows a glimpse of what potentially may be in hold for the future titles.

For a paid DLC this is insane, and an amazing DLC. Except it's free, so I don't see why anyone has the reason to skip this one. It's 100% worth the try to "Master Thyself."

There are many new enemies added, I enjoyed fighting all of them. I started on Show me resolve, then bumped it up to Show me Courage then put it back to Show me resolve. I found myself having a pretty easy time with resolve, but actually dying and having to run multiple times with courage.(maybe skill issue?)

I liked the story aspect of it too, at least the parts related to Kratos. I didn't really care about the Valkyrie's stories which are always paused in-between runs. By the time I finish a run and the valkyrie can continue the story, I've lost interest.

It was a fun 10 hours for me. I wouldn't have minded paying 10, max 20 euro for this, but it's free so that's even better.

Nice little Christmas gift from Santa Monica studios. They even got Santa in their name. Har Har.

Valhalla is a neat dlc for God of War fans and those enjoy its combat system. Nice character arc for Kratos. The boss fights are cool. My only problem is that if you die, you gotta start all over. Before the final boss, you got to go through 3 realms, fight one of Valhalla's chosen, fight a mini boss, then fight 6 more of Valhalla's chosen in Greece. After all that, you fight the final boss and if you die, you gotta do that all over again. Gets kinda long, tedious and repetitive. Thing is, you have to repeat that process a minimum of 3 times anyway because of story. Wish there was a checkpoint mechanic, but I guess that would defeat the purpose of what this dlc is supposed to be: a gauntlet run where you acquire resources and upgrades the more enemies you slay.

Overall, it's a fun dlc and one worth checking out, especially since it's free. It just gets a little repetitive.

Uma das maiores surpresas que eu já tive, essa expansão é uma carta de amor a franquia. Um epílogo introspectivo para a jornada de Kratos, recheado de conteúdo novo e surpresas do passado envolto em um looping de gameplay prazeroso.

É muito mais do que eu esperava, God of War Ragnarök tem um dos meus sistemas de combate favoritos nos jogos, e aqui tendo esse fator aleatório do gênero roguelike, cria um looping viciante, a quantidade de conteúdo novo me impressionou também, essa expansão é um triunfo.

Corporate greed has been seeping its way into the gaming world for years now. But, thankfully, the consumer does still get some W's. I would've gladly paid $20 for a Ragnarök DLC. Santa Monica Studios is making the highest quality video games out there AND setting an example of how to treat your fans right.

This was a cool DLC. It didn't have quite as much roguelite depth as other games of the genre, but it was still saved by the fact that it was God of War. The roguelike mechanics felt most influenced by Hades. We got some insight into Kratos' character, and I'm a sucker for that; he is one of the most complicated characters in video game history and one of the most prestigious.

You give me more focus on developing Kratos’ character with a unique spin on the combat I already love, I give you 4 stars no questions asked

Also, with how much NEW and insanely cool stuff they put in here, I can’t believe it’s a free expansion, thank you Santa Monica

Não há muito o que falar aqui a não ser que essa expansão é uma carta de amor para todos os fãs de GoW. O êxtase de nostalgia que eu senti em diversos momentos foi algo que conseguiu me conectar com o meu eu pequeno que era fanático pelos jogos antigos da franquia e o que eu mais admiro nisso tudo é uma DLC desse calibre vir totalmente gratuita, com adições incríveis e até mesmo algumas surpresas! Santa Monica se provando mais uma vez ser uma dev fantástica, tanto pelo carinho que eu ela tem por sua maior franquia e o carinho pelos fãs.

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Thanks Santa Monica for the free DLC! Seriously, it’s great! When I saw this at the game awards I was so excited. I love the roguelike genre so having DLC like this was definitely worth it.

I think my only complaint is that the encounters are pretty short, but for what it’s worth it’s still a fairly good roguelike mode. I think for the future I’ll ramp up the difficulty.

The conclusion to Kratos’ character was satisfying, I really enjoyed seeing that despite it being a very short campaign. I haven’t collected all the Captain keys and memories yet but I will be chipping that away eventually.

Que satisfação de ter queimado a língua. Que aula da Santa Monica com uma expansão viciante, que complementa a história e é gratuita. O Chris Judge tem uma cena nessa DLC que fez eu adorar ainda mais esse Kratos.

Incrível onde uma DLC de modo de gameplay é ROGUE LIKE ser tão bom assim, Santa Mônica aparece do nada e lança simplesmente a DLC do ano.

Amei tudo que eu vi, não tenho nenhuma crítica de verdade oq eles fizeram com o Kratos, o fã service o desenvolvimento do personagem e como eles deixaram o futuro da franquia e algo a se levantar e bater palma, nível do jogo base que é top 3 exclusivos Sony para mim.

Meus amigos, esse foi o melhor presente de natal que eu poderia receber. E ainda foi dado por uma empresa multinacional que nem sabe que eu existo.

Para começar o fato dele ser de graça já amenizou um pouco das minhas expectativas, achei que seria só uma cópia de graça de Niflheim do God of War(2018), MAS NÃO! A DLC traz inimigos novos e uma história nova, com um tempo considerável de gameplay (zerei em aprox. 8h).
No trailer liberado no TGA mostrava resquícios de um ambiente grego, esse ambiente que traz um Fan-Service muito forte, mas que, ao mesmo tempo, não se perde na narrativa.
A história da DLC é incrível e carrega uma das melhores performances do Christopher Judge como Kratos. É DE ARREPIAR o que esse cara faz atuando.
Na parte da gameplay, para uma DLC, como eu já disse, é bem longuinho, e não enjoa. A St Monica conseguiu colocar de forma muito melhor o Rogue Like nessa expansão, comparando tanto com a tentativa em 2018 quanto com outros jogos completos do gênero.

Excelente expansão, prato cheio para fãs da saga grega e um modo Roguelite bastante sólido.

Ótimo conteúdo e ainda por cima gratuito, não é necessário entrar em detalhes, um fan service bem feito que ousou mais em 4 horas do que o jogo base inteiro em 50.

For a free downloandable content it seriously rocks. However, as a roguelite it is at its infancy at best. Gets an extra 0.5 for being simply free. Since the game already has a solid ground of course it's as fun as it could get. Tyr bosses (all 4 phases) are worth to give a go for as well as the story pieces from the past games and how they tied to the ending now. Good to see sob Helios once again. Good to see ancient greece enemies once again. That's it, I guess. It's a rather short but sweet game mode.

Quando anunciado, esperava que essa DLC não agregaria muito ao jogo.
Surpreendentemente, Valhalla é um modo roguelite bem robusto. Além de adicionar novidades para a gameplay, novas boss figths, a Santa Monica entrega uma narrativa interessante, bem melhor que a do jogo base (não que fosse dificil).
Valhalla também é um roguelite que trabalha muito bem a progressão, mais até que o Returnal, roguelike Triple A da Sony.

This is good, a solid epilogue with fun roguelike gameplay, I do think multiple runs do get more tedious just due too how similar they generally feel but this is good, must play if you beat Ragnarok.

Don't get mad at me, but this DLC was more fun than Spider-Man 2.