Reviews from

in the past

I still don't know how they manage to run in 1080i.

license test your way to a fun game eventually

Wow. I love GT Sport, but this outdoes it in every way. It has smoother driving and is all around just great. This is making me so excited to get GT3 A-Spec!


i dont remember playing the game very well but the soundtrack holds to this day

good game, many cars good ost by t square guy

gt4 fans when they break coffee idk

how does this game's barebones online mode has better netcode than all the racing games today?

initial d been making me wanna get into car games so decided to emulate this. first sim racing game this shit is addicting. time trials on the italian maps with the banging soundtrack in the background rule. just pure soul on display.

Jogava com os meus irmãos, foda.

Patrick Bateman com fones de ouvido tocando GT Mode 5

S tier simcade racing on PS2 - loads of content, amazing graphics, and impressive wheel support

Very much peak racing. With its problems I agree with it probably has the least for me personally for how many things it gets right. 700+ cars for a ps2 and over 50 tracks gives it a large replay value. The selection of cars are varied and a fair few come cheap through the returning used car sales. Probably got the best legendary cars with like 1 HP mobiles and stuff. The music is delightful and the presentation is mind blowing for a ps2. While the game is a bit slower to load the gt3. It's a lot faster than its sequels and it's impressive for the system and now. A great starting point for anyone wanting to race although the physics go for a more much Sim feel. Like a massive leap forward where I almost recommend a wheel is necessary. But man it's just a good time sink. Probably peak of the series even tho you still can't paint ya car lmao. This game is great and I'm having a good ass Time with this series. Also they added town of people and crows and they even have pit animations:)

Na época já era um grande jogo no que diz respeito á gráficos e principalmente gameplay. Com um toque de realidade e uma física diferente para os jogos de corrida.

Um exímio simulador que é fiel á muitas coisas.
Porém não faz meu estilo. Sinto ser um jogo muito simulador, muito real, muita física.
Mesmo com carros potentes você tinha dificuldade em acelerar e ultrapassar.

Not a huge fan of racing games, but this is a pretty good one and I had some fun. My dad was the one that loved it.

Not as good as GT3 in my opinion but this game should never have been able to run on PS2. An absolute masterpiece of a racing game and a must play for any racing fan

Still working on it, completed about 50% of all races

Uno de los mejores homenajes a la historia del automovilismo.

The best simulation racing game that will ever exist. The technological and licensing circumstances that led to this game will never happen again.

The game's presentation conveys a hushed, reverent worship of the automobile and motorsports. It's a classy, understated magnificence that no other racing game has come close to capturing. It also functions really well as a virtual museum of car history.

Shame the progression is so wonky and cheeseable.

The depth and realism of Gran Turismo 4 was simply astonishing at the time. The racing was superb - but what really made the game tick was everything around it. It was a racing game where you could sink hours not racing, taking driving tests, upgrading your cars, hitting the oval to break speed records, watching an AI driving race for you in B-Spec mode.. so many ways to enjoy the game as short breaks between the highly intense act of racing. Superb soundtrack too. Masterpiece.

Volvería a hacer la comunión por ti.

Esse jogo tem classe.

Bonito, realista, e com classe

Eu não sou o maior fan de jogo de carro puxado pro realismo prefiro os mentiroso

Mas esse aqui não tem como, joguei bastante o gran turismo 2 e de fato é absurdo como ele é a frente do seu tempo num console tão fraquinho como o ps1

Mas o quarto game não tem mais essa limitação de hardware. Nossa que jogo maravilhoso, em todos os aspectos

Eu amo principalmente a estética, a soundtrack, o layout, a direção de arte, tudo deixa o game com extrema classe, as músicas são absurdasss

Os modos são os de sempre porém a quantidade de veículos e modos de jogo obviamente aumentou, além da gameplay ter sido levada ao seu ápice, pra época claro, mas até hoje é ótimo.

De verdade algumas músicas desse jogo ecoam na minha cabeça até hoje

O sistema de progressão com certeza é o ponto alto desse jogo, aumenta e muito seu fator replay, magnífico

Eu literalmente tirei minha carteira de motorista nesse jogo esquece pai é motorista

Curiosamente também é um dos poucos jogos que roda a 1080i com cabo componente (sim não é 1080p porque a sony não gosta de potência prefere o embaçado do i vtnc que decisão terrível)

Um dos meus jogos favoritos de todos os tempos de fato

A title that, at the time, felt like the absolute zenith of the series, it's shining monument. History alas, has shown this to be the case in a much different way. A metric truck load of content, but content that would continue to linger in the series for nearly a decade afterwards. The true beginning of Polyphony huffing their own farts to a substantial degree. AI problems that still are not fixed even today. And a game that while good, is weighed down by the power of hindsight and knowledge that many of the problems faced by GT today, really originate from this title.

tenía volante en esta epoca, god

needs no words. play it yourself.

literally the best racing game of all time there's no existing way to change my mind about it