Reviews from

in the past

Gorgeous playground of Southern California to explore and mess around in and the characters (minus Franklin) were all very enjoyable. Trevor stole the show.

The things this game has to say are not said well and are problematic both in content and execution and overall it kind of leaves a sour taste in your mouth, but damn if it isn't an incredibly fun game.

the main story was lots of fun

pretty sure this game was written by a 15 year old trapped in an older man's body

I wasn't allowed to get this game on launch because I cheated on a Japanese test, but my parents caved and I got it like a week later. It was pretty good.

this game gives me awful vibes and i hate it

the worldview of GTAV is that the world's too cruel and terrible for even the possibility of goodness, and the only way to succeed is to embrace that and become the absolute worst person possible, but rest assured even that won't make you happy.

it makes my fuckin' skin crawl

A story of epic preportions staring epic GTA Michael, GTA Trevor and GTA Franklin. Bad news! The government is corupt! Can the three caballeros stop them? Apparently so with enough bullets.

There is a great game in there somewhere. The open world, story and driving are all terrific, but it's dragged down by shallow shooting mechanics and terrible mission structure where you can fail the mission if you try approaching them differently. It's kind of ironic how a game about you being an outlaw requires you to follow the game's laws so strictly. The online is also absolutely lousy. It's at least fun with friends.

Story takes a hard hit from IV to V, but the sense of chaos, satire, and freedom are only expanded on.

As long as the storyline is carrying me along, this game is a blast. The driving is by far the most exciting in any GTA, and the city of Los Santos feels like a rich, living city, as long as I have a purpose moving me through it. It's just that something about the narrative and game structure make every moment of discontinuity feel like a great time to put the game down forever.

A beautiful world deserving of better gameplay.

The story is fine, but the most I got out of it came from online play. It's fun.

Enjoyed part of it but the story didn't really hook me. It's got a lot of what feels like filler.

Mechanically it feels okay but it doesn't feel well polished on any of them. Shooting doesn't feel good at all. Driving is fun though and maybe the best part of the game.

Really fun. Story holds it back, though.

Only played singleplayer and GTA 5 is a tremendous step forward from GTA 4 in almost every regard. Gorgeous, well optimized, fantastic city full of life and details and an interesting (although somewhat underused on the heists missions) 3 character interactions. The story is nothing to write home about but the writing itself is very solid.

The first and only GTA I've played all the way through. I remember messing around with San Andreas over at a friend's house when that came out. I remember having a ton of fun then. This time around it more felt like I needed to finish it because GTA is such a huge franchise. I don't remember much about it, and what I do remember are things where I didn't enjoy it. I guess my "gamer card" can say that I've beaten a GTA so I can get more "cred", but I don't know if I'll play another one.

online sucks, physics engine is worse than gta v, story could be... better? it's stull fun, affapkofsapkosaf pklsf dmks gfmdsgf lmk vcsmzklx vcm;kx vc;mklc THIS IS A REVIERW OF THE GAME GRA

why do they call it "grand theft auto" when all i do is ride the road bike

This game was given to me by my mom the night before a big college entrance exam. I didn't get in. But it was worth it hahahaha.

The story is a bit slow at points, but as all Rockstar games are, it's an achievement.

Story is such a mess which is unfortunate, all the pieces are there. Multiplayer is an absolute blast though, according to the in game clock I have 8 days logged online so far which is...sad

Has been out for over 7 years, has been transferred over to different consoles and it still holds up as one of the best GTA's ever made

I mean its a classic. But i dont want to buy it 3 times haha (ps3,ps4 and ps5)

Never really grabbed me in the way that previous ones like Vice City and San Andreas did, GTA Online leans way too much in on MTX and rich get richer for it to beat out 4, I feel like all in all it's just not as good as what came before it.

a classic but im not buying this game again on god

Worth playing for the spectacle of a game with this amount of money put towards it. The gameplay is give or take but the direction and writing of the cut-scenes save this from an average score.

Modo história muito bom só que o online estraga praticamente tudo que há de bom

This is a great game all the way! If there is any game I should revisit, this definitely makes it high up the list.