Reviews from

in the past

A fun time, play as a hamster and get into some mischief!

Very cute game and nostalgic

This game genuinely rules. It's not a meme or a joke, it's an actual good game that people truly enjoy (and they're correct)

i beat this so many times as a kid and i beat it again every couple years and it just never stops being fun and sweet and important to me :)

THE game to play when you're in a bad mood, this game makes me feel every good feeling at the same time

hades WISHES it could be hamtaro ham-ham heartbreak.

This game is so cute and underrated omg. It might be my nostalgia talking, but I had so much fun when I was a kid while playing it.

One of the tightest adventure games ever. Charming and packed with breadcrumbs to fuck off and do collectables or pictures. A very delightful and careful game fitting for an underappreciated and pastoral franchise.

playing this will get you bitches

This game has no right to be this good considering its a licensed game of Hamtaro of all things. But it is and I am here for it.

i tried taking my gba into the bathtub to play this / i rented it form gamefly and i dropped my gba in the tub and returned the game broken 💀

You can beat up the other hamsters

Este juego es muchísimo mejor de lo que parece. Es una aventura gráfica repletita de humor y buen rollo, con una música cojonuda, mogollón de animaciones divertidas y detalladas, secretos a punta pala... ¡Es una maravilla! No lo subestiméis sólo por ser un juego de Hamtaro, a poco que hayáis visto y disfrutado su serie de peques, lo vais a pasar pipa con esta joyaza.

a really REALLY cute game involving the Hamtaro crew as they try to defeat the dastardly Spat from breaking everyone's heart. Nintendo was proud enough for this game to get a mention in Super Smash Bros. Brawl.... and for good reason

This partially may be nostalgia, but this is easily one of if not my favorite GBA and honestly probably the best ‘licensed’ game I’ve ever played. The gameplay and puzzles are fun, story is cute, and it has cute hamsters, can’t go wrong with that.

No, Mom, it’s NOT a kids game.

Como si fuera Pokémon, entiende que el uso de una franquicia de dibujos animados para niños incita a poner énfasis en la colección. Es decir, es tedioso como él solo en absolutamente todas sus mecánicas (cuando decides poner el foco en grindear, esto se amplifica un poco más), y las dinámicas a las que acaba llevando su diseño empeoran por completo esto, pero curiosamente tuve ese impulso al final de completar ciertas quests del endgame que estaban a mi alcance, aunque fuese secundario. Ahí entendí que aunque su vertiente más repetitiva de point and click no creo que entretenga a mucha gente, una persona que le tenga mucho cariño a la serie o un niño que disfrute de ella, tendrá rato para entretenerse con las finalidades que busca este juego.

Aunque es cierto que el alma de Hamtaro Ham Ham Heartbreak se consigue dependiendo casi totalmente de su diseño visual, su paleta de colores pasteles, sus muchas animaciones, personajes y diálogos. Sinceramente, es tan bonito que, aunque sintiéndolo casi la mayor parte del tiempo un coñazo, he conseguido dejarme llevar por su llamativo encanto hasta el final.

I'm not even sure why I picked this game up in the first place. I only had the faintest glimmer of familiarity with Hamtaro from when I was a very young child. Even so, I picked up this game, and was pleasantly surprised by what I found.

This is a puzzle/adventure game where your primary tools are a variety of "Ham-Ham Speak" phrases. They're used for a variety of purposes, and you're constantly uncovering new phrases by exploring and experimenting. While simplistic in execution, it causes the lighthearted and humorous writing to shine through brilliantly.

On top of the witty writing, the humor is primarily displayed through adorable, wonderfully animated sprites. Every single Ham-Ham Speak phrase has a unique animation associated with it, and the game was constantly making me laugh with the antics that ensued.

The only real point I can give against the game is that it does fall into "guide-dangit" territory every so often, even with how linear the game already is.

Overall, a really fun and amusing feel-good adventure that I think I could recommend to just about anyone. Even an uninitiated person like me who barely knows what a "Hamtaro" is could get a lot of enjoyment out of this.

A combat-less RPG focused around talking to hamsters while you play as a pair of hamsters, (concurrently, all the time), doing cute emotes together. With homages to Luigi's Mansion and the Legend of Zelda, there is more depth and variety to be found than the box art might suggest.

Developed by Pax Softnica for the Game Boy Advance, Hamtaro: Ham-Ham Heartbreak closely follows as a mechanical successor to their charming Game Boy Color game, Hamtaro: Ham-Hams Unite!, released a year prior. After Hamtaro: Ham-Ham Heartbreak, future Hamtaro games were developed by Alpha Dream, and a year later following this game's release, Alpha Dream released Mario and Luigi: Super Star Saga, also for the Game Boy Advance. That's right, the "control two protagonists" gimmick that sustained the Mario and Luigi franchise was inspired directly by Hamtaro: Ham-Ham Heartbreak.

As a successor to Unite, Heartbreak has many balance and quality of life changes that make for a smoother gameplay experience. The hint system has become more robust, costs for story relevant item purchases have been reduced, and currency acquisition has been boosted. (Most important to me is the reduction in grifters - Unite was fierce in how many hamsters were out to scam you out of your hard earned sunflower seeds!)

The central gimmick of controlling two hamsters at once gives the game a unique and wholesome feel unlike anything I've played. Most game actions are performed as a duo, but their reactions to situations are still unique. For example, you'll need to balance on each other's shoulders for reaching high places, or pull together to open heavy doors. But there are plenty of small touches that show their individuality. The male hamster gets scared on rollercoasters the girl hamster finds delightful. The degree to which you see the pair as a unit is enough to make you feel naked in the rare occasions they get separated, beyond the loss of actions that can only be performed as a duo.

The gameplay loop involves a brat hamster with a pitchfork causing G-rated mischief and throwing otherwise loving relationships into strife. Your hamster duo must use the power of communication to clear up misunderstandings and set things right. The more couples you help, the more your vocabulary grows, and the more actions you can perform and hamsters you can help. I appreciate that the game shows romantic, family, and friendship types of love in equal amounts in your quest, and even throws in a kiss between himbos. Gay representation in a Japanese 2002 children's game? No idea how this was made!

While Unite is fairly grounded in its middle school neighborhood setting, with levels based on shrines and libraries, Heartbreak is more fantastical than I expected. This game has a direct antagonist with shapeshifting powers, and the levels of amusement parks and spooky mansions have robots, ghosts, and drag queens. The final level has you sieging a moated castle with the power of a magical spoon, stuck in a pedestal Legend of Zelda style, which can only be claimed by collecting the three colored marbles. (These games were published by Nintendo.)

In my rating system, 2 stars represents an average game, and I award Hamtaro: Ham-Ham Heartbreak 3 stars as a solid B rank game. As a children's game, this is a wonderful introduction to the medium, showcasing charm and variety in an approachable way that invites the player to discover its secrets.

Llegará el día en que me de por escribir una tesis sobre las lecturas comunistas de Hamtaro, pero hoy no es ese día.

This was fun…not too great to revisit as an adult though. Much better than its predecessor.

the perfect game. no notes

This one had boss fights, which was pretty cool.

A very funny cute and charming game definitely worth playing if you want an relaxing time, or just really like hamsters.