Reviews from

in the past

Extremely chill clicking on things simulator.

[Main Story] + [100% Achievements]
There is not much to say for those who loved the first game. What I can add is that if you liked the first one you will love this too.

Nesse jogo você basicamente vai clicando e "farmando" para tentar desvendar os puzzles e vendo uma historia que é bem clicher porem ta la para falar que ela existe, é um jogo legal, gaste um bom tempo nele, algumas hora fiquei meio com medo caso eu meio me trava-se sozinho no jogo, por exemplo acabar as coisas porque não soube usar, porem no final consegui zerar ele e ainda platinar, então é um jogo bem legalzinho, recomendo comprar em promoção, e é isso meo

i achieved inner peace playing this game

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Warning: spoilers Great sequel, although the same game as the first.

Hero of the Kingdom II takes you on another adventure in a kingdom far away. After the dust had settled in the first installment and you found your father, it is time to explore new islands and parts of the kingdom to save your sister this time.

In this game, you and your sister finally found refuge in a small fishing village and were ready to start a new life. But then, a horde of vicious pirates kidnapped your sister and terrorizes the kingdom. You put on your adventure gear (I think) once again and set sail in a quest to save your sister and (of course) the kingdom.

Although the story is exactly the same as the first game, save your relative and restore balance to the kingdom, it is still as much fun. Sometimes you just don’t need anything more.

You, again, explore a big landscape with many different areas/maps, which all have a ton of stuff to do. This time, that also includes far away islands. You receive quests; find items you need to complete tasks and find hidden objects. Every quest has its own requirements and backtracking between the areas of the kingdom and its islands is necessary.

The graphics did not change from the first game and are still as colorful and beautiful as the first game. The same goes for the sound and music, the added sounds of the sea and the wildlife there is a nice addition. There are also a lot of different items and collectibles to find, giving it even more variation.

Hero of the Kingdom II adds some new and unique puzzles that gives the game its variation in comparison with the first game. The inventory system and mechanics, however, are still the same. This game is a lot bigger however, and packed with much more content, places and stuff than its predecessor. It is safe to say that it is almost twice as big.

Once again, although a fairly simple and cheap game, it is packed with content. You never get bored and are constantly searching for items, combining previous found objects and solving challenging puzzles. Because this game is much larger than the first game, the value you get for your buck is excellent.

I once gain enjoyed every minute of this game. It never bored me, and it is games like this that I miss sometimes, giving you a break from all the frustration of shooters and RPG’s.

I would definitely recommend this gem.

It's a click and point game where most of what you do is gathering materials/gaining gold all for the purpose of bartering/getting other materials you really need. It has a pretty basic RPG story of saving your sister from pirates, but its pretty chill and comfy. Felt like I found a dope ass flash game and just got lost in it.