Reviews from

in the past

I like the artsyle but the gameplay is just a standard racing game.

Solid arcade racer with nice visuals and music. Not much else to say though and I don't see myself playing it more than the one GP I did, but it's not bad.

I think almost everyone owns this on PC by now due to how may times it's been bundled and given away lol

Hotshot Racing confirmed to me exactly what "rubberbanding" is in racing games.

Which is also to say, Hotshot Racing is an excellent racing game to experience incredibly aggressive levels of "rubberbanding."

A+ aesthetics though. Drifting feels good and going fast feels good. Pretty sure I got this for free somehow. Don't buy this.

It's a great multiplayer game! Really fun to pull out at a kickback. Fun, classic arcade style racing. Just not enough depth to keep you playing for a long time in singleplayer.

It's definitely a fun arcade racing game, though I don't know if worth more than one playthrough fun.
I also recommend putting dialogue volume all the way down because why would you add le funny quirky dialogue in a fucking racing game.

Bom jogo de corrida arcade, tá no nível do Horizon Chase, mas com level design mais elaborado. Geralmente fica bem barato na Steam, então eu recomendo pra quem gosta de jogo de carrinho

Super satisfying controls and cool design. A little sparse though

I wanted to play a game, and I didn't want a tutorial or an opening cutscene or an expository monologue and Hotshot Racing delivered. I did turn the dialogue volume all the way down though, because unless you're Funky Kong I don't wanna hear you hootin' and hollerin'.

It's a strangely fun game for something that seems so simple, the only issue I had with it was really the boost gain that sometimes feels like is barely there, even though it isn't, it's just really slow. Otherwise even the music is pretty decent.

Lucky Mountain Games, Curve Digital, and Sumo Nottingham have created a superb arcade racer that pays homage to the beloved Sega racing games of the past. While I haven't played those games myself, I must confess, I can still confidently say that it is a well-crafted and fun as hell experience in its own right with tight controls, good track design, and the colorful low poly visuals that give the game a ton of personality.

My only major complaint with this game is that the voice lines in races were really annoying or so repetitive that I had to eventually turn them off. It's a shame because I genuinely enjoy the announcer's voice. For just 20 dollars, I strongly recommend getting this package, and it's an incredible deal if it goes on sale. If you're seeking an arcade racer that can be enjoyed without investing too much time into it, this is the game for you.

I really want to like Hotshot Racing. It's an unashamed tribute to the golden age of proper arcade racers, but unfortunately it's just not really that fun. Between the weird handling and the bland visual style, there's just not a lot that kept me engaged after finishing the cups a few times.

For a very simple tribute to arcade racers this is very easily one of my favorite racer. I really liked the drifitng in this game, it just felt right to me, and at higher speeds doing time trials was more enjoyable than I thought, I really wish this game had more people that played it because the online would be really fun.

O melhor: O visual low-poly colorido é muito bonito
O pior: Rubberbanding absurdo da CPU e o deserto que é o modo online
Peça rara: Triste ver como jogos de corrida arcade andam em extinção

Hotshot Racing é um jogo de corrida arcade que remete bastante a clássicos como Daytona USA e Ridge Racer. É bem clara a proposta do jogo e eu acho que, na maior parte, ele consegue executar bem o seu papel. A estética low-poly foi uma ótima escolha, se por um lado não há tanta variedade visual nos carros, as pistas são cheias de detalhes e bem coloridas. Os controles são o que você espera de um jogo do tipo, bastante foco em drift para encher sua barra de turbo, e num geral funcionam muito bem, dando uma boa sensação de controle do carro.

O modo principal Grand Prix consiste em diferentes competições com quatro corridas cada, e o bom é que mesmo no nível Expert é possível conquistar o troféu de ouro sem necessariamente ter que chegar em primeiro nas quatro corridas. Isso é importante porque, principalmente na dificuldade mais alta, o rubberbanding é muito perceptível. O atributo de velocidade do seu carro parece ser irrelevante nessas horas, pois qualquer adversário pode te ultrapassar quando bem entender, e é meio ridículo quando você vê um outro carro um pouco mais a frente, usa um turbo e a distância permanece a mesma. É difícil entender o porquê disso, eu pelo menos considero esse tipo de desafio mais desanimador do que empolgante.

O jogo também conta com modos extras além dos tradicionais Arcade e Time Trial, como um modo polícia e ladrão e algo mais parecido com Mario Kart, só que com apenas barris explosivos. Esses modos enjoam rápido jogando contra a CPU, mas podem divertir num multiplayer, se você tiver alguém para jogar local. Infelizmente, o online de Hotshot Racing está bem abandonado, o que é uma pena pois o desafio contra outros jogadores poderia ser bem mais interessante do que contra a CPU.

Pela pouca oferta de títulos recentes desse gênero, e pelo preço ridiculamente baixo que é possível encontrá-lo, acho que vale uma conferida. Principalmente se o multiplayer local for uma opção.

Mostly bought for my Son but I played a lot to unlock stuff for him. It's really fun, tight controls and some pretty random Tekken-esque characters "endings" which I was not expecting.

Superb arcade racer, but it doesn't offer a tonne outside of that.

you love virtua racing? you'll love this one.
you don't? stay away
you don't even know what i'm talking about? well this is a super arcade racing game, one of those easy to pickup but hard to master at higher difficulties. it's simple, it's fast, it's "old" but not gold

Ce n'est pas vraiment ce que je cherchais.

Le jeu manque cruellement de sensations, tant sur la vitesse que les dérapages. Les collisions entre les véhicules donnent une impression de deux boites de carton qui se cogne, ça fait cheap et ce n'est pas très agréable. La difficulté est quasi inexistante, j'ai fini les 4 premiers Grand Prix en Expert sans aucune expérience préalable des circuits, ni vraiment du gameplay : il suffit d'optimiser l'utilisation de son boost et l’accélération donnée par la voiture du devant, quand il y en a.

Tout de même quelques points positifs : son prix en promo de 2€, qui donne un aspect beaucoup moins important à tout ces défauts; sa bande-son plutôt sympa; son UI vraiment bien pensé et sa direction artistique.

Not a bad imitation of older racing games, but it kinda sizzles out after a short while.

Building up the boosts by drifting, it’s a great mechanic reminiscent of the Ridge Racer series, which I love. Where this game fails is the flat visuals. It’s too clean and lacking in character. It’s not cartoony, or stylish, it’s like a corporate training video assets racing game. Wish there were some night time tracks as well. The brightness is overwhelming especially because I like to play before bed.

An incredible fun and challenging arcade racing game!
The physics have a bunch of charm and perfect for an arcade racer that can be challenging but also a good party game thanks to the 4 player split-screen co-op.
The challenges to unlock everything for a vehicle are interesting but can be a bit repetitive, the online mode is fun and doesn't have a whole lot of problems, for an online racing game, but there's almost no one playing it.
Incredible concept but very few things to do
I'd find this game more fun to play than the recent NFS games