Reviews from

in the past

A poorly designed, least interesting version of Civilization 5 but for twice the price.
Visuals are nice, but the AI, culture system and horrible OST break the immersion every 5 minutes.

More promising than great, but I enjoy it quite a bit. Presents a different approach to victory conditions that I really like and will make me look at the genre differently from here on out.

An above decent 4X game. I love the Civilization series and this one gives a fresh look into the genre. Even though the similarities are almost a copy, the game has a lot of mechanics which make the experience very pleasant. Winning on this game feels like a true journey, even if sometimes it feels a bit "too fast".

The most (and possibly only one on my eyes) unfortunate thing about this game is that I feel it doesn't have the same personality depth as Civilization. What I mean by this? I mean like all civilizations basically feel the same, there's not enough impact in choosing one or another - rather, the difference is basically on the type of civilization it is.

Promissor, com nuances que o diferem de Civilization, e bons valores de produção, HUMANKIND sofre com um lançamento estranho, incompleto, cheio de bugs e com a sensação de Early Access.

Mas quando ele tiver pleno, que belo concorrente pra Civ. Espero que as séries andem junto e busquem inovações pra conseguir tornar cada jogo melhor e mais distinto, engrandecendo o gênero.

Por enquanto, Humankind é o FIFA para o PES.

Not really my cup of tea sort of game but I had a bit of fun with it exploring its different systems.

Had a quick shot on the game-pass and it's certainly an interesting spin on the genre, looking forward to giving it a proper go someday

estaba gracioso pero no me veía jugando a esto repetidamente sin ningun incentivo real, no tiene campaña ni misiones de ningun tipo es solo jugar contra la ia u otra gente y... no es lo que busco!

Probably my favourite 4x game, but it does still have most of the issues that come with that genre.
I am of two minds regarding the culture system. On the one hand, it's really fun. On the other hand, it can make it really difficult to get motivated to play a new game. I can't just say "I'm gonna do a China run and go on economy" cause who knows what is going to happen throughout the game and how that impacts what path I take.

I wish I liked this game more. I have BIG problems with certain parts of the game that really spoil the parts which are amazing and fresh. I hope it will get some post-release love and grow into the beautiful game it has the potential to be.

It was obviously very similar to Civilization games and I enjoyed it pretty well. Great game to just have running in the background and make a few moves and go do something else and its just waiting for you. Also hard to stop with that "just one more turn" thing ever present. Beat it multiple times on various difficulties and different civs but kind of finished up this run with it in late December 2021. May go back at some point if they add civs or different play mechanics.

É tipo um civilization muito pior. Não vale o tempo se você pode comprar mais barato o CIV.

this seemed interesting, but I just don't think I have it in me to learn a brand new 4X game. It's both too similar and too different from Civ for me to get the hang of. Also wish there was more personality to everything, all of the research, building and civic options were very generic.

Been playing off and on since release. Kind of a restrained attempt to reform civ. I like the respect for independent people, the fame system, the UI, and the cultural mixing.

Ultimately changing your identity completely every era kind of sucks, and you have to go from story-making to treating it like a board game to get over it. It's liberal and not even close to absolving 4X as a genre. Very fun though, with great AI.

Really good 4X strategy game. I enjoyed the artstyle and the differences between civilizations, but the strategy combat was the most enterteining part. The lack of variety and possible Victories are the only meaningful cons in this experience,

Great competitor to Civiliation, fixes a lot about it that I don't like while introducing a somewhat different take on progression. Very fun to play, but without proper mod support and a large swath of activities it is simply not that replayable and will probably not stand the test of time like Civ.

Nothing wrong with the game, just not my style.

This is a decent 4X game that really wants to replace Civilization but doesn't separate itself enough to do so. This game is full of innovations that feel fresh and fun at first but grow tedious after just a few times encountering them. It's just as addicting as Civ, and worth playing if you have the Game Pass.

Un buen 4x, pero se queda corto comparando con otras cosas del genero que ya tienen mucho recorrido detras, igual con algo de tiempo y desarrollo llega, porque el juego tiene ideas muy interesantes, toda la parte de diplomacia esta bastante bien solucionada y el sistema de objetivos por edades es una muy buena idea que con una vueltita les puede quedar muy resulton.

Quite good! It's very satisfying to play, there's definitely a lot of issues with it still but a very valid competitor to Civilization

I love the presentation and a bunch of the changes it makes to the Civ formula. It's also not finished. Balance is a mess, farmer units barely feed themselves so are not worth building, and religion is barely a thing. I'm looking forward to continuing to play this once its updated more and fleshed out with DLC and updates.

Tiene buenas ideas para competir contra Civilization pero le falta pensar algunas mecánicas y añadir profundidad mediante expansiones para llegar ahí. Por ahora se hace quizás un poco simplote.

It's alright for a civ clone.

I had fun for my playthroughs, but this game needs some more time in the oven. Considering how Civ VI turned from a near universal disappointment to one of the best in the series, I am sure with a lot of tlc and support from the devs that this will go from a good game to a great one.

Why do cant i make the boats sail

It was novel at first but I think I still prefer Civ 6.

There comes a time you have to admit a style of game isn't for you and these Civilization style strategy games aren't for me. I'm just not very good at them and I'm not sure I ever will be.

Despite that I had a lot of fun with Humankind. Building my small native tribe into a not so great Civilization because I'm not very good was fun. I played for hours, multiple play throughs, failing. Next thing I knew it was 5am.

If you enjoy strategy games I definitely recommend this. I will be playing it again.

Me dio en mi peak de historia. Por poco no me meto a la carrera de historia, en parte, por este juego. Muuuuy buen simulador, un poco raro que puedas mezclar de esa manera las diferentes civilizaciones.

Fun and interesting 4X. Graphics are nice and you can make your own player avatar and other players can play against you as an NPC (with a customizable AI personality). UI is really really bad.. :(