Reviews from

in the past

This is one of the most beautiful looking games I've ever played. The sound design and music/ambiance are top notch and good lord this was an awesome experience

There’s a surprising lack of drifting in this game

البكسل ارت فوق تاني وتالت ورابع ومليون

I really wanted to like this game. But after almost 3 hours I still have no idea what is going on or what I'm supposed to do. I like games that don't spoonfeed me everything, I like games that have weird narratives, but this one is just too much of that

yesterday i felt like i should really get to some of the stuff in my backlog, there's tons of stuff sitting there that i would have a great time with that i really have no excuse not to play. so what did i do? i replayed the game i had already played 4 or 5 times instead.

usually when i play a game too much, get really familiar with everything about the game, i start to see its cracks more clearly. i might cool down on it a bit. i guess that happened with Hyper Light Drifter, but only in that it went from my absolute favorite game to just a solid top 10. this game does everything that matters very, very well. the aesthetic and presentation alone could carry the game - the visuals are phenomenal, the music isn't something i'd usually go for but it perfectly fits into the game, and everything comes together to create a perfect atmosphere for just about every area. the gameplay has flaws, but is well designed, with the combat the highlight. there are certainly a few issues, bugs and things mostly, but they don't really detract from everything the game does great. my single biggest issue with it is occasional input inconsistency, which can turn one attack into another and throw you off if it's a particularly intense fight. apart from that infrequent issue, the combat is just about the best i've ever played. the harder fights can get pretty damn hard, but they feel great to master. challenging fights aren't even something i usually care much about in games, but something about HLD's combat just perfectly clicks for me. it's pretty simple at its core, but variety in enemy design gives plenty of depth to encounters. gameplay outside of combat mainly involves exploring the ruined, decaying world, searching for secrets. there are some non-combat challenges, mainly focusing on precise sequences of dashes. these are, to be honest, the weakest part of the game, made worse by the rare input dropping. the longest of these challenges is inconsistent enough that the 99% category is much more popular among speedrunners than 100%. however, none of these dash challenges are required to beat the game, and are only necessary if you really want that 100% achievement. for the most part, you're just wandering around, getting in fights, and finding hidden passageways, and the game is great for all three of those things.

Hyper Light Drifter, even after i've played it over and over and found every single flaw, remains one of my favorite games. i'm really excited for Solar Ash and, unless that turns out to be a huge disappointment, i'll probably throw my money at whatever the developers do after that as well.

also um it turns out there's gonna be an HLD animated show by the castlevania guy? not sure how i feel about that

I had heard good things about Hyper Light Drifter, one of those things being how non direct the game is in its narrative, too bad it's also so far up its ass that it won't give me an actually good and engaging gameplay loop.
Also the game is loud as fuck by default, I guess they really wanted you to feel those "emotions"

A bit un-intuitive, since there's barely any instructions or text at all in the game, but the combat and artstyle makes up for it
Combat can sometimes reach a certain level of tedious but never bad enough that you wouldn't be able to get through it, just a case of trial and error; it's also not rare to get stuck trying to solve puzzles in certain areas and i did require looking up a guide at certain points but the overall experience is worth it

É bom,mas não é o suficiente para me prender até o final
ainda recomendo

Literally everything about this game works for me. The combat is fast and frantic and the main character controls so smoothly, the world design is mysterious and unexplained (in a good way), and the music and atmosphere is absolutely beautiful.

beautifully mournful and melancholic with a spectacular OST. The best Zelda game

Hands-down the best game I've ever played, the visuals and the audio back each other up to perfection, the gameplay is incredibly fun and responsive, and the story being super cryptic completely left it up to interpretation and it's awesome. i love this game

Just never clicked with me despite great praise from friends and other people.

A one of a kind game the, art style, the combat & the music is all perfect. the only problem is that the puzzles can be a bit of an ass on the first playthrough 9.5/10

speaking without words at its finest

The atmosphere in this game is unparalleled to me. The grandness and beautify of this tragic world is communicated so clearly to the player, all without a word being said- That’s right, there is NO dialogue at all in this game. It leaves it up to the player to find their place in the world and the story, letting you piece together the bits you find and make your own meaning.

The gameplay is slick, dashing around slicing with your sword to charge up bullets in your gun is a very fluid experience. It encourages you to actively be cycling through your abilities as you dance around the enemies.

It’s not as hard of a game as you might initially think. Yes, you will die a lot, but you have plenty of check points to keep you from losing progress. You’re never really going to be set that far back by death, so you can get right back into the action and try that fight you lost again.

The ending was bittersweet but i loved it

Cool, cool. Where's the rest of it?

Siendo tan pretendidamente críptico en lo narrativo, su mundo es uno que se lee como un libro abierto. Línea recta de la que nos desviamos frecuentemente para obtener siempre la misma recompensa.

Me gusta que sus mecánicas de combate exijan timing, pero su diseño no anima a explotar ninguna de ellas. Duele lo poco inspirado que se siente todo.

i have it on switch but there's no option for it

The visual language of this is stunning. I was absolutely enraptured by the art, general atmosphere, and ambient music. It's a home run with all of those elements. It's also a joy to play. Being locked into challenge areas was always chaotic and satisfying to complete. And every boss here is a winner. Very cool designs, not too difficult, but a suitable challenge.

Hacking and slashing with a sword is a joy and having to come in close for a shotgun blast creates these awesome moments of tension that I would crave for. It's a steadily ramping challenge throughout. It can get a bit hectic and hard to see everything when you're in the middle of a fight, but the upgrades (like a multi-dash) give you the upper hand.

Where it falls apart is in its wordless storytelling. I can very easily be taken in by abstract stories, but this gives you so little context and the environmental storytelling isn't enough to give you a sense of urgency or any real grasp on what's going on. You need the things. You're gonna get the things. You don't feel well, but that's not super relevant. Some things are in your way. Kill them.

I just found myself wishing there was more under the hood than there is. That doesn't stop it from being a wonderful piece and, while you may be left wanting for more, it's a great journey to go on.

This is basically just Link to the Past with guns and a Boards of Canada soundtrack – of course I was gonna like it.

This is a fairly good game. I think my main gripes are with the mechanics and level design. The mechanics feel off in terms of execution. There is an odd "feel" that you never quite get used to. It isn't anything major, or it may not even feel that way for someone else, but it was noticeable for me.

As for the level design, there were a few times when it wasn't clear where to go or what to do. And while I definitely appreciate having to put things together yourself, it felt more like a consequence of flawed level building rather than a conscious design decision.

I also didn't really care for the currency used to buy upgrades. You need 4 pieces of 1 item to get 1 of that item. It doesn't hinder your progress, but I just think there could have been a better way to distribute the upgrades.

I know these are all negatives but I really do think the game is good lol. I just think these are some things that keep it from being really good/great.

With all that said, I recommend this. It is fast paced and can be beaten in less than 10 hours. It also has some decent and somewhat tough boss battles. The OST is pretty good too.

preciso de um controle compatível pra jogar essa maravilha

It's... kinda cool? I feel like there's some missing piece of information in this story but nobody talks so I don't know.

Game has good art style, satisfying combat, somewhat enjoyable bosses and enemy variations but exploration is just so annoying. Game doesn't give you any hint whatsoever about where you go. In the beginning you cannot go to some places because you first need to go to somewhere else. If it has mode where it shows me exactly where to go, then this game could be special to me.