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in the past

I love the way Netherrealms games play, and increasingly the way they look. I also think they are generally pretty creative about how to incentivize a single player to continue playing their games, especially compared to the only other fighter franchise I've really had any passion for, Street Fighter. Between their towers, their cosmetics, their story modes and even just the general zaniness of each fight and detail of the animations should you ever be foolish enough to log on to an online match, Netherrealms is among if not the most considerate developer of fighting games for single people with no game playing friends.

That said, WHEW is Injustice 2 a bloated and confusing mess. Like Mortal Kombat 11 it features hundreds of cosmetics that affect how and why you'll fight with a given character, earned through a literal handful of currencies (my favorite comment on a random Reddit thread asking to explain these currencies: "I assume by the lack of information in this thread no one understands?" - hoofrog) that make the whole thing idiot proof in that idiots will never penetrate its logic confidently. While baffling in execution, it's a pretty perfect encapsulation of what makes comic book properties so fun for artists AND players as there's a near endless number of looks for each character to embody.

But most of that isn't what I care about, because again I'm a solo player and more to the point I don't find the cosmetic lust all that appealing in its own right without people I eventually want to show them off to, so for me and Netherrealms it all comes down to the story mode. Coming off the heels of the original cut of Zack Snyder's Justice League, and following directly from the events of their own telling of the League's origins three years prior which was pretty strong, Injustice 2 is a whacky, ridiculous hodgepodge of ideas and half-baked dialogue that constantly floats just out of reach of cognition.

It's been long enough I can't really parse what I experienced here anymore - something about Brainiac, Gorilla Grodd (lol) and everyone flipping between being mind-controlled or not? - but I'm not sure I could have even if I'd been aware of this website and written this write-up immediately upon uninstalling the game. Looking back on the game, though, I can tell we never fully gelled: I first fired the game up on January 1st, only made it to the halfway point of the story mode over two months later while only 30% of the people who booted this game (A PS+ offering, I might add) even finished the campaign (I did so two weeks after making it halfway - I recall the Snyder Cut had dropped and I was in a Justice League fugue state). Meanwhile, so many of the other trophies are Civilization VI levels of specific and clearly designed for the hardcore player who, I guess, might've never launched the campaign in the first place.

To reiterate, I think Netherrealms has been on a real heater since rebooting the Mortal Kombat franchise in 2009 and I consider their games essentially must-buys though I often wait for a significant discount before jumping on board due to my heavy bias towards the narrative. Moments like these (and, if I'm being honest, much of MKX) make me feel justified in doing so because Injustice 2 is bizarrely uneven in execution and content despite being so clearly considered and labored over.

Honestly, I know little to nothing about fighting games in general. Every time I play one I just button mash my way through low-level bots. However, as someone who is a fan of DC Comics, I got this game as a kid after having enjoyed the story of the first game. And overall, I think this game tells a decent, very simple story. It’s cool to see these characters interact in ways they probably never would under normal circumstances. I wouldn’t say the narrative is necessarily a standout, but it gets the job done and is much easier to follow than other fighting game stories. I still think the first game had a more effective narrative though, mostly due to the fact that Injustice 2 largely feels like a retread of the first’s.

The first Injustice was a really fresh take on the DC universe, and Injustice 2 is the natural progression of both its world and gameplay. The roster is really great and has some deep cuts; it’s much larger than the first game’s, and the armor system it introduces adds a fun layer of personalization to each character. How you unlock these pieces of armor is pretty grindy though, and sadly, largely revolves around annoying loot box mechanics. At a certain point, the customization just didn’t feel worth it as I had to manage so many pieces of armor for so many characters.

I couldn’t tell you if the fighting mechanics are good or not, but I thought it was pretty fun. The characters are varied and comic-accurate, the special moves are pretty cool, and the combos are nice. This game never really blew me away, but due to my lack of experience with fighting games, I think that was an inevitability. I had a decent amount of fun with it.

Injustice 2 tem uma cmpanha bem redondinha, gameplay ainda mais refinada que o primeiro jogo e um elenco ótimo de personagens, cada um sendo bem único e diferente do outro. O online é tão bom quanto o do 1, todos os modos antigos retornam e ficam ainda melhores com a adição dos equipamentos customizáveis. O único problema do jogo são as loot boxes, mas é algo que dá pra relevar, já que dá pra ganhar várias delas apenas jogando.

Snyder would've been proud of this edgy version of Superman and the pornstar face cast. Animations and facial animations were nice, and some of the outfits too, but it's clear where NetherRealm's priorities are, because it looked kind of ass. Story was so-so but fun.

Meh, I didn't have anything else to play so I finished the story mode

Definitely an OK, game if you are into the fighting genre of video games and even more so if you enjoy superhero games.

story mode and the customizations were sick

cool naman. walang dick grayson :(

Lost 0.5 stars because there's no shirtless Robin.

Como buen juego de lucha de NetherRealm es contundente, variado y pulido; pero no por ello es una skin de Mortal Kombat. El modo historia es lo suficientemente intenso como para querer jugarlo, pero su historia de traiciones tampoco es la gran cosa.

simplesmente o melhor jogo de luta que ja tive o prazer de jogar, de ponta a ponta um jogo otimo, o mais foda é vc ver q é o unico jogo de luta q realmente se importa com a historia de verdade

The gear system sucks and I hate that I invested so much time in it. The roster takes a few steps forward with some great choices (Captain Cold, Dr. Fate) but a million backwards with the likes of Deadshot. Combat is fun, but so was the first game. Didn't care for this.

Bom jogo, historia se tornou mais interessante e a gameplay foi melhorada

Damian Wayne calls people "newbs" glad they made him as annoying as usual.

I love mortal kombat and I love DC comics so when they put it together I just had to play it. I didn't play the first one. I really really love character customization and being able to make these characters my own is so awesome.

more micro transactions than I would prefer but a fun game. The story takes it up a notch and shows an epic story were batman and superman have to put there fight on hold in order to fight a greater threat. This game also gives more depth to his evil superman and the regrets that both batman and superman have since there battle started in the first game.

Netherrealm Studios made a name for themselves in the comic scene with Injustice: Gods Among Us. It was the first 3D fighting game that featured superheroes in a long time and was actually good, some even considered it the best ever made. With the backlash for Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe, Neatherrealm decided to keep the MK universe out and go for its own thing, the results were well received.

Injustice 2 in a continuation of the first game in terms of story and content. Gameplay is more refined and feels tighter and punchier, and there’s just a lot more content. The story revolves around Brainiac trying to destroy every civilized planet in the universe for his own entertainment, but the Justice League and other DC heroes are fighting it out trying to control their rage and getting into moral dilemmas. To be honest, I’m not a huge fan of the Injustice storyline. It feels like a straightforward comic book when it could be so much more. Instead of taking the smart ideas from the movies, it sticks true to its form, which is I guess a good thing if that’s what you’re looking for.

After the story was finished I felt lit was long winded and didn’t seem to really go anywhere. The characters weren’t changed or progressed in any way which is what I would have wanted. Outside of the story the game is fantastic and plays very well. Every character got an upgrade from the last game and the new additions are interesting. Bigger names like Super Girl, Swamp Thing, and Scarecrow are present while many lesser-known heroes such as Captain Cold, Gorilla Grodd, Black Adam, and Cheetah are here. It’s a very diverse cast of heroes with every fighting style imaginable. The characters punch and kick with force and the game is fast paced and a lot of fun.

The interactive arenas are back with just bigger and better things to do. Whacking your enemies with various items and kicking them off into the background is a lot of fun as well as knocking them out of the arena and into another level. Each character has a special meter and a unique power that range from attack, defense, and passive. One of my favorite features is the new special moves which are epic scripted moves that are unique to each character’s powers.

The biggest addition is the Eye Vault and the various unlockables to customize each character.There are hundreds of items that are unique to each hero and they unlocked through the story and Multi-Verse missions. Skins, colors, and parts go on every part of the heroes bodies that add RPG stats which is a blast. I didn’t feel buying loot boxes was needed as the unlocks came at a steady pace and I found some epic gear fairly frequently.

Other than this, there’s online play which is always fun and the reason why we play fighters. I didn’t experience lag and I got to show off my customized character which is always keeping me going back. Outside of all this not much as changed from the last game, but it does feel like an actual sequel rather than an upgrade.

The game looks and sounds great, but you can clearly see some overly shiny textures and some details washed out, even on the Xbox One S upscaled to 4K. This was probably to keep the game at 60FPS which I’d rather have.

Do I want an Injustice 3? I don’t know honestly. The story doesn’t really do much for me and is forgettable, so the only reason I want another is for more superheroes and new content. Injustice 2 is one of the best fighters to be released in this console cycle, but it’s not for everyone.

Melhor que o primeiro em diversos aspectos mas principalmente nas DLCs a gameplay não é meu estilo mas divertido de jogar com amigos

The story mode is fairly enjoyable.

I'm not doing with those damn lootboxes. Also, everyone looks ugly.

This game was really enjoyable, a good improvement on the first. The graphics were actually pretty impressive, although some of the facial animations got a little uncanny at times. The character designs are an improvement over some of the weirder ones in the first, but superman's stupid chin guard and emo joker leave a bit to be desired. Also some characters like.. Captain Cold. Im not really a big superhero fan but seriously lmao who cares about Captain Cold. The combat is just as enjoyable as the first and the scene transitions/super moves for the most part are all really fun, but there is far too few arenas. The story itself was really good for a fighting game. I usually find her a bit overrated but I really like what they did with Harley Quinn in this game, and Supergirl was great in it I only wish she was shown a bit more. The Braniac boss fight also is dumb with him having moves that do half your health bar but it was nowhere near as unfair or as infuriating as the Shao Kahn boss fight from MK9. Unfortunately as neat as the pick Superman or Batman's side thing is, the ending was a bit disappointing and left pretty much every character's arc unfinished. Felt really sequel bait-y (like most superhero media) but it was still enjoyable until the end. I didnt play any multiplayer because I dont care for that, but the gear system seems dumb.
Overall another really fun NetherRealm game, only barely being a 4.5 because a lackluster conclusion to the story holds it back a bit for me. Also I am in love with Supergirl our wedding will be this summer, im accepting reservations now.

Trophy Completion - 60%
Time Played - 5 hours 25 Minutes
Nancymeter - 86/100
Game Completion #38 of 2022
April Completion #7

Red Hood turned me into a fighting game fan.

You can play as the flash! I LOVE Ezra Miller! 4 stars just for that!

Grant Gustin is cool and all but he should have stuck with glee as that is the superior property.

Honestly found this game boring

Not a big fan of the DC fighting games