Reviews from

in the past

Bene o male nulla di spiacevole. Al massimo la OST ogni tanto un po' blanda e un po' troppi rimandi al mondo reale (es.: comportamenti dei normali gatti che, quando si manifestano nel corso delle vicende, stonano; oggetti realizzati da autori con un nome gattificato)

Cutes kleines Detective Game, das mit Hunde- und Katzenpuns nur so um sich wirft und vollgepackt mit cuten Ideen ist. Der Fall selbst ist ebenso gelungen. Die Rätsel dieses P&C Adventures hätten meiner Ansicht nach allerdings etwas fordender sein können.

This was cute, but ultimately I got bored. I don't think point & click adventures are for me, but I loved all the cat puns.

Inspector Waffles is point and click detective game with pixelated graphics in the style of The Darkside Detective where you play as an anthropomorphic cat trying to solve a murder.

In terms of gameplay it's pretty standard point and click, with the puzzles definitely on the easy side. There is a hint system where you call your mom who is a retired detective for help that I used a couple times, but the puzzle difficulty level is never illogical.

The strong point of this game is the characters and humor. It's filled with lots of amusing jokes about the nature of dogs and cats and the relationship between Inspector Waffles the cat and the police dog Sparky is really sweet. Even though it's about a murder it's still pretty lighthearted, but it's not completely cartoony since there is some emotional depth to the characters with real issues.

The plot wasn't anything overly spectacular, but the game is worth playing purely on the strength of the characters and that the puzzles are at a good difficulty level. 8/10

Bom jogo, me deu uma nostalgia danada dos jogos point and click que tinha em sites como o da cartoon ou click jogos.

Obs: Sem falar que o jogo tá cheio de referências a outros jogos indies, como o Howard de backbone.

mildly entertaining point & click, very simple puzzles, a decent setting and an averagely interesting story make for quite the middling experience. Not bad, but not very good, either.