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i just didn't really think the combat or upgrades were that interesting.

Into the Pit is a roguelike FPS, but is a very shallow and surprisingly easy experience. I went through about 4 runs, successful every time, without dying and didn't see much variation in how things play out in terms of character build or the dungeons themselves.

Into the Pit looks very stylish. It has a pixelated, neon aesthetic that makes everything look oily and creepy and is very effective for the vibe they are going for.

Into the Pit also plays very well. It is fast-paced and it feels good to use the weapons, dash around the arenas, and kill enemies. It doesn't quite improve on the mechanics from there, and it doesn't do much to mix up the gameplay, unfortunately. The weapons are also all very similar, which makes the starting situation for any run basically the same.

The roguelike elements don't really introduce enough variance in a run, mostly being percentage improvements or minor changes to damage taken. They don't change your run or how you play your character.

Into the Pit is very good for the first run, but hits a brick wall very soon after that. Given more dynamic roguelike elements, better dungeon generation, and better advancement mechanics this would be a really cool game. As is, I can't find much to recommend here.

Really interesting visuals, super fun and smooth gameplay and a great drop-in-drop-out gameplay loop, definitely one I'll be playing a lot.

A handful of cool ideas, and the gameplay is fine, but the later levels are literally just the same rooms as the earlier levels but reskinned.

Game #25
Could have used a lot more time in the oven. Feels like if they put the work in, they could have fleshed this out into something creative and addicting. As it is, it feels unfinished and boring.

if you're willing to look for it, there are a good 8 hours of fun to be had here.

You can play through the first dungeon and work out if the game is for you or not, you have seen the majority of the content at that point, and Into The Pit spends a good chunk of time pretending that by tweaking enemy health bars and cycling in different chunks of floor tiles over the same 10 maps, you'll somehow not notice that it's too stretched for its own good.

That being said, the combat and movement are both tight and snappy, you can clear a dungeon in about 25-35 minutes and it's a great way to 'switch off' after a long day.,

Into the Pit is a throwback FPS style rogue-lite with clear inspiration taken from Doom, Bloodborne, and the string of wildly popular rogue-lites seen over the past decade, such as the Binding of Isaac and Hades.

I had originally played the demo for Into the Pit during Steam’s Next Fest indie games showcase, and I really enjoyed what they had to show off. The actual moment to moment gameplay and shooting in Into the Pit feels really good. I love the low poly aesthetic and PS1-inspired lighting, giving me Dusk and Cultic vibes. That is about all I have to say positively about the game.

In absolutely stunning move, Into the Pit is a rogue-lite without random level generation. There are about two dozen (if even) level layouts that you will encounter over and over again. These levels are incredibly small and all of them can be completed without rushing in about two minutes. Despite the small amount of levels, they still manage to feel robotically crafted with minor variation.

In addition, thought the game features a handful of uniquely designed dungeons, each with its own theme (swamp, forest, etc), it is genuinely difficult to tell the difference between them. The player must complete four levels per floor, and each dungeon has four floors in addition to a boss fight at the end. No matter what dungeon the player chooses to venture into, this layout will be identical on every single playthrough. Floors 1 and 3 will feature a room that heals you, and floors 2 and 4 will feature a room where you can rescue a villager, one of the game’s collectables that unlock more shops in your home base. This completely gets rid of any and all surprise on repeated playthroughs, another huge negative when it comes to rogue-lites.

The game’s weapons, spells that fit comfortably into traditional FPS weapons (shotgun, sniper rifle, etc), honestly all feel really nice to shoot and enemies gib into satisfying chunks. However, the game’s upgrades, earned by completing a level, are incredibly boring and unimaginative. Passive damage % upgrades are not fun or interesting to collect, and they consist of nearly all of them. In addition to the monotonous level design, these also contribute to basically every single run feeling identical.

I think it’s a shame, honestly. They have a really solid foundation here when it comes to gunplay and aesthetics. Without a massive overhaul that I suppose could come in the form of free updates or paid expansions, there is essentially no added value in playing past the free demo.

Ive been playing for a few hours now and.... Its just not clicking for me at all. At first glance everything feels like it should work, theres randomised levels, fast combat and a grunge-filled art style thats eyecatching.

But then you dig deeper and that art style just morphs into feeling blobby and smeary. Enemy designs are poor and the AI is basic. The 'choices' to modify weapons feel like a laundry list of RPG-modifers that half the time don't feel effective or interesting to use and the 'Randomized' levels start to repeat over and over. Its all just a bit too half baked and one-note to keep things moving at any reasonable level. Its a crying shame as it all started off so well just just devolved so hard. Oof.

Ehhhh, butt ugly roguelike that was boring

This game is currently in the Humble Choice for August 2022, this is part of my coverage of the bundle. If you are interested in the game and it's before September 6nd, 2022, consider picking up the game as part of the current monthly bundle.

A rogue-lite FPS.

Into the Pit has the player running around arenas with metal music playing and casting spells at enemies that are more akin to machine guns than magic. Players will have to use fast reactions and a series of upgrades to stay alive as they take out target after target and collect tokens for various uses. Over time players will unlock citizens that expand the town's functionality and give them uses for their items.

Into The Pit will probably be easy for fans of twitch shooters, but for rogue-lite fans, there’s a decent challenge here. Though there is limited content for Into the Pit, it's still a fun and inventive bridge between two genres.

Pick this up if you want a rogue-lite with FPS gameplay. This reminds me a lot of Doom, with that music track, and the combat. The experience is intense and I find it decently challenging.

If you enjoyed this review or want to know what I think of other games in the bundle, check out the full review on or subscribe to my Youtube channel:

Shows a lot of potential, and for what its worth, I really enjoyed the first few hours, but as the game goes on, it becomes evident that the variety offered up by the games choice to be procedurally generated caused it to miss out on some really interesting world-building opportunities or to craft a story worthy of being invested in. A good way to pass a few hours if you catch it on sale, but not one I can picture most people falling head over heals for.

I'm just disappointed in this game. I kept hoping it would get better because there's potential in the mechanics and occasional moments where it's fun, but fundamentally it's just too damn repetitive.

Also, for a game where fluid movement is this important, it's way too easy to get stuck on level geometry.