Reviews from

in the past

Meet me on the ski resort map with the tram that circles the map, snipers only no Oddjob.

Decent FPS shooter, RUBBISH Bond theme song.

Hugely underrated Bond game. Loved to play the snow fortress level and just hunt everyone down with the guided missiles

If Golden Eye isn’t cutting it for you anymore, this is the only option

Better than goldeneye by quite a longshot, a mutliplayer nightmare of bullshit and pure fun. Getting the single player working in an enjoyable way in modern times outside emulation is impossible now though

Honestly? Super underrated console FPS. It's so fun. I remember liking the campaign, too. But the multiplayer? I spent hundreds of hours playing with my friends, it was so great.

A much better multiplayer than Agent Under Fire, this game was quite good.

Not ideal playing this on GBA I can tell you that.

Not exactly good but trashy fun just like the Brosnan era itself

Good game that aged poorly.

Had some cool action set-pieces and great atmosphere for an early console FPS.

Could use a remake, but it will never happen obviously.

Multiplayer in this game was PEAK. I would just fill a room with laser mines and wait for someone to come in and kill us both.

My only memory of this game is playing it with some teenagers when I was like, seven or eight. I lied and told them my mom was okay with me playing.

I felt so cool.

the only gamecube game that really matters

One of my uncles forgot to get me a Christmas present one yera when all my other uncles did, and he was hosting, so he just told me to pick out any video game from his shelf. That’s how I came to own Nightfire. Later there was a brief period where my friends and I would just play that one map with the good Capture the Flag over and over again. Pretty good stuff

I played FPS games before nightfire, even local goldeneye matches -- but I truly think that nightfire is what spurred my love for competitive FPS. Maybe it is because I was a wee bit too young to properly enjoy goldeneye, but I know how much people loved that game. Nightfire however, was new and shiny and seemed like golden eye, but objectively better (it was, and is).

I had fun with the silly campaign I played multiple times. When friends got together to play games, it was always nightfire at parties with rocket launchers turned on. For years I wanted to play Halo or CoD just to get those good local multiplayer nightfire feeling back.

The multiplayer with the AI Bots is what made this game.

Yoooooo this was our go to multiplayer game as kids

First console multiplayer FPS I really enjoyed.

Also spy gadgets.

One of my favorite FPS games, honestly it might just be my favorite.

The campaign is great, I love when Bond games have their own original stories and this one could've made a damn good and entertaining movie in the Brosnan era, but the multiplayer is where the game truly shines. SO MUCH FUN. Whether it's with your friends or by yourself thanks to the bots, you can spend hours upon hours playing the multiplayer because it's just that damn addictive and fun, I especially loved all the cool gadgets you could use. Seriously don't sleep on this game, still one of the most fun and memorable shooter experiences of my childhood.

DAS Splitscreen Spiel meiner Kindheit. Habe nur ganz kurz mal die Story angespielt. Die war ganz nett und auch die Fahrmissionen haben Spaß gemacht, aber geglänzt hat dieses Spiel für mich im Multiplayer.
Stundenlang haben wir die Map mit der Gondel hoch und runter gespielt.

Must have played the fist mission 1,000s of times. Multiplayer with friends and my brothers was always so fun.
And ending up on the moon? To a kid who didn't know the Bond franchise, that was so fucking cool and out of left field.

The only 007 game worth playing yes I said it

Forget Goldeneye, REAL ones played the multiplayer of this game by always picking the snow level with the gondola and using the remote control tanks and helicopters to blast each other.

I wish we were still getting cool Bond games.

The early 2000s had quite a few attempts to live up to Goldeneye, and the one that came closest was definitely Nightfire. It ended up being one of the games I put the most hours into as a teenager, not only due to great multiplayer in which you could load up to 12 bots for extra mayhem (we played SO MUCH Capture The Flag against all of the bots), but because the campaign had immense replay value. Much like Goldeneye, you would try to finish a level in a certain amount of time for a reward, but there were loads of other challenges you needed to nail for those sweet, sweet platinum medals. The very idea of having 100% weapon accuracy in a Bond game is ludicrous, but you’d better believe I made it happen.

One of the best things in the campaign is the inclusion of “Bond Moves”. These are optional moments when you do something specific that feels like it would happen in a movie, like shooting out the tires of a car that’s chasing you, finding a secret passageway, or using the grappling hook in your wristwatch to swing to a hard-to-reach spot. These moments, which thankfully return in Everything or Nothing, are the most charming inclusions in the Bond game franchise.

All in all, the weapons are good, campaign levels and multiplayer maps are well-designed and memorable (though the best multiplayer map doesn’t allow bots for some reason), the story’s characters are fun, and the multiplayer brings back nearly the entire rogues gallery from Bond’s past. For 2002, this was a console FPS masterpiece! The controls don’t hold up terribly well 20 years later, but I’d still recommend it if you’re a Bond nut.

I love the Bond IP, and it's really absurd that we haven't gotten a solid new entry in the series in ages. Fingers crossed that IO Interactive knocks it out of the park!