Reviews from

in the past

I don't know what to say about this one. While the core gameplay and story are better than Agent Under Fire, the level design, lack of damage indicators, downgraded music and the absolutely baffling design decision of only letting you strafe while manually aiming frustrated me quite a bit. It's not awful, but I don't see it as the classic others seem to. Everything or Nothing really would go on to put this and its predecessor to shame.

James Bond games are just different, theres something about them thats alluring even after the years of wear and tear. Maybe its the fact Piers Brosnan is just such a personality to have as a protagonist. This game was a key part of my childhood and that snow castle level is etched into my mind. My only complaints are that the difficulty at some parts is WAY too high. Some key story events are also just strange. But thats just how 007 is. The multiplayer is godlike though.

It didn't age too, some section in the game is just ridiculous and stupid, but it's a very good 007 game.

James Bond games seriously have no right being this good. Nightfire has addicting multiplayer gameplay with tons of customization options.

James Bond was very cool around this time. As a result, the game was also very cool.

Compared to modern day games, this has janky controls, impossible aiming and everything else that has been designed out of games.

But had a campaign that felt fitting and a credible multiplayer offering that felt as good as anything else at the time.

A game I think is slept on personally. The multiplayer is great and aged much better than Goldeneye. The story mode is fun and overall is a solid FPS package.

The main campaign is largely average, with vehicle sections being the stand out of the story parts. However, the Multiplayer is iconic, and I'd go so far as to say it holds up much better than GoldenEye does these days. GE doesn't have a remote controlled rocket launcher at each end of the map, does it?

A pretty significant gameplay improvement from Agent Under Fire, but this thing has got some awful fucking levels on the back-end.

If I had this app back in the day I would have logged this all the time. I would go as far as saying one of the best James Bond games out there. The range of gadgets you can use on a mission to complete it in different ways I love. Multiplayer is another great time, mini tanks and helicopters are amazing.

This is the game people pretend Goldeneye 64 is.
One of them aged like milk in the sun, the other is Nightfire.

Was generally a good time, not insanely story driven but fun regardless for what it is. definitely has some frustrating moments on harder difficulties - aged poorly

O primeiro FPS a gente nunca esquece

I remember it more fondly than Goldeneye, another one I used to play at the neighbors'

An amazing Bond game and a run first person shooter. The gadgets and the level design is a highlight with some fluid animations and shooting. One of the best on the system.

Everyone loves Goldeneye on N64 but I think I was a bit too young to enjoy that one when I played it. Nightfire was the multiplayer versus game for me. Lots of fun weapons (guided missile navigating through buildings please?), cool levels, and fun game modes.

The single-player mode was also good, but I don't know if I ever finished it.

I have played Nightfire. And by "played," I mean "I tried to play against somebody who was in a corner with a rocket launcher, and he won every time because he had direct control of the rockets he was spamming." I seriously haven't seen a game this polished have a multiplayer mode that busted in a while. Funny story to think about now, but not exactly fun.

One thing that will always stick in my head is that on PS2 at least the default control scheme is horrendous. I just remember both sticks being for both moving and looking, thankfully you can change it to one stick moves and one looks. Fun game though.

took me by surprise how good this one is. multiplayer feels like a true Goldeneye follow up

Really enjoyable Bond game, particularly on the GC where you get a variety of vehicle sections. Not sure if it holds up but at the time it was arguably a step up from Goldeneye, in part due to the improvement in technology. I had a good time with it.

Change my mind.

Everyone loves this game, because everyone remembers the first couple of levels. The jungle driving section was not good and it generally struggles by the end. Also I just don't think a spy game with all kinds of gadgets and all that should be this aggressively linear.

Killed so many bots on Skyrail in couch co-op. So many fun guns and gadgets to play with on that map

Absolute masterpiece. The best 007 game ever released.

so when you need me darlin, can't you hear me SOS?

This was Goldeneye's spiritual successor. COD couch co-op before COD blew up. The campaign was fun too.

I think this game had a story mode, never played that shit.
Fucking BOT MATCH was where it was at.
My 10 y/o ass played fucking HOURS of oddjob (yes I was that motherfucker).