Reviews from

in the past

Bad action game but I fuck with its depressing-ass vibes and weird dev history and 100/10 music so goddamn much. This game was MADE FOR ME TO GNAW ON LIKE A WOOD BLOCK

This is one of the games my brother most holds against me for liking. Yes, it is maybe not the best or most fair action game of all time. At the same time, you press go on this goddamn thing and it is the craziest funkiest prog record on the Sega Genesis. There's a world where the game part of this is a little better, and in that world this is one of the biggest franchises of the 90s.

Un videojuego de acción-aventura en desplazamiento lateral de dificultad considerable cuyo punto fuerte reside en la posibilidad de recoger anillos con ciertas cualidades y, dependiendo en que dedo nos lo pongamos y con qué otro anillo lo combinemos, nos otorgará un poder o capacidad diferente, ofreciéndonos muchas posibilidades y formas de jugar con nuestro personaje. Aunque es un juego con mucha personalidad, siempre le he notado cierta inspiración en Castlevania y, al igual que en éste, la música es muy buena.
Un juego de mi infancia al que le tengo mucho cariño y recomiendo.

dumb stupid

addendum: cool soundtrack though

The mixing of the ring power ups is really solid, reminds me of combining powers in Kirby 64. Somewhat clunky movement but the art and enemy design is varied and interesting .

A pretty derivative action platformer with a decent combat system thanks to the ring system that lets you mix and match different types of attacks.