Reviews from

in the past

I love mahjong and I wish I could play it without the waifu gacha attached

Pretty much the only viable platform for online riichi mahjong for english speakers, (besides trying to figure out tenhou with a guide). Good amount of players, I can pretty much always find a game within a couple minutes. No major glitches, at least from the few months I played. And the presentation is reasonably shiny for a mahjong client. The gacha is incredibly superfluous, and not really implemented well to the gameplay in my opinion. The character designs are okay, though the voice acting's not bad for the few lines the characters speak during a game. Also the quests and events feel incredibly same-y and all kinda blend together, all adding up to a feeling like the extra features just don't really matter at all in the end.

As a way to play mahjong online, it's perfectly quality, though. Probably your best option right now, honestly.

Actually a good way to play mahjong casually online, just don't spend money on it and you're good.

The smartest mfs in China are up at 4AM on a Tuesday saying "Pon-Nyan~!"

i like making my friends angry its funny

sometimes your yakuza 100% completion playthrough stops dead in its tracks because of mahjong

mine stopped because i got really really into mahjong

I love mahjong, this is mahjong ..but with exploitative anti consumer practices.

A very good and streamlined version of mahjong. No need to touch the gacha elements to enjoy a quick east round.

the minute long loading times make me feel like im really there, shuffling the tiles

I destroyed one friend that was near a Yakuman with a hand of 2k points. Good times.

That's how you make a gacha game

Came to learn Mahjong for Yakuza games, stayed for the epic mahjong gameplay (definitely not for the anime girls).

i want the akagi skin so bad 💔

literally the best playable riichi mahjong you'll find but the gacha is the worst shit i've seen

Some might go full reddit mode and get mad at the gacha mechanics but this game is how all online matchmaking games should work.

- There is no chat, only emotes.
- You choose the lobbies based on your skill level/comfort.
- Cool graphics, but not overbearing.
- Decent amount of in-game references.
- Akagi

The only issue with this is some of my friends refuse to play it bc it makes their fans spin.

Depressão, tristeza e fé abalada durante a partida inteira

Bato um tanyao

"Vocês são meros plebeus comparados a mim"

Pretty good intro into mahjong.
My only gripes with it are just nitpicks, like the overly moe art style and the fact you can't play in portrait mode, but otherwise it's easy to jump into and fun to play.
No comment on the gacha stuff, I'm not touching that unless they rerun the Akagi collab.
Update on the gacha: Tried for the Code Geass collab. I hate this gacha system.


i have a severe gambling addiction

Mahjong is super fun as a game, but as a platform Majsoul is probably the worst even though it's the most commonly used

fun. soulful. easy to learn