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The Gurdian's debt should be payed to Mass Effect and Telltale. Also add in modern videogame corridor linearity as exploration and you get a surprisingly great game.

Guardian's story, characters and amazing graphics go a long way to mask its serviceable combat full of sponge enemies that by the end of the game fall too easy to your team's abilities.

Still, its an amazing journey full of surprises but you need to tolerate the incessant ramblings of a well acted cast that just wont shut the hell up for a second. It made the impression that the game was too insecure in maintaining its audiences attention.

A shame, cause Guardians could let itself breathe in its amazingly crafted locales. Its a memorable space opera well worth playing through.

Wow. After hearing the announcement of this game I sighed, after the Avengers game I really thought this would follow suite of having a very bland an uninspired story but holy hell was I wrong. I was never going to get this game but after a friend heavily suggested it claiming it to be his 'favourite game of all time' I reluctantly bought it and to say I'm glad I did would be an understatement. This game was everything that it needed to be.

Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy is proof that the genre of single player superhero games is far from dead. This may be a bold claim/unpopular but the characterization of the Guardians in this game is better than the MCU, there I said it. This story being told here is also better than both of the films combined. It's a goofy, fun, and crazy game with some genuine heartfelt moments in it. There are a few twists here and there that actually caught me off guard and work really well. One complaint I have is that I wish there were more Peter and Nikki stuff, it seems like he isn't as hellbent as he should be when discussing the probability of saving her with the team, he did think that she was his daughter at that point after all. But the stuff that we did get with them was great and brilliantly executed.

The combat system is another real highlight but for me the best integration that this game bring to the table is the huddle system. Motivating yourself and your team then blasting some absolute tunes whilst taking on an army? Oh it's so awesome. The dynamic between each Guardian is fantastic and you may think that the constant interaction will annoy you after a while but it actually allows them to develop their relationships really well. My only issue in that regard is the constant repeating of dialogue at times but I can overlook it. Overall GOTG is a masterful game and the best superhero game I have played since Batman: Arkham City. Well done Square Enix, now give us a sequel pretty please?

I thought the trailers looked real rough but this ended up being a lot of fun. I liked this version of these characters more than the movies too.

Just an all around great game, and I love this interpretation of the characters. It's a good mix of the comics and the movies.


I'm of two minds about this game. On the one hand, it's just nice to have a game with such huge IP backing it aspire to nothing more than a thoughtful single player campaign. On the other, it sure would be nice if Guardians of the Galaxy weren't such a tease in damn near every aspect.

When it makes a big deal about dialogue choices affecting story outcomes, you kinda wish they'd solve the Telltale problem and use Square-Enix's money to truly mean it. When it establishes a rudimentary financial system, you kinda wish it was more than a decision to experience everything Knowhere has to offer or not, for fear of a reprimand that isn't coming.

When it introduces stagger and damage systems, as well as support character abilities leaning one way or the other, you kinda wish combat didn't just devolve into "use whatever we've got, guys!" almost every time. When you realize this is going to be a somewhat emotional story about Star-Lord's acceptance of adulthood and leadership, you kinda wish his damn guns weren't the (hand waved, I might add) deus ex machina that gets the Guardians out of every life or death pickle.

When you start to realize you actually really enjoy this iteration of Drax the Destroyer, you kinda wish this iteration of Star-Lord didn't sound like the sort of dude that thinks Poochie is actually kind of cool. When you realize just how much unique and situational dialogue they've written for this team is, you simultaneously begin to wish they'd just shut the hell up sometimes - and bizarrely, so does the game which is often not designed with the length of this incidental dialogue in mind, more often than not cutting things off mid-sentence as you progress from one room to another.

In other words, and this is even without addressing all the ways this game hints at simply better games (most specifically Uncharted and Mass Effect) to the very lightest degree it possibly can, Guardians of the Galaxy is the epitome of a They Just Don't Make 'Em Like THey Used To licensed game, an amalgamation of all that's hot in gaming with few original ideas and even fewer ideas of how to implement those trends into itself.

And yet...this is not a bad thing, publishers! This is all we basement dwelling dweebs want! Give us our IP, wrap it in a packaging that plays about as well and looks about as good as the very best this industry has to offer, hint at the ambition the development team could apply to an original idea if they ever got the chance and let us be on our merry way after 15 or 20 hours.

Guardians got a bit of a bad shake during its PR skid, partially due to ongoing Marvel fatigue and partially due to audiences seeming to feel brow beaten by multiple extended gameplay reveals. It's a shame because I think we all should have taken the opposite approach and appreciated that Square were putting so much faith and marketing heft behind this thoroughly above average, thoroughly non-predatory bit of mass market entertainment.

I went into this with some low ass expectations after the god-awful dreck that was Marvel's Avengers, but I will admit when I was wrong because this game is a good as time.

The writing, for the most part, is honestly not that bad, it's not James Gunn and it fully knows that so it tries to go for a more video-gamey feel and it more or less succeeded in what it was trying.

The combat is something that I was dreading since from all the previews it looked boring and unengaging, once again I was super wrong. Once combat is in motion and you're in the moment everything becomes a lot more fast passed. The way the combat feels reminds me of janky 7th gen games; where they're janky and off-putting they have this charm that you just can't resist, that is this game's combat. Oh, also it's pretty much just want Mass Effect Andromeda tried doing but better making that game look even more like a steering pile of shit in comparison.

The story was pretty ok. It's not gonna blow you away and compared to the last good Marvel game Spider-Man PS4 it doesn't reach the same fantastic heights that game had but it does reach it a handful of times.

I think visually it looks fantastic, everything from the planets; to the aliens, everything gives me this feeling of an 80s Heavy Metal cover and I go crazy for that shit.

Overall I was gonna give this game an 8 and that would be it but then we had this outstanding fight with 𝗥𝗘𝗗𝗔𝗖𝗧𝗘𝗗, and I shit you not that was an amazing boss fight. Every boss fight with a 𝗥𝗘𝗗𝗔𝗖𝗧𝗘𝗗 needs to have Kickstart my Heart in it from now on.

pretty great game with a decent narrative and a really nice charm to it. unironically prefer the game over any of the GotG MCU films too, i just feel like the characters are understood better and done more justice here... also helps nail the nostalgic 70s/80s kinda tone better than the films do.

the gameplay is pretty decent, i enjoyed the combat but sometimes there are frame drops - nothing that is game breaking tho, very little bugs outside of this.

gonna go for the platinum sometime soon.

I liked this game just fine, it got a little repetitive towards the end but I also liked the story more than either of the movies. So thumbs up!

This game doesn't really crush any expectations. It's pretty much exactly what you'd expect it to be. It's an average MCU movie plot with combat that involves holding down both triggers and boring environmental puzzles while the Guardians never stop talking. That being said, the story is well written, it won't knock your socks off but it's never particularly boring or poorly paced (except near the end.) I also really enjoy the way that party combat works in this game, each party member's moves are accessible with a specific sequence of button presses. It's something I'd like to see doven into more deeply, and certainly what makes the combat feel good. Overall, if you don't already love the Guardians of the Galaxy, this game isn't something that can really do that for you. I have a hard time recommending this to anyone who isn't a fan of the IP already, but if you are, get it on sale.

It feels like a PS2 era b-game in a good way.

I had a good time with this, but it does feel like a game that could be improved in many ways. I'd love to see a sequel someday, one that expands on the gameplay especially. Doesn't really feel that exciting until you've unlocked all your abilities - getting a sequel where everyone has their endgame abilities and going from there would be great.

Also I wish the game utilized its 70s - 80s soundtrack more. It had an entire friggin' hard rock album made for it, but we hardly ever get to hear it. Come on guys, ditch the orchestra! I wanna hear more dad rock!

This is one of the biggest surprises of 2021. The game kicks ass, and is easily one of the most well-written games of the year. It is shockingly fun. In other games you get tired of character banter but in this, I just want to hear more of it. It's so good, and so well performed, it's fantastic.

Definitely the best party-based-RPG that isn't exactly a party-based-RPG of the year.

Proud to say I believed in this game from the very flarkin start.

What a huge improvement from Avengers. I cant wait to see what Eidos-Montréal does next, whether it be another Guardians game or perhaps another Marvel property.

Overall, really flarkin great game.

This game has no right being as good as it is. Combat is the biggest detractor for me because it is just too simplistic. I think if they take this formula and expand it into a full RPG (think Bioware) then they have something truly special on their hands.

This is one of the best stories in a game that I've played in awhile and the writing is so strong. I was shocked at how invested I was in the story. Absolutely play this game, whether you get it on sale or full price you will not be disappointed.

Decent combat which works great for a team-based game (more thoughts on Steam review)

Bardzo mi się podobało, ale jednocześnie nie potrafię jej wystawić maksymalnej oceny na pięć gwiazdek. Tak po prostu czuję, brakuje jakiejś boskiej iskry, którą mają na przykład exy Sony. Zdarzają się techniczne glitche — od takich drobnych jak to, że coś migota, tekstura składana z dwóch, postać drży w pionie — przez irytujące jak to, że gra ucina dialogi, po poważniejsze — jak to, że czasem nie odpalają się skrypty wymagane do popchnięcia akcji do przodu i trzeba się skapnąć, że to się właśnie stało, a następnie załadować ręcznie punkt kontrolny i spróbować jeszcze raz.

Słabe jest strzelanie, zwłaszcza pod koniec gry kiedy pojawiają się kolejne fale wrogów. Gameplay w tym aspekcie jest bardzo prosty, wręcz prostacki i nieustanne „piu piu” oraz wykonywanie uników jest nudne.

Większość tych błędów i niedociągnięć jest niewielka, ale sprawia to, że Strażacy Galaktyki nie są grą AAA. Bardziej AAB. Na pewno też nie AA, od tego jest zdecydowanie lepsza.

Natomiast grafika, humor, dialogi, fabuła, różnorodność lokacji, małe zagadki, cutscenki — to górna półka gier. To wszystko jest w Guardiansach wspaniałe.

To bardzo mocny, świetny wręcz tytuł, dla mnie nawet GOTY (ale tu dużo zależy od tego w co się grało i co wyszło w danym roku), no ale jednak ogrywane w zeszłym roku TLoU 2 bym postawił wyżej. Milesa Moralesa chyba też.

W każdym razie — mocno polecam to singleplayerowe doświadczenie. Takich gier jest na rynku mało, wszyscy pchają się w open worldy, rogaliki i mikrotransakcje. Strażnicy Galaktyki to tytuł dla pojedynczego gracza, długi, bogaty w zawartość, opowiadający fajną historię postaci, które od razu można polubić i do tego długi (ponad 20 godzin!). Bardzo dobrze wydane pieniądze!

the writing is so incredibly strong in this and it's full of amazing emotional beats. combat isn't very engaging, but it's flashy enough that i still enjoyed it a lot!

It's good... like, it's really good!

Derivative of Uncharted, Mass Effect and Control. But derivative doesn't have to be a dirty word. Familiarity is comforting. This could have been a total disaster. In a weird way it feels like one of the rare AAA PS4-era games that was left alone by the publisher to be its own thing. In this day and age that means a game that doesn't take a lot of chances. Okay, fine. But I think like Jedi Fallen Order, and completely unlike Marvel's Avengers, this is a big, licensed Disney game that exudes some form of personality and spirit.

I enjoy that this game unlike the two Guardians of the Galaxy really plays into what desperate losers these guys are. It makes for the cliched moments when they come together as a team and bond feel more earned. I love the dialogue in this game. Not the actual dialogue itself, mind you. Just how much of it there is and how well it's scattered across the game. When you wander around as Peter to search for a collectible, Gamora or Rocket will ask what the fuck you're doing and if you're lost. Peter will say he's scouting. Small moments but they add up to a sense of place and character, and not in a blatantly self-referential meta way. The characters, at least for the first half, are almost always chatting, bantering, bickering, mostly over each other. It can feel like a Robert Altman film at times with just how much overlapping dialogue there is, or like an episode of Always Sunny.

I dig it. Unspectacular but in a world of corporate art it's nice to get a single player game that's primarily story centric and linear and just left to be its own thing. I'll take it as a small miracle.

I actually liked this one! The writing especially was suprisingly good! Everything other than aspect is... good, but nothing special (which is to say, it's very ""AAA""). It's a fun time while it lasts (which cannot be said for most other ""AAA"" games).

There is only one big problem I have with this game: The huddle is a bad mechanic that brings the action to a screeching halt in favor of a half baked minigame that takes way too long and has way too little in terms of actual pay-off. It doesn't help that the dialogues start repeating themselves halfway through the game. I was euphoric at first to discover the songs that played after a successful huddle (which is every single one of them if you don't misclick) - only to be let down by the fact that you essentially only ever get to hear the first minute of every song. Even in longer battles, the normal (relatively generic) battle music randomly kicks back in for no discernable reason? It's... not fun. I actively avoided using it after a while - which is easily possible, thankfully. Which is little sad, as the idea had potential. The entire package is more than good enough to overlook that point tho.

Like seemingly everyone else I had fully written this one off: why should I care about a game about a property I don't really care about, where you exclusively control the least interesting member of the team, with combat that looked like any generic 3rd-person shooter?

And also like everyone else, once I actually got to playing it, it blew me away. The writing is great and made me care about my team and the characters, leading to moments towards the where I genuinely cheered.

The squad-based combat is deeply satisfying on a mechanical and story level. Star-Lord's main story arc is learning how to be a good leader, and that's reflected in the combat mechanics: you start the game mostly just shooting at enemies and occasionally using your team's skills to do chip damage. By the end, you've learned what each teammate is good at and how to string together combos to take down enemies quickly. You've become a leader of the team as much as Star-Lord has. It's a meshing of story and gameplay that's more successful than any game I've played in a while.

A pleasant surprise. Delivers a funny, heartfelt quasi-MCU like story with solid squad based shooter at its core. Only playing as Star Lord seemed limiting at first, and his dual laser setup does get a bit tired by the time you hit credits, but having the whole team's special abilities at your disposal keeps things interesting. You'll need to use them tactically, but there's also some fun to be had mixing and matching them for your own amusement.

Very solid narrative and characters/voice acting carried this enough to where I do not want to give it less than an 80. Also just really refreshing to have a big franchise turned triple A game like this be a straightforward, no BS single-play narrative focused game and nothing else. Actually somewhat surprising and unique. Combat is just fine and nothing more but it's not really an issue, overall a good experience that does not last too long or anything.


Only the mediocre gameplay hinders this from becoming one of my favorite games of all time. The storytelling is sublime and will hopefully inspire many other developers.
If this doesn’t get a sequel I do not want to live on this planet anymore.

O jogo é realmente bom. É definitivamente a minha versão preferida dos personagens, achei melhor que a dos filmes inclusive. É meio injusto comparar pq esse aqui obviamente tem mais tempo pra desenvolver e tal, mas eu curti a personalidade dos personagens, tipo a Mantis, por exemplo. Não curto muito ela no filme. A história tem um peso dramático legal, tem bastante humor também. É impressionante a quantidade de interações que tem entre os Guardiões, eles VIVEM conversando e é meio impossível tu acompanhar tudo pq conforme tu vai avançando, eles param de falar e tu perde algum diálogo. É uma pena, pq a maioria das conversas são engraçadas e interessantes.

Foi uma boa surpresa, eu realmente me diverti APESAR do combate ser muito simples e até muito chato. Ele não é muito divertido depois de umas boas horas, até pq esse jogo é realmente muito grande. Tu não sente que tem estratégia pq tu basicamente só faz a mesma coisa o jogo todo. Precisa de uns polimentos na sequel. E o jogo é LONGO demais. Ele realmente estica muito a história, aí com isso ele fica meio cansativo pq tu sente que tá fazendo uma parada que facilmente podia não existir. Eu achei que ia terminar a história no capítulo 12 e ele conseguiu se esticar por mais 3 capítulos. Não contente com isso, quando eu estava nos créditos, o jogo acrescentou MAIS UM capítulo e eu simplesmente fiquei cansado demais.

Mas, apesar disso, o jogo é bom. Tô curioso pra próxima sequel, entrou no meu radar e espero que eles não caguem no próximo, pq isso aqui tem muito, muito potencial.

Não é a melhor narrativa do ano, ganhou basicamente por ser aquele padrão Marvel de ação, porrada e tal, Psychonauts 2 era pra ter levado essa fácil, mas tem uma narrativa bem boa tb.

Jogo bão ae

It’s one of those games that hit me especially hard for some really weird, heavy subjective reasons. I could stay here longer and write about them, but all you „need” to know is that this gem of a game reminded me of why I love Marvel universe since I was a kid, how exciting it was to discover it through different media back in the day. I remembered that child-like wonder over fictional worlds and characters, that innocent time in life when it seemed like I’m living more in those worlds than the real one. I needed this.

And on top of that, you get this amazing writing - telling a story that touches a lot heavy stuff and yet features a scene where a guy called „Star-Lord” catches his walkman in the air with a space dragon behind him.

And. It. Works.

That child-like excitement and more serious stuff merged together, gives me, in my opinion, some really great flurkin’ game.

This is without a doubt one of the best games ever done by Eidos Montreal.
The sheer content and exploration of things in this is just so good. (Knowhere chapter where you go around to find Cosmo is the best 3 hours I spent on just exploration).
The Huddle dialogue choice is a bit tricky tbh, sometimes it backfires on a very good fight but it's a very minimal thing (I got Rick Astley during the Fin Fang Foom boss, BEST SHIT EVER to play during a boss fight XD).
The dialogue choices and narrative of this blow the skyline of other games like wow.
10/10 this is my Game of the Year.

Absolutely surprised at how great this game was. After the absolute dumpster fire that was avengers, i was scared that this wouldnt be good but i have never been so glad to be wrong. Cambat was fun, the story was great, and it looked fantastic

This review contains spoilers

I don't fuck with the MCU Guardians films. I think GotG 1 is okay, and 2 is pretty dead. But this is the good stuff.

I played Avengers, completed the story and actually enjoyed what I played - I ignored all of the grind, all of the live service stuff, all of the multiplayer, and treated it like a single player superhero game. It kiiiiiiiiinda scratched that itch, but not quite.

Guardians scratched that itch. It felt like a much older game in the best way possible - single player only, no online, no live service, it was beautiful. I play the game and I can either replay the chapters, start the game again or NOTHING. It feels like old times, when games had endings. It also only took me about 17 hours which was blessed.

What I liked: The characters and story. It's the big positive point and for good reason, the performances and writing are so, so good. It made me care about the Guardians where 2 whole MCU films failed. I saw some people talking about how they laughed out loud or cried or whatever, and I didn't feel all of that, but it was funny and engaging consistently. The choices in the story were great too because they actually made material changes - I chose to sell Groot (after initially choosing Rocket but going back on that), and I realised later on that going with Rocket would have been a massive change. The combat was a lot of fun too. I was initially worried about the idea of only controlling Star Lord but I loved how they used that to emphasise that you're the leader of this team. You command the others to attack, you make the choices for them in the story, you call up huddles to inspire them and start playing 80s music over combat, it's sick. It's limited initially but unlocking all of the moves for all of the characters makes you feel really powerful when you start outputting a lot of damage.

What I didn't like: ...I don't know lol. I think sometimes the level design was a bit simple? Like outside of the combat sections, the levels were mostly very simple corridors and puzzle rooms with light platforming. It does the thing where your character is on the left side of the screen and I feel like that doesn't work for platforming, you know? I wish it had been bolder with their platforming sections, but I understand that it was just a vehicle for pretty environments and character conversations. The puzzle difficulty was honestly LEGO game levels too, but all good. Super fun game.

This game has the best story/writing of any game I have played this year so far. Gameplay is good too with a unique twist with using your fellow guardian's abilities. Incredible game that unfortunately is being slept on due to the failure that Marvel's Avengers was.