Reviews from

in the past

Assinei EA Play por outro jogo, vi que esse tava lá e resolvi baixar porque nunca participei do momento Mass Effect, não tinha os consoles da época.

Cacetada, jogaço da porra. Adorei a jogabilidade e o ritmo (apesar do jogo ter uns momentos que da tédio, tipo a primeira ida na cidadela). Acho que esse jogo envelheceu bem demais, animado pra jogar o 2

Eu sinto que ME1 é MUITO mais um RPG do que um jogo de tiro. Não no sentido conceitual. No sentido literal mesmo. O jogo me parece muito mais próximo de algo como KOTOR do que de Gears of War (o 2 e o 3 estão muito mais pra GoW). E isso cria uma porção de pequenos problemas. O tiro do jogo é bem ruim, o cover é ruim, as habilidades serem em tempo real é ruim, tudo é meio lerdo. O inventário é uma bagunça terrível. Mas ele ainda faz algumas coisas que foram um pouco perdidas no resto da trilogia original. O sistema de missões que o 2 implementa torna tudo muito mais rápido e meio artificial. Aqui você tem que explorar os lugares de verdade e por mais que na maior parte do tempo seja chato, ainda dá uma sensação de imersão maior do que só um monte de loading screens. Se eu prefiro a chatice do que a eficiência? Não, mete loading screen aí mané. Mas que eu me senti mais imerso no 1 na maior parte do tempo, eu com certeza me senti.

O mais curioso de rejogar esse jogo após todos esses anos é ver que Andromeda tá inteirinho aqui. Você tem a exploração chata e inútil num veículo terrível de pilotar (no 1, o veículo no Andromeda é decente), você tem milhões de sidequests pra coletar coisas inúteis que não tem payoff satisfatório, você tem um monte de missão genérica sem graça com npcs genéricos. Tudo. A maior diferença é que no Andromeda esse monte de lixo tá largado no seu caminho enquanto aqui você tem que ir caçar essas coisas em planetas aleatórios. E o Andromeda tem um combate bom de verdade.

Pode parecer que eu odeio esse jogo por falar tantas coisas negativas, mas eu adoro ele. Tem uma puta história boa e aquela magia de fazer você se sentir no comando de tudo que você faz (apesar de como de costume ser só uma ilusão bobinha). Alguns personagens excelentes, alguns extremamente ruins e uns que você nem lembra que existem, assim como na vida real! Até o combate que eu reclamei eu secretamente gosto. Eu acho que todo mundo que fica dizendo que esse é o pior jogo da trilogia tá só maluco. É o terceiro melhor jogo da trilogia!

Recomendo demais, o remaster torna tudo que não é rosto humano tão liiiiiindo, todo lugar que você olha é uma screenshot esperando pra ser tirada. Eu nem sei dizer se as mudanças de gameplay que eles anunciaram fez alguma diferença porque eu não jogava esse jogo fazia uns 12 anos mas ainda recomendo essa versão simplesmente porque tudo funciona em hardware moderno sem necessitar de 1 bilhão de mods, além de que tem suporte nativo à controle (porque a versão original de PC só suportava mouse/teclado). Só diria para não perder um minuto da sua vida sequer tentando explorar planetas aleatórios com o Mako. Confia.

Primeira vez q estou jogando os Mass Effect e o primeiro realmente muito bom

there's some political science space shit. nice!

I played both the remaster and the original. The remaster is infinitely better, and I think the ME1 remaster plays better than the rest of the games period

Giocato su pc è praticamente un altro gioco

The remaster of this game looks so good. This is always been my least fav of the trilogy, but it’s growing more and more on me every time I replay it. The only big thing that’s brings it down from the rest of the empty barren planets you explore. There’s nothing really to do on them unfortunately and they’re all busy work, even tho I would’ve like them to just, tweak it and make it better to explore, I understand why they got rid of the feature in the later 2 games. This game has the best rpg elements tho with the skills trees and customization of armor and weapons. It’s really a shame that they dumbed it down in later entries cuz it’s really nice to have in this one. This is a perfect start to a great series.

só a Liara e o Kaidan já merecem cinco estrelas

I originally beat the first Mass Effect game about a decade ago, and to be honest I don't think I really appreciated it then. My poor laptop wasn't well suited to running the game, and my inexperience with shooters made for a cumbersome experience. Returning to it now, via the Legendary Edition remasters, my greatest impression is how good the world building is. You play as Cmd. Shepard, the first human soldier to join an elite arm of the galactic special services. You find yourself embroiled in a plot to continue a cyclical pattern of galactic genocide taking place over the course of millennia, and you have to make allies of various unique and interesting species to stop the threat. It's a game where your choices really do matter, both in how other characters treat you, but even towards who lives and dies and how the ending plays out. These choices can directly carry over to the sequel titles, giving a level of storytelling that even now hasn't really been surpassed. I really enjoyed the look of the future presented in this game, not just with the technology and alien races, but even things like how human fashion will evolve. It's a well thought out and cohesive vision. There are a variety of different combat methods, but those are somewhat locked depending on what class you choose at the beginning of the game, which is a bit of a shame. I ended up going pure third person shooter, which is rather enjoyable, if not terribly original. Any complaint I have towards this game is pretty minor. It's surprisingly shorter than I recall for one. I did nearly all the side quests available to me, but I think there's only five or six stages in the main campaign. The side quests have interest premises, but all take place in one of two copy pasted enemy bases, which can feel a bit silly. Overall, a thoroughly enjoyable replay, and I'm looking forward to continuing on to the rest of the series, which I never got around to finishing back in the day.

An incredible classic Space Opera adventure.
It might be outshined by it's sequel but the hunt for Saren across space with your rag-tag crew still makes for a very compelling adventure with a fun story and great characters.

The original version of the game feels a bit clunky to play now with in particular some pretty poorly aged gunplay, though the Legendary Edition remaster cleans that up a lot and lets the game stand tall next to Mass Effect 2.

Histoire cool et personnages sympa mais un gameplay vraiment pauvre et des menus pas ergonomique. Mention spécial à la conduite qui est catastrophique, tu roules sur une branche le Mako s'envole.

Esse jogo tem uma historia boa pra krl, e eu adorei a trilha sonora desse jogo, meu unico ponto negativo são as animações mas que não me incomodaram tanto por ser um jogo de 2007

I really wasn't expecting this game to appeal to me so much. I am not really a sci-fi guy but I did like this game's atmosphere and environment a lot. It kinda feels like playing a video game version of The Fifth Element, given, It's probably inspired by it. The world is vastly more detailed and interesting than other immersive sim-esque games I have played in the past. The shooting is nothing crazy, it is pretty standard, but it is not the highlight of the game. The highlight is the story, or rather how interactive it is. I don't mind that every choice I make is not important, what matters is making you feel like your in the game talking with these characters which I think Mass Effect does a great job at.

Some complaints I do have is that the driving segments suck. Like they are just bad, it's mostly monotonous driving down straight paths, sometimes there's some enemies but they never pose a threat which is probably for the better. The car doesn't control the best either, any small slope flips you all over. I wish there was also more options for good or bad choices in dialogue. I almost had to kill one of my teammates, Wrex, cause my intimidate wasn't high enough until I reloaded. The skill tree is pretty bare bones and the little powers you get aren't that useful besides the damage up ones.

The game was a little short but sweet, I hope 2, which people say is better, is just an improved formula of what we have here. For how old this game is, I wasn't expecting it to actually hold up. I really enjoy this structure it has, and hope the 2nd will be better.

A bit slow and tedious to me at times, but I really liked it overall. Characters are fun and the universe gets a nice setup here. The combat is pretty bad, the worlds feel artificial and boxed in and the side stuff kind of sucked.

Esse foi meu primeiro contato com a trilogia e devo admitir que me arrependo de não ter jogado antes.

Mass Effect 1 tem um dos melhores worldbuildings que já vi dentro de um jogo. É tudo tão natural e fluído que me fez ter vontade de conhecer mais e mais sobre as raças, os planetas, as tecnologias, etc.

Há um codex no jogo que é organizado como uma enciclopédia pra consultar os variados tópicos abordados no mundo, atualizado continuamente ao longo da jornada. Uma boa sacada pra quem esquece das coisas como eu.

A gameplay travada não é das melhores e já mostra sua idade, parecendo um shooter de qualidade duvidável. E tudo fica pior quando você dirige o Mako, veículo de exploração e combate de Shepard.

O fator RPG é excelente e cada escolha nos diálogos realmente importam. Algumas ações têm consequências durante a trilogia toda e isso é muito imersivo.

Gostei muito dos personagens do esquadrão, são bem escritos e te dá motivação de conhecer cada um, podendo até ter um romance com alguns deles (infelizmente em Mass Effect 1 não há romances gays).

Outro elemento narrativo que me despertou interesse foi a política do jogo. O protagonista é constantemente exposto à questões sociais complexas como racismo intergalático, genocídio, ganância corporativa, corrupção, etc. Todas as suas escolhas e intervenções (ou omissões) podem ter resultados bons ou ruins mas que não é necessariamente um karma, pois o jogo te deixa impune seja você do bem (Paragon) ou do mal (Renegade).

Sem dúvidas um jogo incrível mas que precisa de um remake urgente.

This game does some things very well. The character designs are fantastic and creative. There is some interesting lore that both sets the foundation for the game and is also directly interlinked with the quests you complete and the characters you interact with. The voice acting is mostly really good, but Shepard’s is awful which really throws off every scene since he’s the main protagonist. The good parts kept me fairly interested throughout, but the game also gets most of the core aspects wrong. First, the worlds are completely uninteresting and barren except for the few markers on the map, which themselves are the same across every planet. The gameplay is just fine, but I dislike the UI and the slowness of switching weapons/using abilities. The loot system is honestly just a burden. It got annoying clearing out my inventory and comparing every new gun I picked up to the guns I had equipped. The story is pretty good, I didn’t have any major gripes. However, this game does that typical annoying thing where the dialogue choices you choose are often nothing like what Shepard actually says. 90% of the time I thought I accidentally picked the wrong one. The experience was still fairly enjoyable in the end, mostly because I enjoy games where you get to pick from an ensemble of characters to team up with. However, I think this game is objectively pretty bad and I’m surprised the reviews are so high.

Finally got a chance to play this game! It’s very interesting, I played a remaster of it that was fairly recent but it was originally released in 2007. Thinking of other games released then, it was surprisingly like games that would be released recently in its general format.

The visuals are sort of ok and I can see where it has aged. The lore is neat and the overall story is decent, although a little war hero-ey which doesn’t fully jive with my energy but I respect the way to was told for the most part. The branching dialogue is neat conceptually. The Paragon and Renegade system begins to feel a little thin and it would be nice if there was more incentive to try more varied options. Sometimes the dialogue tree makes the conversation take very abrupt turns and it can feel a little rushed.

The actual gameplay is fine, the fighting is pretty good and there are different ways to attack enemies and engage with environments. I enjoyed that I could decrypt things, but the ABXY unlock sequences got repetitive over time and I would have appreciated more variety in puzzles. The game also has some whack bugs that got frustrating at times, particularly with progression or traversal.

Side quests were similar, where there was a lot of driving in the Mako to trailers and compounds that all looked identical on different planets. I think with a bit more variety I would have been more encouraged to try different things.

Generally, a solid first entry I looked forward to playing with a few faults but interesting enough to play the second game.

outdated but cool. far too many crashes for a legendary remaster but its ea


(from original post in 2022) Surprised by how short it was

O jogo não envelheceu tão bem em questão de gameplay, mas o sistema de escolhas é fantástico até pros dias atuais, sendo possível jogar o jogo diversas vezes fazendo escolhas diferentes.
O jogo me ganhou 90% só por causa disso.
Hype pro 2

Great story! It gets straight to the point and always manages to intrigue the player to want to know the outcome of the plot. However, the gameplay is quite simple and the enemies are extremely dumb. Even so, it doesn't really detract from the overall experience.

Je suis le capitaine Shepard et cette review est ma favorite de la citadelle

Great story and characters, weak gameplay, awful driving sections, and hard to navigate.

A really good remaster of the first game, the controls were modernized, and it played really well.

This review contains spoilers

Wait, it's over already?

Apparently, forgoing all the side content and taking the specific path I did makes the game clock in at about 10 hours. Which caught me off guard, but it's far from a bad thing. I'm absolutely starving to go back and replay, this time doing all the side content, using different party members, and trying to make things go down differently. That longing feeling is something that only the best games can really elicit.

I initially avoided Wrex, thinking that I didn't need a Krogan's help with my tasks on the Citadel. But upon heading out for good, there he was, asking to come along. I said, "what the hell, a big meaty guy could be useful" and added him to my party. Now, it was Shepard, Wrex and Garrus, on boys night out. We had many an adventure. I learned more about Wrex's culture, and grew endeared to his personality. I even took him up on his request to genocide some bugs, because the only good bug is a dead bug. Unfortunately, we eventually came to a roadblock, because the alliance wanted to destroy a cure for his people that was being used to raise an army. Wrex understandably wanted to use the cure to save his people, and I was having trouble talking him down from taking action.

And then that BITCH Ashley shot him in cold blood from behind. Killed my best friend. My best man. My battle buddy, my drinking buddy, the only guy I could really count on. So I then sent her on a suicide mission and left her to die in a nuclear explosion.

I really loved that sequence of shock, anger and then catharsis from the game letting me make Shepard a vindictive bastard in response to Wrex's death. It's ballsy, personal storytelling, and it's the memory from this game that will stick with me the most.

Probably the most "deceptive" 6/10 I've ever given to a game.

I wanted to like Mass Effect more. The universe is very well crafted, the codex texts are fun to read, and the lore as a whole is very interesting. Sometimes the desolate atmosphere of exploring a planet is all I need to switch off my brain, and I find the party interesting enough for the game, with all the characters undergoing some kind of development (and in some cases, like Wrex, their arc ends up having a direct impact on the directions your choices can take).

But I think the game fails too much in certain aspects as a game. The menus are not intuitive to navigate, the amount of places to explore ends up being excessive and extremely repetitive with little variation, and I don't find the integration of sidequests good.

Moreover, the main planets and especially the Citadel are horrible to explore. The Citadel, in particular, is all confusing and has a very strange layout. I genuinely had less trouble exploring and memorizing the layout of certain dungeons in Shin Megami Tensei than navigating the Citadel.

A universe as rich as this one would probably fit better as a TV series or a book, something like that, although the interactive part of Mass Effect 1 isn't all that bad either. And all the mystery behind the Reapers (and THAT cutscene on top of Virmire) makes everything worthwhile and quite interesting in the end.