Reviews from

in the past

To be honest, I wasn't a Mega Man guy. I've played some of the NES titles, but I always thought the games were unappealing. It was a stupid conclusion to make based off just those two games I played, but it was what I stuck with.

My friends talked about the X games, and I can safely say that Megaman X1 is pretty good. it builds off what the NES games establish, with the weapons and bosses but focuses more on the levels themselves and your movement options. It introduces the wall jump (godsend) and the ground dash, two moves that would end up sticking around. The latter especially is really fun to use, it grants insane momentum and allows for some really cool jumps.

The levels are put together nicely, enemy placement never feels unfair and the enemies themselves are well designed, but the real highlights are the bosses. Each boss, like before has a weakness, and you get their weapon upon defeating them. Every boss is mostly fun, though I can see how they can get frustrating if you fought them in a mixed order, however I think the randomness of their movements makes them a little lame - sometimes they'll open up to weakness several times and sometimes they'll repeat the same attack multiple times.

The game also kind of dips in quality at the Sigma stages, and I found myself not using most weapons in 90% of scenarios, the other 10% being bosses that are weak to them. While they are a cool novelty, they don't feel all that useful within the levels, but maybe that's just me. Besides that, it's still good fun and I'd recommend it for anyone looking to get into the series, or just needs something to play.

Simply put absolutely fantastic game.

Great Controls, Great Level Design, Fun Weapons to use, Fantastic Soundtrack, and overall this is just a really fun and enjoyable game to play no matter what, absolute recommend for anyone who enjoys Platformers.

Mega Man X is a game that misses a few marks but it gets points for bringing something new to a somewhat stale series. While collecting items and power ups are fun, they shouldn’t have impacted the beginning difficultly of this game. And If it weren’t for the fact difficult is all over the place in this game, I would have like this game more, but that simply wasn’t the case.

One of my favorite 2D platformers. I've beaten this game 4 or 5 times now and everytime I come back to it I experience something new. The meticulous design of every stage in this game leads to such a well crafted experience that no other Megaman game has since created for me. There's a very distinct sense of you gaining more power and strength with each boss you take down. There's not much else I can say that hasn't already been said about this game. Play it!

I should probably start by saying that I'm not a very big fan of classic Mega Man. I appreciate their philosophies in game design and level design, but they could never captivate me the way that their spiritual descendants have: Shovel Knight for example does everything that I enjoyed about Mega Man better, while getting rid of everything that I disliked about it.

Mega Man X on the other hand vindicates the classic games' design, never veering too far away, while making just a few tweaks that make the experience so unimaginably better.

I guessed the weakness order the entire time, for example - I think I only managed to get about three Mavericks with their weaknesses in the end, but between the far better telegraphed attacks and X's improved mobility, I never had a serious problem just using the default gun against any of them.
The weakness order makes a fair amount of sense when you consider the how the weapons work mechanically too, which I don't think was a real consideration for most of the classic Mega Man games I've played.

Speaking of mobility: the dash and wall jump add so much dimension to X's movement and positioning game that Mega Man wishes he had. The fact that X keeps momentum when jumping out of a dash makes it so much more of a proactive movement tool than the slide's only real purpose in reacting and dodging things.
The wall jump lets X's levels have far more verticality as well, which makes the exploration found in the game so much more natural, and makes it more likely that you can salvage yourself out of a pit, either from knockback or a clumsy dash jump.

These properties probably help in letting Mega Man X's levels feel so much more believable, that the environments genuinely could belong in a cartoony futuristic robot world. Think about the often-praised highway stage, for example, and consider that its slopes couldn't have been done in the NES Mega Man games, nor how it never has a single screen transition like in those until the Vile encounter.
In doing so, X's levels end up feeling more like places where Mega Man's feel more like constructed singleton challenges, and I much prefer the former.

I was unconvinced that finding upgrades within levels was going to be a good idea, but I think this game really does handle it well. I loved how the helmet upgrade that lets you break blocks above you also prevents you from taking damage from rocks that fall above you in certain sections - it's that kind of environmental and inventory consideration that I really love, as is the fact that you can use a fully charged ice shot to make a moving platform, and that certain parts of the game reward you for doing so.
The weapons also have a lot of practical use within the stages instead of being boss weakness fodder - which is something I really appreciate.

Finally, the subtank system is just straight-up an improvement over the classic games, where I often end up hoarding E-Tanks until the final boss because they feel too valuable. Being able to charge the tanks makes them a more viable strategic tool, and I loved how much they helped me in my run.

It's not perfect, though. If absolutely nothing else, the final boss is absolutely miserable, and without using the hadouken in the first two phases and using all my subtanks on the third, I genuinely could not have won.
Considering that I don't think the hadouken is really interesting aside from being a cute easter egg, I think the difficulty spike was uncalled for, especially considering that they take so little damage from their weaknesses.

There's a lot to love about this game, and I really enjoyed my time with the game (streaming it to my friends made for a lot of fun moments, too).
Maybe it's hard to say I love it? But I like it very, very much, though, and I think it's definitely up there as one of the best 2D platformers ever made, even if it's got a lot of competition there, like Shovel Knight and the Marios.

Probably my favorite 2D Mega Man game but Mega Man is just okay. Music is still fun though.

The best introduction for a series right here! Awesome!

A lot more fun when you have all the power ups and upgrades. And powerups are actually pretty good. And of course the gameplay is fun and challenging and the music is ballin.

I played the iOS port, and I know this is going to be a hot take, but it was not that bad. It's certainly playable, but I recommend any other version.

Aside from that, the game's good, with a well rounded lineup of bosses, fun stages, great weapons/upgrades, and great music. I don't even like rock all that much (outside of the Megami Tensei franchise), and this soundtrack was amazing.

Play it in any way you can.

I'll be as strong as Zero some day, probably.

A música, a jogabilidade simples e os boss ainda permanecem na minha doce lembrança da infância. 💙 apesar da jogabilidade desafiante, os outros mantiveram a mesma proposta, mas novos desafios.

This is not your Mom's Boyfriend's Mega Man. Chibi-style robot masters with heads roughly the same size as the rest of their bodies and "[noun/verb] man" names are out, Gumby electric guitar solos are in. Mega Man X is radical and edgy. He climbs inside other robots with oversized fists and dash-punches opponents in the stomach. He killed Sigma's dog. He fights wicked-ass animal themed robots. Except maybe Boomer Kuwanger, he's like a samurai or something. Or maybe an ant. Don't change the subject. Mega Man X deserved to be loved.

This game is just fun gameplay wise.

Set the standard for best level based 2d shooting collectable open-choice platformer I've ever played.

Super fun 2D platformer shooter. Probably my favorite.

The movement options they introduce with this first X entry are cool and add a nice drive to the game, but it's lacking one or two additional options that would've made it feel amazing. That in combination with the collect-a-thon stuff you gotta do before you can competently fight Sigma makes the game kind of a slog. The soundtrack is a damn banger though.

A great evolution of the classic Mega Man formula, it's fast paced, has really fun special weapons, and encourages exploration with fun upgrades. There aren't any bad stages and honestly the only complaint I have about the game is that certain bosses are way too easy to kill with their weakness, but even then that's a nitpick. It's the closest thing I've seen to a "perfect" game.

This game is cool, every wall jump should work like this in 2D.

About the 30th time or so I beat X1. This is the deffinition of a comfort game.

A série X leva tudo o que já era maravilhoso no Magaman clássico para um nível que beira a perfeição.

An amazing return to the Megaman franchises. Everything feels fresh and the mechanics have been expanded.

mega man x invented game design egoraptor said so