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in the past

All this game does is make me miss SDGO because I fucking hate the combat in this game and the gacha bullshit makes it worse.

After pouring well over 200 hours into this average mech/third person shooter I'm just so burnt out that I only use this game to cash in the free gacha dailies due to sunk cost fallacy

don't play gacha games.
it's an ok console third person shooter and you don't need ps+ to actually play it but there are probably better places to go if you want to see the weird uc gundam mobile suit variants that exist mash into each other

Ainda há esperança na indústria Free to play.

💫 7.6

Recommended for Gundam UC lore fans, and people with cash to kill.

F2P, Gacha, third-person shooter, with Rock-Paper-Scissor power dynamics gameplay.

You've been warned with how grindy it can be this game for ressources.

I'm not sure why Mobile Suit games are general low quality, but this one is no better. There are some really great Gundam games out there, so find and play those instead.

Everything apart from the suits, to a degree, looks like a PS3 and it controls like a PS1 game; every action has a massive cool down, and fights are dictated by who can combo and stunlock first; the stats are overwhelming and unexplained; 1:1 battles end up with you on the ground and taking 10 seconds to stand up, and that's if you're not blown up by 2-3 people off rip; the hub area is basically a mobile game but with extra steps; I couldn't find a 700 point match, just kept booting me out and saying "great job"; etc. etc.

But the biggest sin of all is that it controls like complete garbage. Nothing about piloting a suit or walking around as a pilot feels good. It's really neat at first that you can even leave your MS and walk around: it really puts into perspective just how massive Gundam are.

But nah, I'm not going to suffer through these awful, terrible, no-good controls just to play an ugly mobile game. Maybe one day when I'm really, really bored and get heavily into Gundam and devour all other Gundam media will I give this another go.

I love this game. It gets plenty of hate for the matchmaking issues on PC (valid), Gacha mechanics (valid), and the slower, heavier movement. As far as the issues with the PC port versus the PS4 release, I've played on PC recently and they do seem to be working on them. Hopefully they make some good progress and the backlash doesn't kill the game. The Gacha mechanics could definitely be a cash drain for the impatient but I didn't mind it as the free drops are frequent and everything can be earned through playing the game. As far as the heavy, slower feel of the game, I think it adds a tremendous sense weight that feels more realistic than many of the Gundam games I've played before and since. This, coupled with the ability to exit the Mobile Suit, distract opponents using extra stage vehicles, plant a bomb at the enemy base, or even steal an opponent's Mobile Suit when the opportunity arises, adds a sense of scale and a lot of exciting strategy and intensity to the game.

Give it a try before you write it off as a failure. It's not for everyone but it's one of my favorite online games. They did something different in a time when the typical Battle Royale and FPS game formulas have stopped being fun for me.

The game is so fun whenever you use a Gundam or a mobile suit with pure mad-damage with a hammer or a dual sword god it is sooooo raw but the online server is just assbreaker if they give it it might be the best gundam game on PC next to Evo

The best NASCAR sim since Forza Horizon 4

The fact that the PC version's servers are still completely broken to the point of the game barely being playable, almost half a year since the game released is absolutely unacceptable. Bandai's complete and utter incompetence at managing the Gundam IP when it comes to Video Games has killed both this game and Gundam Evolution, barely giving either time to exist.

Gundam is a doomed franchise. Forever. It will never get the good games it deserves. Mecha in general rarely ever will. It's so fucking over and never has been this over.

It's fine, I would like to know why for some reason I need to hit 6 times to kill a mobile suit while I always get one-shotted though

this game isn't bad on ps4 but holy fuck its so garbage on pc bandai legit does not care about anyone but the jp community

A gacha third-person team-based fighting game / shooter for the PS4. It's pretty OK but its poor netcode and bad servers undermine it.

Been playing a bit of this for some months, its basically a gacha game where you roll for a mobile suit and then go have fights with everyone else. The gacha format is alright, gives you enough to roll from time to time, but if you try to play on the higher levels rooms it does become kinda pay 2 win because everyone is using the latest most powerful suits.
The robots feel pretty weighty here and most of the movement is pretty slow, I'd say that its generally a fun time and I like that there are both space and ground battles, but also for some reason I tend get some pretty serious lag playing it which prevents me from playing it more often.

Great mecha game overall, I really like the "tank" feel vs the "arcade" feel as far as Gundam games go. Graphics are ok at best and it would be nice if this were on PC!

Fine realistic mech 5v5/6v6 mecha game . Better than most multiplayer games nowadays .

Once again Bandai Namco proves they're incapable of releasing a Gundam game on PC without awful monetization, matchmaking that doesn't work, or a shoddy PC port. In this game's case, it's all of the above. This feels like emulating a terrible PS3 game with mouse and keyboard hacks that are barely functional. Camera movement with the mouse is sluggish and turning the sensitivity all the way up does nothing. You can't even adjust your settings until after you slog through its mobile game-like tutorial. Don't even waste your time installing this on PC, you will be disappointed.

I was really very much looking forward to this game being ported to the pc. More than you can imagine.

Back when the beta for Gundam Evolution, a hero-shooter utilizing the Gundam IP, was in full swing, I was so happy. I heavily dislike the hero-shooter genre, but the Gundam Evo beta was the most fun I've ever had with team-based multiplayer games. And to finally play a Gundam-related game on pc when all you had were the SD Gundam stuff. It felt so fulfilling.

Then the game finally officially released.

I don't know what happened between the beta and the official release? Maybe the gundam hype dying down made me realize it was always like this, or maybe the devs really did some fucked up changes, but god damn did that game become a heaping pile of garbage. Weighed down with all the bad things about hero-shooters already, the game was incredibly bare-bones, both in map design and in features. Matchmaking was abyssal, not in the connection sense, but in the matching players sense, as it would match based on win rate. Meaning if you lost once, your next 10 games would be set in stone. And only 2 of the suits had the potential to carry bad teams. And don't get me started on these seasons, being even more barebones. You're telling me you could only add ONE (1) suit and ONE (1) stage? Fuck off with that bullshit. I dropped the game instantly and look toward Battle Operations 2.

They were working on porting BO2 while Evo was also in development, but it had taken some time cause with the first beta nothing worked. One couldn't even log into the game. Yet, after watching some game footage, I fell in love. The variety of suits, the complex mechanics, even the fact that the suits had real weight. Felt like they ripped the suits straight out of their animes.

So, when BO2 finally came out, I immediately hopped on. It was so much fun. It was everything I wanted Gundam Evo to be. This game, with its incredibly intricate system, variety of suits, variety in customization of both the suits and the player, no shitty battlepass, easy ways to delve into the gacha, and actual different game modes for both single and multiplayer, shat Gundam Evo out of the water. The soul shined so bright.

Then why am I rating it only 1.5 stars? Matchmaking. This game has, genuinely, the WORST matchmaking. First off, you have like a 75% chance of the game just kicking you out of matchmaking, most of the time with no warning or "failed matchmaking" sign. If you get in, you are going to have to wait at LEAST 10 minutes for a full 5v5 match. 6v6? make that 20 minutes. Once you finally have enough players, pray one of them just doesn't randomly disconnect and you'll have to start the process all over again. Sometimes, when the wait is too long, players will just leave the que. At that point, you need to leave or else the wait time becomes an hour. Once you're finally in, you have to make another prayer to make sure that players won't just randomly disconnect, or else you'll have to play a 2v4 or a 3v6. Yes, it does happen. Unlike Gundam Evo, where the match will just end if too many people disconnect at the beginning (too many being 1-2), the match doesn't end if half your team is gone one frame into the match. You have to experience the entire 6 minutes of the other team decimating your ass and you not being able to fight back because not enough team members and the other 2 players are the most incompetent pieces of shits ever. Made worse by the fact that, unless you are lucky with your teammates, you are never going to get out of D- rank. I was so close to leaving D- and then the game just decided I was having too much fun and put me into incompetent team after incompetent team. All the server maintenances and nothing has changed.

Despite the game itself being very good and enjoyable, it is not enough to justify going through the grueling process that is matchmaking, only to lose cause your team does not know how to support each other or to push. Another day of praying to God that EXVS gets ported to steam.

finally - a PS3 gacha game released (here in NA) in 2023! after like an hour of awful tutorials i got into a game with only two connected teammates that ended in an infinite loading screen, when i restarted the game i got banned for 32 hours. one full gacha roll costs thirty-five (35!!!) real-world dollars, somehow. there's like five different currencies and you barely get any of each or know what most do. i got the 4* Moon Gundam and, to fully upgrade it, i would have to wait 72 hours for each upgrade 70 times. it would take me most of a year to upgrade one mobile suit - but you could always use your platinum tickets! i don't have any or know what those are, they probably cost enough to buy at least four real-life HG Moon Gundams. the very simple concept here is great but its kuso-charm isn't enough to warrant giving time to this. like i can play as my darling daughter, the MS-18E Kampfer, but her weapons feel like wet cardboard and the game hates when you try to play it. free my girl from this bitch of a gacha, please.

I will write a more deeper review once the game gets fully fixed. Its annoying I have to write about the game in this manner because underneath its issue this is honestly a pretty fun F2P game.

However I just need to put out there how insanely terrible the PC launch has been with issues STILL plaguing the game. It has been weeks and still is insanely annoying to queue into a match as you will get disconnected multiple times before being able to play a match.

But don't worry they make sure to update those gacha banners though.

The random jank would be fine if the servers worked. Expect frequent disconnects in the pre-game lobby. Otherwise I enjoy the slow-paced combat; adding weight to the Gundams makes it feel realistic.

slop that leaves me feeling hollow and empty

other that that its cool