Reviews from

in the past

This was something I started on PS4 around early 2018 before Persona fixation took over and I dropped. There was then plans to play it in 2020 alongside someone but they went ahead and played it without me so this was finally the perfect opportunity to cut myself free from some ties to my past and experience the game for myself.

Having played some of the PS4 version, I have to say this is one of the more impressive Switch ports I've played. It hits a mostly consistent 30fps and while there are noticeable scalebacks like the texture quality and geometry of some objects, it still manages to maintain the look and feel of NieR with few hiccups.

As for the game itself, Platinum did an excellent job with their brand of action game for fighting, with on foot battles being smooth, kinetic, and flashy while the mech sections offer some great shoot em up gameplay with some spectacular boss fights.

There's a lot of neat stuff that makes use of you playing as an android, with you able to equip and unequip chips to adjust the UI with information you want as well as the usual stat and healing buffs.

The game has a bunch of different endings, with 5 main ones broken up into 3 main routes. The first and third routes are great and while I can appreciate what they were going for in the second route, it is a little repetitive coming straight after the first route. Still, while the idea isn't executed perfectly, it is still a neat one.

The story is very good, taking you to a post apocalyptic Earth as androids fight for humans and robots fight for alien invaders and as you slowly uncover the mysteries of the game, you'll find yourself getting attached to characters like 2B, 9S, and Pascal.
And having played Xenoblade 3 recently, Ending E definitely made me go oh..... I see what I have become here.... Which is really neat and further strengthens the narrative of the two games.

NieR: Automata is a fantastic game with a strong narrative and one that was worthy of the praise it soaked up on its original launch. The Switch port is of a high enough standard where I feel comfortable recommending this version if Switch is your platform of choice.
I am glad I finally found the opportunity to play this game and I am happy that it lived up to its expectations.

rating subject to change
[x] 2b playthrough
[x] 9s playthrough
[in progress] a2 playthrough

Un juego con una historia que te atrapa al primer vistazo. Explorar el mundo tambien es una muy grata experiencia. Todo esto endulzado con los estilos de combate de cada unidad y las perspectivas de ciertas zonas. Es una experiencia que nadie deberia pasar desapercibida.

Switchte iyi bir port mu diye bakayım dedim en iyi akan switch portlarından biri olmuş öneririm

Nunca habia visto algo tan personal hecho por un desarollador. Una historia que te atrapa al primer instante y a mi sorprendido el que haya distintas rutas para desbloquear finales. Pero lo que más me impacta respecto al titulo, es el entorno, los personajes... aun que todo este en las ultimas podemos el lado más humano.

Senhores e senhoras
Senhoritos e senhoritas, moças e moços depois de tanto postergar esta bendita analise/comentário pessoal deste jogo, me sinto mais a vontade para discutir dele.

Eu preferia fazer em formato de vídeo, o roteiro pra vídeo tá até pronto, mas como não tenho condições vou fazer por aqui e darei o máximo que posso em contar a minha experiência.
( É um comentário arbitrário e pessoal, se por acaso eu estiver errado em alguma informação, podem me sinalizar)

Por onde começo a falar sobre nier automata?
É o meu jrpg favorito, um jogo especial para mim, ele foi responsável a minha pessoa em me ajudar a ver jogos como forma artística, embora um certo jogo causou um impacto similar, mas menos emocionante.
Nier automata e nier replicant ( que vai sair analise depois de eu rejogar) marcaram a minha vida adulta e santo pai, que experiência foi jogar esses jogos.

A primeira vez que joguei nier automata foi paixão a primeira vista, a demo no ps4 e por consequência o jogo quando lançou, mas não havia completado o final e, mas até aonde tinha jogado já tinha achado sensacional o jogo...mas faltava algo.
Tive a oportunidade de rejogar no ps4 novamente, porém não tinha chegado ao final e por causa do meu save apagar e eu deixei o jogo de lado.
Porém após experiência drakengard eu fiquei numa euforia pela franquia, que só meus amigos sabem o quanto eu enchi o saco deles para jogarem nier e drakengard e verem certos vídeos, os cara devem ter pego trauma até, me arrependo um pouco, mas eu sou meio eufórico e apaixonado quando encontro algo que eu gosto bastante.

Enfim indo direto a análise, eu peguei pra rejogar por completo todas as sides nessa versão de switch e pesquisar muito sobre todo o jogo e a produção (nessa época eu já tinha rejogado no ps5 dnv e ido até o ending e, mas pulei todas as sides) foram horas e horas de pesquisa e estudo, mas valeu a pena, ainda me julgo incapaz de falar sobre nier de certa forma, me julgo incapaz de comentar apropriadamente como muitos desejam, então decidi falar da forma que sei, do jeito emotivo que conheço.

É difícil falar em seções técnicas desse game pq se conecta, uma sinergia perfeita entre os elementos visuais transpostos e técnicos num fluxo narrativo excepcional.
A trilha sonora dessa porra tem uma diegetica e uma construção de momento absurda, poderia passar 2 horas destrinchando cada ost e como ela se encaixa bem.
A gameplay é muito boa, apesar de alguns problemas que pessoas poderão ter por preferências e suas frescuras como ando notando com o passar do tempo, mas enfim cada um com seu gosto e estilo (só peço que não decretem como ruim algo que vocês não entendem plenamente e por mero gosto pessoal, isso é bem merda.)
A conexão da gameplay com a narrativa e suas convenções a outros gêneros, é uma aula de direção, detalhes e detalhes que andei pegando e juntando nesse replay agregarem numa experiência muito satisfatória, esse jogo é genial, fiz o favor de prestar atenção a todos os detalhes desse jogo e fiz todas as sides quests e meus colegas, as sides ( de forma accurada 75%) desse jogo tem um peso narrativo bom e sutil, muito rico, senti imersão total nesse jogo, montando um quebrada cabeça de entrelinhas, lendo documentos para ter uma noção do que é yohra e não sei quando me senti tão fascinando por um jogo como nier ( bioshock talvez)

Agora comentando da gameplay como fator enjoyment, ela é excelente, embora tenha umas coisas que desgosto, elementos de ia que acho bem fraco, mas nada muito revoltante. O sistema de chips, os combos, as armas e a jogabilidade de personagem a personagem de rota pra rota, é boa, embora a gameplay do 9s é a mais e enjoativo dos 3 personagens jogáveis, eu particularmente gosto de hackear, mas descer a porrada com a 2b e a outra personagem é muito foda, sério satisfação bixo.
Resumindo a gameplay é 9/10 mesmo com os defeitos, o saldo é positivo demais.

A narrativa, a mensagem e as filosofias, esse jogo fez com que eu me tornasse leitor de livros de filosofia, desejava tirar total proveito desse jogo, nesse replay tirei muito, não tanto quanto gostaria, mas o suficiente.

Sabe eu poderia dizer tudo de bom a respeito da narrativa, mas a maioria já sabe não é mesmo, então farei diferente, pedirei a você leitor que caso já tenha jogado o jogo e acompanhado a história desse game, reflita sinceramente sobre videojogos em geral e sua experiência com eles e para você jovem ou moço(a) curiosa em saber se esse jogo vai ser pra você ou se a história é boa como proclamam, tudo o que posso dizer é que joguem e tire suas conclusões, serás surpreendido se passares do final a.

Level design e direção de arte dispensam comentários, cara esse jogo é lindo, o visual, o mundo e a estética elas transmitem a atmosfera necessária, o uso das cores e dos tons de saturação são inteligentes, genuinamente aprecio o que foi feito aqui, em prol de contar uma história você tem um trabalho cheio de esmero e dedicação, os sentimentos e as emoções estão pelo jogo.

Antes de finalizar eu vou comentar sobre os finais:
A temática de cada final/rota é excelente tbm, a referência no nome e na mensagem tem um impacto interessante aos mais versados na literatura.
O final A é bom, o final b é interessante embora seja uma repetição da rota a pela perspectiva do 9s com mais algum conteúdo.
Entendo quem considera essas rotas mid ou fracas, mas eu digo, que elas não são...existe muitas coisas sutis aqui, entrelinhas e armamento de ótimos plot devices, os artifícios de uma ótima narrativa e a transposição delas funciona de verdade num replay dessas rotas/finais, mas hei de salientar, que não são perfeitas, existem certos problemas de ritmo entre outras coisas mais mínimas, mas ainda assim pesar no fim.

Porém, contudo, todavia a rota/final C e D são sensacionais, o jogo começa pra valer e a narrativa engrena de uma forma muito engajante, você pode Ou não estar acabado emocionalmente no fim do jogo, tudo o que fora construído, toda as sides quests funcionado como construção, mensagens no fim de cada roteiro e as entrelinhas dão frutos aqui e tudo fica claro.

Meticulosamente colocado em seu devido lugar, ótimos foreshadows por sinal.
Por fim o ending e, a conclusão da história de forma "canônica", não dá para comentar dessa parte sem encher lágrimas nos meus olhos, serei breve então...é um dos finais mais bem feitos da indústria dos videojogos, o momento mais íntimo e ético que tive com esse jogo ( bateu mais forte que o final d de drakengard 3)

A performance no switch está surpreendentemente boa, é um port do krlh, de 40 gigas pra 11, fizeram um trabalho foda.
O fps é cravado nos 30, dificilmente oscila, mas peguei tendo oscilando pra 20 em certos locais, mas rapidamente retornando ao estado de 30.
Resolução boa, apesar da comprimir as texturas e algumas shadows, ficou um ótimo trabalho, parabéns aos envolvidos.
Os controles no switch lite foram um desafio remarcar de uma forma que ficasse confortável jogar, demorou mas achei uma combinação adequada, depois disso foi so alegria.

Finalizando a análise de nier automata, quero deixa claro que isso é uma experiência pessoal, gostaria de falar mais, porém nao desejo dar spoilers e caso o fizesse precisaria contextualizar e isso ficaria melhor em vídeo, pois se fosse em texto seria um PDF de 10 ou 15 páginas
Ponderando, esse jogo abriu os meus olhos, despertou o interesse em ir atrás de mais coisas diferenciadas, de jogos com otimas história, não apenas apertar botões e se divertir de forma artificial e rasa, quero experimentar coisas novas....enfim nao foi a minha melhor analise/comentário sei bem, mas tudo que posso dizer é que me sinto satisfeito por ter falado sobre meus sentimentod por esse jogo, sou grato a essa franquia e a esse jogo por me salvar de uma período de vida de estagnação, espero poder retribuir um dia de maneira adequada

generational type of game, insane writing with so much emotional weight. it's interchangeable with NieR;Replicant and can be played both ways without ruining any type of enjoyment. If you're new to gaming, drop this game and come back to it another time because it follows a unnatural format for a game. The payoff for this game is insane if you follow through with it, so don't ever give up on it. Themes of viewing the world through a different light and many more themes.

if you don't like 9S, keysss.

ballet as combat, sleek shmup minigames, and a blend of narrative and game design that other games still struggle to get right; what makes nier automata worth your time is the parts that come together and get tossed back out at you with all the pomp of someone spitting their blood and teeth into your face. theatre is the heart of the game, operating fully on the fringes of a b movie space opera. it is, in fact, that good, and the deconstruction of philosophical ideas is not even the core of it but rather a familiar means to discuss the ideas present at it's core.

as a port, it's a damn fine one: it plays exactly like a 2016 playstation title, looks about as well as it can on the switch and usually runs smoothly. that said, the switch can't really handle playing it for long periods of time - i experienced two notable crashes in game. once immediately following the grun battle in route A and again just before the emotional climax at the beginning of route C. additionally, the joycons just don't feel like the ideal controller for this game. everything is mapped to the very top of it, and unless you wanna fiddle with it for several minutes, you're pretty much stuck holding your controller awkwardly. finally, i don't think that handheld automata is the optimal way to experience it.

but it's worth your time in every way you can imagine and more, really.

Sci-fi setting + philosophical references and undertones + robots = peak

Very simple formula, works on me every time

curiousity pulled me to this game, & tbh I was initially very intimidated. I hadn't played a game this action-heavy for a good 15 years, so I dove in expecting a challenge. I felt pretty sure I'd like it based on the surface, but I had no idea just how much i'd fall in love with this game. it's simply incredible. it's doing something only a game can do, to an extent I have never experienced. it is an excersize in empathy, an experience of suffering, it's badass & it's stunning. its horrifyingly beautiful & hopefully bleak. it isn't a perfect game, but it is a tremendous, dark & hopeful journey that is going to stick with me for a long, long time. the music alone has permanently woven itself into my brain. please play this if u haven't yet! my favourite game so far besides citizen sleeper~

oh, & the switch version is absolutely fantastic.

I don't think there's anything I can say about the story that hasn't already been said. This game is worth it for the story alone. Yoko Taro, thank you so much.

Other than that, there's plenty of interesting side quests, beautiful environments and landscapes, and the combat is fun. Oh, and the soundtrack is INSANE!

As a Switch port, there are some noticeable compromises in graphics quality and the frame rate can dip from time to time. These issues weren't common enough to ruin my experience, but it's something to consider if you're choosing between versions.

I'll start by saying I love Automata, truthfully; NieR happens to be one of my favorite franchises and one that I'm really, really well versed and invested in the lore of. Those games have made me laugh, cry and suffer with the characters more times than I can say, and that's possibly even more the case with Automata. This port, however, was absolute hot garbage; it was done dirty and needed absolutely to be done better for the fans of the series who shelled out more money for a game they'd potentially purchased one or more times. That said, I'll itemize why this port was terrible:

-The graphical bugs: The lighting was awful and jumpy, and the textures themselves looked muddied like they'd taken them into photoshop and failed to correctly resize them. Not to mention that some of the areas and enemies straight up didn't load in right and that the visual occlusion seemed to be in that sweet spot of entirely breaking immersion by loading and deloading things within your range of view.

-If the graphics weren't bad enough, I had multiple functional errors as well, including when button prompts simply didn't load in, quests were bugged and repeated themselves upon using the chapter select. That, or enemies that were supposed to be in certain areas, or logged in the Unit Data, just weren't, leaving me with gaps in my ability to even 100% the game like I was intending to.

-Then lets talk about the weird spawn rates: I literally got both Pod B and the Iron Pipe the first go when finishing in the areas that they were in. I'd have dismissed it if it were just one of those things, but there's no way that happened because algorithmically that's like finding a unicorn standing on a four-leaf clover in the middle of a patch of grass that looks like a right-side-up horseshoe. And yes, you'd think I'd be happy about this but how can I be? This is one of my favorite games and struggling to get those things is part of the experience and especially in the Flooded City where you're contending with a large body of water that there's a very low rate of getting what you're fishing for.

-Another big issue is the enemy level scaling which seems to affect a very small subset of enemies, making the game tremendously harder in those areas and outright unbalanced. Why are the fliers in Route B your level? Or during the boss fight in the Flooded City? What's the point of that? There is none because Platinum rushed this out the door with checking those things over thoroughly.

-Finally, there's the issue of sanitization; Nintendo, Square Enix, whoever decided it was a good idea to sanitize some of the dialogue unnecessarily to take out instances of "potty" language. Yet, what they failed to realize is that's part of the plot and those lines are more than naughty-isms for the sake of it. In 9S's part, it's to convey something deeply emotional that he doesn't have the wherewithal to process because he's never had the ability to express those emotions in a positive manner. Removing that is undercutting the story in the same way they did with NieR: Gestalt, and is simply not a good look. Then there's the weird case of taking out the launching riser Pod animation for long jumps and replacing it with that lackluster spin animation instead for some reason. Why did they do that? I certainly couldn't tell you. It's just arbitrary entirely.

Now, there's probably more I've forgotten to mention, but at the end of the day it comes down to this: The End of YoRHa Edition was a blatant cash grab. It introduced very little into the game, weaseled money out of our pockets for new costumes and gave us less quality overall. That's why I gave this game a three star rating, one of my favorite games mind you, because it did it dirty in every way possible and I'm salty over that. In my eyes, maybe not others', NieR: Automata was a masterpiece in more ways than one and this just ruined those masterful parts of it by rushing out a clearly underdeveloped port. The story, of course, is great and some of the new costumes are cool, and that's why I gave it three stars, but beyond that it's completely not worth it to buy.

So, my verdict is this: If you don't have anything else to play it on and want to experience the gist of NieR: Automata, buy this version. If you can play it any other way though, do yourself a favor and get it on that other console, preferably a PS console because the other ports I've seen have had some issues too.

I like to think that YoRHa stands for Yoko's Robot Harem

story wise? unreal. never played anything like it. deeply fucked my brain and heart.

gameplay wise? generally super fun but definitely not meant to be played handheld on switch/not on a TV. got a lot of game bugs and lags because my switch could not handle the literal robot army coming to kill me in my dirty dirty little black dress.

This game is great! Its story is amazing, the characters are fun, the world is full and fun to explore, and the combat... well that might be the one reason it's not five stars. Toward the end, I felt the combat get a bit repetitive and boring. It's nothing game-ruining, but it held it back from that perfect score in my eyes. I didn't finish the third ending because I don't feel like it at this time, but I will probably return to this later.

Absolutely stellar.

That is how I’d describe my experience with this game. I loved the overall story and how deep and thought provoking it was. Even knowing what I was getting into didn’t fully prepare me. I love how the characters could be super nice or super terrible and yet end up changing or showing more depth. It makes it clear none of them are straight good or bad.

Not to mention the combat was super fun! It’s a highlight for me that this game never got super old in the fighting department, and I just kept having fun smashing bots and trying out new stuff. (Even if some of that new stuff wasn’t super useful.) I wasn’t huge on the backtracking aspects, but it’s not as bad as it could be. Plus, movement is smooth enough to make it fun to just get around. Not to mention all the little secrets to find.

Though it does have faults in some technical aspects. The environment, while pretty, can be pretty blocky in some places and show some rough edges that obviously weren’t given as much attention. And the game itself can be pretty buggy sometimes, which is pretty obvious when you see animals glitching out on stuff in the forest area, or accidentally leaving the side scrolling plane at times.

Also, some quests in the game were just…not super fun. I wouldn’t say I played them for their gameplay, but I can stomach that for some cool dialogue and rewards. (Just wish I had some indication where those hidden items in the desert were that you were supposed to look for.)

But, overall, I just loved so much about this game. It made me really appreciate the unique style that Yoko Taro has in storytelling and overall design. The man is a treasure and I really hope to try the Replicant remake sometime in the future to see the rest of his work.

the gameplay was kinda lame and the plot took a while to get going, but the story was alright and I love the idea of ending E

platinum combat at its finest cant belive it runs this well on switch recomended on all platforms great replayvalue aswell

This review contains spoilers

Good story told like an auteur film. The first playthrough feels useless and a waste of time after completing it. The game seems to be way too long for what it has to narrate. The multiple ending thing is more of a joke than some serious affair.

I'm really on the edge about this game. I'm happy to have finished it but I'm sure I will not give it another playthrough.

Finally got 60/60 sidequests. This port has its fair share of problems, but can be mostly avoided if you regularly save and quit the game. If you aren't attentive to when you shut off the game for a long time it will crash. On top of that, it is NOT the prettiest Platinum Games game on Switch. It is a GREAT game though.

This review contains spoilers

This is a very hard game for me to rate. I understand people love this game, however, I found my attachment to the characters to be minimal with the exception of 9S. I found the gameplay infuriating at times, and due to the fact Platinum worked on this game, I felt the combat worsened due to this being from the same studio that made Bayonetta 2 and Metal Gear Rising. Route B is a slog and I hated every waking moment of it.

However, Route C/D/E is excellent, and it has an outstanding soundtrack. Watching the mental decline of 9S after 2B's death was something that hurt because he was the only character I felt real emotion towards. I liked the movement enough as well to just run around on rooftops for fun, and the few sidequests I did were very good at the worldbuilding they did

I really don't know how to properly rate this game. I enjoyed parts of it, but HATED others, though I think the good mildly outstands the bad.

Oh also, DONT play on Switch. I experienced HEAVY lag spikes and a few crashes, there are definitely better places to play this game (PC, Xbox)

I never expected to love this game as much as I do. Especially after ending A. Why would you roll credits then??? WHY??

There's like more than half of the game left at that point


I didn’t know games could be this good

A really satisfying blend of twisting, surprising plot and solid, hectic combat. It could perhaps have done with some smoothing out of difficulty hiccups (normal is ridiculously easy, while hard is too frustrating), but this is a game carried by its story, and what a story it is.

+ scifi story at its best
+ characters you get attached to
+ the music and its variants and the times it is cued to play
+ hacking and how it is integrated into the story/whenever the UI itself is messed up
+ difficulty settings, being able to pick and choose from the auto chips
- targeting hacking and bullets can be wacky when there are multiple enemies, literally makes it harder having auto chips on
- more quests and things to do would have been nice but the ones that are there are alright

Assim como sua "prequel", Nier: Automata é um jogo quase que impecável. Um dos seus pontos mais fortes com certeza é a sua lore espetacular acompanhada de personagens envolventes e muito bem desenvolvidos conforme o desenrolar da trama. Além de ter uma estética incrível e uma gameplay divertida e diversificada.
Apesar do jogo ter a mesma problemática em relação ao design de personagens femininas, a parte em que o jogo peca profundamente é o sistema de Levels. Claramente dá pra ver que essa mecânica é extremamente desbalanceada e sem sentido pro jogo, ou você é muito fraco ou você é extremamente forte em comparação á TODOS os inimigos, o jogo não tem um scaling para os inimigos acompanharem o seu progresso nos levels, deixando uma discrepância grave d poder na maioria das vezes.
Porém, mesmo assim, sinto que o jogo não mereça uma nota menor do que 10, as partes que o jogo peca são fortes sim, mas não o bastante para ofuscar a enorme "masterpiece" que é Nier: Automata. Termino minha análise convicto que este jogo definitivamente é um "must-play" para quem aprecia videogames num geral.

An amazing, thought-provoking, and somewhat crushing experience.

While the first playthrough is really good, the second really isn't considering the lack of new content, if you can push through to the final playthrough it really shines as a work of art.

A major part of this game's appeal is the gameplay, story integration such as the death and chip mechanics and once you get the combat down it becomes really exciting and fast-paced especially when you get together a good build and weapon you like. And to be honest, the credits are one of the absolute bests parts of this game and maybe of all the games I've played, also if you can make absolutely sure you play the game while online.

Besides the repetition of the 2nd playthrough, the biggest complaint I can think of is the side quests which require a lot of running around the contained game area which easily gets tiresome, and even the fast travel when you unlock it is incredibly slow.

They fr don't let you save in the tutorial... Well at least I got an ending and came back after another 40 minutes to beat it.