Reviews from

in the past

my 𝖝𝖇𝖔𝖝 𝟛𝟞𝟘 died with this game on it back in 𝟚𝟘𝟙𝟜.
it's was ok.

jogo foda,mas acho q fica um pouco repetitivo na metade e dificuldade mt artificial,mt acima no modo normal, e vc pode acabar se frustrando muito,é um jogo divertido, as animações aqui, assim como da franquia, são um show a parte, final bom pra franquia.

Good game but wow the final boss is so awful and i hate it

No sé, necesitaría volver a jugarlo, un tanto mid

This is one mean and hard SOB to beat. It is punishingly hard at times. And it's not really a great game anyways, but something about it being just so hard to beat makes it stimulating to me. It felt more like a pride thing just to say I beat it.
It feels like a fever dream. I barely remember playing it. But I know I beat, maybe it's best left that way though.

despite the complete overhaul done to right its wrongs, razors edge will forever be overshadowed by the disastrous status of its roots. which, is an absolute shame! because ng3:re is perhaps the most underappreciated action game from a beloved franchise. it is upright insane how only 15% of people owning the game have finished the "normal" difficulty alone, clearly people are extremely intolerant to give this game another chance, or move beyond the stigma that everyone constantly brings about the inferior version. like, okay, its definitely not as eloquent as the previous titles, it definitely plays into a lot of 7th gen tropes, but, it still stands out from the crowd for the way it implements it into the gameplay, especially when the quick time events are incorporated in such a way that it doesnt feel distracting during the combat definitely reminds me of god of war a lot. the steel on bone mechanic is such a satisfying, gnarly move to pull off during combat as the body splices in half really makes you quiver your feet like a little girl! eeeeek!
anyways, from all the pc ports weve got. this is the best one from the bunch, unfortunately we dont have clan battles, 1v1 and co-op arena because they decided to port these games without the multiplayer included. either way, its very much a serviceable effort for an underappreciated classic. by the way, this game is seriously the most ruthless one out of the trilogy when it comes to its combat, ive never struggled this much in my life, ninja gaiden 2 really comes off easier compared to this! and the way enemies constantly block really makes the game a tough nut to crack. . . dont listen to all the blind hate! give this one a go.
mask of the regent is one iconic character too!

>Be Tecmo
>Ninja Gaiden 3 is a trash fire that everyone, even the casual western audience you were pandering to fucking despises
>It reviews horribly
>Release a totally revamped version of the game that basically makes it more like NG2 in the span of a year with more weapons, enemies, missions, etc.
>It's actually pretty decent but still nowhere near as good as the last 2 games
>Updates and DLC make it pretty good, though

Team Ninja please take the things from this and the Level design from Ninja gaiden black and just make Ninja gaiden 4 all ready

Probably my favorite of the trilogy BONE ON STEEL and it has two playable sexy women so that pushes it into pure kino country eat shit if you hate this

It is definitely one of the video games ever made

Le jeu est sympa mais qu'est-ce qu'il est dur ptn, je m'attendais pas a tant de difficulté

I had previously gave this game 5 star rating prior to making my Backloggd account. That was a gigantic mistake after playing this and many other games this past weekend. The lack of health items kind of annoyed and I played other Ninja Gaiden games on hard difficulty and this one just kind of had cheap tricks to make it more difficult. I hate how based on the damage you took how little your health would be even after health upgrades.

Ryu seemed like a shadow of his former self and kept thinking if this was actually a prequel, but it was not. A seasoned veteran with dealing with fiends and crazy people taking over the world is nothing new to this man, but he did not act at all like he would in the prior games and had me shaking my head through several cutscenes. Troy Baker, you better watch yourself.

Close to the end you get to fight the unfair harder enemies and are ridiculously spongey unless you spam ultimate techniques if they give you a few seconds to even charge up. Was stuck at one of the later boss fights because I had decided to level up some of the other weapons added in the "Razor's Edge" version, but apparently they made them weaker, atleast in this boss fight. I had to use my underleveled Jiranmaru which ended up doing more damage than my other "stronger" weapons!

I will be playing Yaiba soon to finish off these games and I hope it will be more enjoyable than this was. What was wrong with the younger me?! Wish I could go back in time and slap myself silly! Despite it all I really want a new installment, I have been begging for one for so long that I even had a dream about a new Ninja Gaiden game! I am just gonna pretend this is just a noncanon spinoff to the other two. Loved playing as Ayane and wished they would of added Momiji stages like Sigma 2. It scratches the itch, but does more harm than good.

This is such a bad Ninja Gaiden entry. Every good aspect like the gameplay and couple characters are from previous entries. Every new mechanic, level design, character, enemy design and writing is awful. This has good elements... That are from previous games. Reused assets and mechanics -the game. For that I'll give it half a star, and this isn't literally unplayable so don't want review bomb. This is bad time for fans of previous Ninja Gaidens. Played on PS5 as part of the collection.

At least have some waifus (and playable kasumiS2)

To be honest, Don't even dare touch this game, it's horrible even though it's the "fixed" version, play ninja gaiden black and ninja gaiden 2, BUT AVOID THE THIRD GAME, IT'S TERRIBLE

Para mi un buen juego de accion, un buen combate pero con una historia algo regular, sin embargo este juego cambio cosas que hacen la experiencia muy diferente de anteriores títulos de la saga y es infinitamente mejor a su lanzamiento original

Hardest game I’ve ever played, yet one of the most remarkable experiences.

3D ninja gaiden is like the star wars sequels in that it's an incredibly divisive trilogy rebooting a venerable property and there is exactly one good one in the middle and the other two are awful

This game was abusive to me on all fronts. I like one boss, and one character from the whole thing. Lunar UT spam don't care.

Taking my bow away and subjecting me to that final boss was the last straw I tell ya.

Have you ever wanted to play a game so bad that it is good? The video game equivalent of a Wiseau movie. Well boy do I have the game for you all. Ninja Gaiden 3 Razor's Edge is a game that I feasibly cannot recommend to anyone. It isn't a game I can recommend to series veterans, because of all of the features it dumbs down or removes, and it isn't a game that I can recommend to new players as its just so inferior to the last 4 entries. HOWEVER, this is a video game for me. It is so funny and up its own butt all of the time about it's moral quandaries that it ends up feeling like parody. Whenever a cutscene pops up I jump up and down on my chair giggling like a s-l-u-t for whatever 2010's bs spews from this game. TN did it all, they turned Ryu into a unnecessary father character (Troy Baker included this time), gave us the generic burden of morality story, added turret sections and yadda yadda you get it. Hell, I didn't even complete this game, I stopped at the FINAL FIGHT, where the game requires that you fill a mana bar the size of Mt. Fuji (fictional depths of hell included). to kill the boss The only reason anyone could unironically enjoy this game is the combat system itself, its solid and dare I say some of the best the series has offered even bringing back old enemies to fill up the enemy roster more, but its the only redeeming thing about this game. I love this gutter trash so so much oh my. Do not play this if you value your sanity, play it if you like shlock like me.