Reviews from

in the past

Everything there is fantastic! There just wasn't enough there (at the time I left).

A pretty game with an impressive scope of systems and stories to work out.

There is a lot I like about this game but it is ruined by the procedural generation meaning the worlds feel the same and that the story does not develop organically. Additionally this game is slow and grindy but without the rewarding feeling of finally breaking the back of a game. The quests that are in the game have poor detection so you can end up stuck.

To be clear I love the alien translation mechanic but there comes a point when even that is pointless because you realise to can just reload and brute force the multiple choice responses.

compre esto el dia de salida

really fun after the updates. space minecraft

ultimately all those lauded updates did was add more menus to cycle through. an illusion that fooled the world into an unworthy reassessment. in fact, the launch version is better for not having convoluted smoke screens to confuse your opinion on palette swap tourism

O estilo de jogo não me agrada, joguei 2 horas e foi estressante. Pelo fato dos planetas serem gerados dinâmicamente, logo no início eu caí em um sem oxigênio, morri e perdi tudo.
Fazer tudo no game demorava, o estilo de jogo não me agrada, andar km e km para encontrar recursos era uma merda

Después de unos años y del gran batacazo que se metieron con la salida del juego, grandes fallos de optimización, cooperativo inexistente y un juego que en general daba lastima de verlo POR FIN parece algo potable.

Adéntrate en universo generado proceduralmente, exploración ilimitada, cooperativo con amigos (SI ♥♥♥♥♥!), una gran estación donde poder reunirte con hasta 32 jugadores. Construcciones de bases, poder tener más de una nave en propiedad...
Posibilidad de tener tu propia fragata... una base móvil entre sistemas con todas tus naves aparcadas dentro.

¿Vale la pena? Sí, pero siendo realistas y aunque hayan rectificado no es un juego que compraría por más de 25-30 euros.

Acreditava que esse jogo tinha um potencial.
Mesmo após as duras críticas que ele recebeu em seu lançamento, prometendo e não cumprindo.

Sei que com o passar do tempo o jogo foi recebendo atualizações que revitalizaram o game. Porém após uns 3 ou 4 anos depois de seu lançamento, peguei para experimentar e não senti vontade alguma de continuar aquela jornada.

Jogado num planeta qualquer, o jogo se baseia em coletar coisas, consertar nave, viajar pelo espaço para visitar outros planetas de outras pessoas e etc.

Pela grandiosidade que se esperava, é muito pouco o que entrega. Infelizmente já foi abandonado e vai ser trocado por outro que será utilizado com muito mais ânimo.

At launch it was a strange beautiful melancholic trek in space and that sounds like something not for you it's a more traditional crafting game now on top of that. While I don't like it's new direction it's still one of the most interesting and atmospheric games ever made

throughout this game's entire lifespan it has remained a relatively fun and relaxing 'space game'. when you need a good helping or two of space exploration and cool spaceships, this game is more than happy to serve. it falters in its variety eventually, but the first few hours of the game can be magical and the many hundreds of hours that follow never fail to be enjoying. the story is lame and somewhat nonsensical but it exists for those who want to feel a bit more than mining-laser feedback while playing.

Replayed for the first time since launch to see what the famous Updates were about. They must be good, people never stopped bringing them up every time Hello Games added a new type of fern.

All these years and the game is still an exercise in prefab asset tourism - once the novelty wears thin and the artifice sets in, you come to realise that all of the tension comes in the form of anticipating what colour the trees are going to be on the planet you're leisurely approaching. No Man's Sky does about as poor a job of conveying information to the player as Destiny 2. This thing is now a hulking behemoth of retrofitted mechanics that gracelessly clash together, and poorly explain themselves with a haphazard collage of tutorials and tooltips leaving the first thirty minutes of this game with the UI looking like fucking a ransom note. Way to make space travel feel like homework.

(I haven't finished the game per se, but I've played a considerable amount of time)
No Man's Sky is a game that makes me happy. It literally promises the universe, ambition wise, and while it does fall flat on several aspects, you don't get games this ambitious that often. A completely procedurally generated universe with a whole lot of stuff to see and collect, it is a lovely thing and a ginormous time sink I can see myself playing for hundreds of hours

I gave this game two honest shots - on on PC, one in VR with my Index. During the latter, I had a few beautiful moments with No Man's Sky, but after seven hours, I decided they weren't worth the continual effort the game demands. In Hello Games' continuous patching and re-working of their Big Breakout Title, they created a mechanical monstrosity which can bore you in innumerably different ways.

More than anything else, but the greatest achievement of this game is ultimately proving that procedural generation will never truly be as compelling as hand-designed levels.

With the new revamp that Hello Games has put together the game is quite a good space exploration game. There is still an annoying gathering loop with carbon and energy and so forth that can take you out of the experience, but overall pretty fun.

Marking as finished since I played through the story quest line.

I was surprised by how much I ended up liking this in the end. Didn't have this pegged as something that would be up my alley but the sense of exploration among other things won out against the grind that goes to the game's core. I'm sure playing this game now helped a lot, the game seems to have come a long way with the updates.

I'll be spending more time with this over time for sure.

The little dances aliens do while speaking to you are so fucking cute.

Played this at launch, thought it was shit. Didn't really play it again until literally yesterday in co-op with my girlfriend, it fucking rules

The game has lots of potential, but after 20ish hours you start to notice repetition in the game's procedural generation. The idea of different fauna and flora is unique, but the repetition hurts the immersion.

While it's been massively improved since launch, this game still isn't my thing.

It's funny, I actually enjoyed this game on launch and for quite a while afterwards but as they released patches to add more stuff and overhaul the systems I've enjoyed it less and less. I'm actually kind of sad that the game I liked as just a 'chill, fly around, and explore space' game is pretty much gone now.

Almost a perfect game for Trekkers like me.

I picked up this game a little while after release. I had no expectations for the game, past the few post-release articles that the game hadn't lived up to the hype. I hadn't followed the pre-release edition of Sean Murray's Wild Ride, so all I was looking for was a cool game that I could relax with in space... and that's exactly what I got. I was perfectly satisfied with the release version of No Man's Sky, and all of the major updates since then have only made an already good game better and better, to the point where I can say that No Man's Sky is the definitive "space game," past something like Elite: Dangerous.

Everything you've heard about No Man's Sky is true. The colonial fantasy, the Chris Foss wallpaper generator, the neverending game within a game. Setting all this aside, though, No Man's Sky hinted at something monumental in its dedication to terrain generation :

That meaning may be found in every polygon of a planet if space itself became the language.

Nothing Much to say just your average (amazing!) space/planet game

I just wanna give here all the love for developers who sure, fucked up really bad at the beginning but managed to slowly repair this game and make it much more like what they told us it'd be

It's come a long way since the shocking release. Fun to just fly about and find cool stuff.