Reviews from

in the past

Really didn't need to have lives, but it's fun other than that.

Indiegogo funded action platformer. Metroidvania elements with upgrades and better equipment to find and equipment and abilities needed to access certain areas. You can get a dash, double jump, ability to fall slowly, better swords, and better armor that can allow you to use some magic abilities. Axes, spears, and torches act as secondary weapons. Some great art, good gameplay, references to other action platforms during gameplay like Mega Man X and Donkey Kong and some strange ones in the dialogue and story scenes like Highlander and Blade Runner and a boss fight that was similar to something from R-Type.


Se basea fortemente em Castlevania e outros jogos dos 8 e 16-Bits, mas consegue ter uma ótima identidade, um bom desafio e apresentar uma historia bem interessante.

I don't remember why I uninstalled after 40 minutes but it must have annoyed me.

there is 1 ass in this game. email me when you find it.

It's rough around the edges. This was not the retro style game I was looking for.

Odallus é um jogo brasileiro de plataforma 2D, seguindo o melhor estilo de Castlevania/Demon's Crest.

Com diversas referências aos antigos jogos de SNES, ao mangá Berserk e a um dos meus filmes favoritos, Highlander, o jogo apresenta um pixel art impressionante, uma trilha sonora envolvente, excelente design de fases, uma história cativante e a dificuldade característica dos antigos jogos da era 16 bits, que tanto amamos (e às vezes odiamos).

É uma escolha essencial para aqueles que buscam um desafio instigante e são amantes de jogos de plataforma, assim como eu.

I've always thought that the world needed more Demon's Crest-likes (as in, literally any amount of them), and lo, Odallus: The Dark Call comes to satisfy my very specific and niche desire. Thank you, Odallus: The Dark Call! This game, like Demon's Crest, is sort of like a Metroidvania, only that instead of a large connected map that's a bunch of linear levels with items and branching pathways that you can only fully explore by coming back to them when you get more power-ups.

It's a very fresh concept, and Odallus does a good job at making you want to explore, because it's pretty hard, and any and all upgrades you can find count. Honestly I couldn't even fathom beating the final boss without 100%, I found it really hard. Overall I'd say there's some imperfections in how the character moves and attacks and in the level design, but I generally had a good time. The story is either poorly translated or just written, hard to say, but it's easy to ignore, and the presentation is otherwise pretty good.

Decently enjoyable retro-platformer following in a similar vein as the older Castlevania titles. There's a few things that could be done better, but it's still a decent way to burn a few hours, especially since the game tends to go on sale for pretty cheap.

This one's a hidden gem. I bought it cuz it was cheap and its quality kept surprising me more and more as I delved deeper and deeper.

Its level design is wonderful and the power ups hidden throughout every stage really make traversing each of them quite a joy. The Classicvania inspiration is rather obvious, but surprisingly, it manages to marry both classic and modern Castlevania traditions into one. You have a handful of separate stages with a linear progression, just like any NES side scroller. However, you can revisit each one freely. In fact, you're absolutely required to go back to some earlier areas after unlocking new abilities in order to find certain items that will unlock the path forward. This stroke of genius turns what at first glance looks to be just a run of the mill platformer into quite the adventure, and it always kept me guessing the next step forward. This game's also merciful enough to tell you how many items are hidden in each stage and how many you've collected, so you can't really miss any crucial item without knowing, and there are plenty of optional upgrades.

There are many bosses and sub bosses to keep you on your toes. They're generally easy, but you can stumble upon them out of order. I deffinitely had some grueling fights because I lacked a sword upgrade that I probably should have already picked up by that point. However, each encounter is well designed enough so you can beat it with clever play despite being unprepared.

Of course, the game's not without its hickups. It lacks some polish and I encountered a considerable amount of glitches, one of them game breaking in what is a rather short playthrough. Attacking and hit detection can be a little cluncky, it deffinitely takes some getting used to. There are some unfortunate enemy placements that somewhat cheapen the difficulty in later stages. All the movement upgrades help a lot tho.

Generally speaking, this really feels like an NES game (more so than other famous retro revivals like Shovel Knight and such), and I love that, but it could be a negative in the eyes of others.

Developer team Joy Mashers really captured me with this one. I'm really looking forward to playing Moon Rider!

Odallus is a fun and great looking and sounding melee based metroidvania but it's brought down by sloppy controls and boss fights that are overreliant on environmental modifiers that hamper your controls such as strong wind, water current and so on, which turn otherwise entertaining encounters into exercises in frustration. There is nothing fun in timing your jump correctly to get out of a boss' attack area and seeing your character fail to grab onto a ledge or get shifted out of the way at the last second by a random gust of wind. Similarly not fun is failing trial & error Donkey Kong Country-style minecart sections over and over again in what's easily the worst level in the game.

Having no map is also a considerable issue, especially when hunting for the game's well-hidden pickups or the exits to the (mandatory!) secret levels: you might think the tunnel you are overlooking is the same you've gone in several times already, instead it's a completely different one that looks identical and is nearby, causing confusion. However, the game does give you a Ghouls and Ghosts-style area progression screen which tells you how many secrets are left in each stage, so you're not entirely left stumbling around in the dark.

Worth playing for fans of the genre on account of the great sense of exploration and rewarding upgrades, but it could have been much better with a bit of polish.

Theres costumes of Firebrand, Simon Belmont, and Arthur? I don't remember making this game...

A nostalgic throwback to NES action sidescrollers, specially Castlevania. The presentation and gameplay are great for what it tries to accomplish, but it's unlikely to change the opinion of anyone who didn't like these games to begin with.
It's also very hard if you don't find all the secret upgrades.

Good game that throws back to the classic era of tough of nails action sidescrollers. There's a little of everything here: Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse, Metroid, Ghosts 'n Goblins, Demon's Crest, and I'd even argue Castlevania II: Belmont's Revenge in terms of the final boss. (reminiscent of the second to last boss of Belmont's Revenge but with an extra twist)

While I wouldn't say this is as good as say Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon 2 in terms of a modern spin on a classic formula this is still a solid game that cuts a quick pace and has some truly beautiful looking cutscenes.

My biggest gripe with the game, however, is the jumping. It is rather finicky and with your sprite being as big as it is makes the platforming needlessly frustrating at times. This is also one of those games where you need to collect EVERYTHING which can be a dealbreaker for some.

Overall, though, I recommend this game. It doesn't overstay its welcome and gets the job done by being a solid throwback to a classic era.

Jogo indie brasileiro bem legal, sempre temos que dar aquela moral pra nossa industria

Con una estética en 8 bits, un diseño muy bueno de niveles, y una jugabilidad sencilla pero eficaz, Odallus logra complacer a quién les habla.
Recomendado a los que le gusten los clásicos plataformeros.