Reviews from

in the past

Pretty fun co-op game that can be beaten in just about one sitting. Though the levels aren't as good as the first one and feels slightly easier.

Uma das melhores experiências multiplayer que existe. Caos, correria e diversão (e stress, as vezes da vontade de gritar).

i think it's pretty hard to have a good time playing it while being a perfectionist but just for having fun with your friend this is e👏v👏e👏r👏y👏t👏h👏i👏n👏g

Completamos el juego principal con 4 estrellas de a 2. Actualmente estamos completando todos los DLCs.

"Mastered" para mi significa completar todo con 4 estrellas pero probablemente continuemos jugando para conseguir mejores puntajes.

Me gustaria jugar de a 3 o 4 pero es dificil encontrar tanta gente con la paciecia y dedicacion necesarias.

first impression :
a must play co op game.
it only comes to life in co op.

gotta complete before a full review.

While the game itself is much more polished than the first, the star ranking is a lot more forgiving so it's not as challenging.

The levels are more unique gameplay wise, but I do wish there were more variation in style. The recipes this time around do add some interesting mechanics as well. Also throwing items is definitely a big plus!

Still ends up being a fun co-op game to play through.

I love screaming at my friend that he's failing something I should've done

Before writing about video games, I spent over three years working in the food service industry. And more often than not, I hated it. The stress of preparing other people’s grub on a deadline is the type of looming anxiety I still have nightmares about and, despite the lessons I learned, am glad to finally leave behind. Overcooked 2, like its popular predecessor, is a gamified version of that panic that’s all about cooking, mixing, and serving an endless stream of dishes for increasingly impatient customers. Instead of triggering flashbacks of my days in an apron, Overcooked 2 served me an incredible cooperative experience full of triumph while also cultivating a safe amount of culinary anarchy.

Read the full review here:

co-op with gf, finished main campaign, doing DLCs

Great sequel to an already fun game.
It adds some fun new mechanics to make things even more hectic.
Would recommend if you're looking for a nice multiplayer.

Much easier than the first one, and so much fun in the two-player mode. It fast-paced and stress-inducing making it a crazy good party game.

this is not proper kitchen safety

The most cooperative co-op game I've ever played. So much fun.

esta mierda me trabo el cerebro fuerte, horas jugando con un amigo sin hablar porque este jueguito requiere que actives el porcentaje ese oculto que dicen que no usamos del cerebro. que es re mentira man... mira si vas a tener, no se, ram dedicada en la cabeza. el co-op de a 4 es epico

this makes me n my bf fight D:

Some of the additional maps feel like they weren't tuned for only 2 players co-op, and require 4 players in order to achieve 3 stars.

I'm tired of arguing with my GF, but I love when we efficiently sync like sociopaths playing this shit. Nice one.

More of the greatest co-op game every invented 10/10

a game for when i want my blood pressure to skyrocket

Súper divertido y genial para pelearte/reírte con todos tus amigos.

improvement yang sangat banyak dari game pertamanya dan bener2 jadi game family friendly paling kocak

i think it's incredibly funny how apparent the devs make their hatred for the players in the level design and mechanics

Took the Free Trial, but it didn't take off as a multiplayer game in my friend circle so I let it go. Also, superior versions seem to be available on other consoles. However, the Kevin level theme is a really fun song.