Reviews from

in the past

overwatch but with less redditors soyfacing at hentai and with better gameplay.

I was really good at it but the game itself left a lot to be desired

it's alright. a few neat character designs here or there, but nothing amazing. pretty bland, and its generic artstyle that you see everywhere doesn't help. gameplays okay.

overall a deeper competitive experience than overwatch since it was made by a development team that thinks sometimes as opposed to blizzard who are stupid. paladins stands on its own as being closer to quake/a first person moba then OW.

Overwatch but somehow worse

Podia ter sido um jogo que competisse de frente com o Overwatch e os outros FPS, mas se focou em monetização abusiva, personagens demais, balanceamento ruim e um senso de abandono completo. Uma pena, gostava muito.

ur local cheap overwatch

also Amelia Watson best announcer from Paladins

depois de um tempo não fica tão interessante

Já gostei bastante do jogo, mas hj em dia é kinda bruh tlgd...

Unlike Overwatch, this game is free. Though, life is also free. When a product is free of charge, you yourself are the currency.

Overall, game of the year, every single year.

A good competitor to Overwatch, with it's own sizable cast of characters and unique abilities, plus the addition of an upgrade system that allows you to switch abilities, although I do find the gameplay a bit too slow-paced for my liking, especially with how slow the gunplay and movement feel to me.

PIP é o melhor personagem de todos.

I recently learned that development on this game began before development on Overwatch. Does that actually make Overwatch a Paladins clone? That aside, Paladins is pretty fun and I never ran into issues finding a match.

Anyone who says this game is ass either has the attention span of a goldfish or hasn't played the game and that isn't up for discussion. Card loadouts are a really cool idea even though the variety of loadouts are mostly suboptimal besides 1 or 2 on each character. Character designs for the most part are cool and the ones that are similar to overwatch characters are all 100% better and you goldfish peanut brain stupid fuck kids who say otherwise don't play video games and better finish up that english paper for mr. carter or you're gonna fail the class

"Bro I swear it's not an Overwatch clone it's really unique bro please trust me"

The gameplay at its core is really fun, with much depth and enough to differentiate itself from other games in the genre (despite what other reviews would have you think). The real draw is the customization, there are thousands of different builds with every one of the 40 something characters, which does come at the cost of some game balance. The real problem is the bugs, which cover seemingly every aspect of the game. The menus, the visuals, the matchmaking and hitboxes can all be slightly off to downright broken at times, and its for this reason that I find recommending this game to people very hard. For me personally though, its great fun with friends and it can be fun to play on your own.

de graça até injeção na testa

I shoved a staff up a friends ass and healed im with lightning AMAZING!!!

Cara eu só joguei isso porque na época eu não tinha overwatch

era divertido a uns anos atras, hoje em dia eu não entendo nada doq ta acontecendo e morro em 3 segundos..

só tem viciado jogando

Hi-Rez makes another poor man's [insert popular game] its alright.