Reviews from

in the past

Really enjoyed this pseudo-RTS game when I played it back in early 2000's. The 30-day time limit made the whole experience tense and kept things interesting all throughout. It was also a fair challenge fighting major bosses, while trying to limit deaths. Game looked great at the time as well. Only complaint with the game I can remember were the controls, and the music wasn't memorable. Great game overall.

I have a disease and the only cure is more mild timed strategy games that have fantastic level design, super depth to playing it, and while they aren't super difficult they do kick your teeth in if you mess up,

and pikmin is that cure

10/10 babi

Surpassed by its sequel, but still pretty heckin' tight.

Pikmin is a very frustrating game. For every good thing it does there are two missteps. The core gameplay is solid; the process of building up an army to do as much as possible in as little time as possible is really cathartic. But the level design is infuriating, with so many walls ledges that force you to go in roundabout ways that waste your time.

The world is super interesting, with the diverse locales and weird alien species offering a lot of intrigue about this planet. But the enemies are really irritating, and it's easy to lose a ton of your Pikmin all at once because the game didn't do what you wanted to do and the enemies wipe out a third of you Pikmin instantaneously.

Not helping matters are all the mechanical problems. The camera is never in a good position to see what you need to see, and I swear to God it moves on its own. The AI of the Pikmin is complete garbage; it's honestly kind of hilarious to watch how dopey they are, but it's maddening to watch them trip for the 214th time and to blow the whistle multiple times while they refuse to listen to you.

It's a bit hard to recommend this game. When I played it, I couldn't stop thinking about it because of how solid the world and core gameplay is, but there's a lot holding it back.

I felt more letting my pikmin die than I did killing dogs in The Last of Us 2

The best of the trilogy. Uniquely charming and cute but also sad or terrifying. Great level design giving the player a great amount of liberty to planify and also ways to be as much efficient as possible and making every enemy a challenge on its own. The Pikmin's AI can be questionable sometimes but It's understandable considering their animal nature, they're not supersoldiers or robots, they just help because of being weak as a team and seeing Olimar as their hope. This can be seen when, at the happy ending, they learn to fight for themselves.
While some people criticize the fact you can lose easily many pikmins, It has to be understood they'll probably die all the time and that there's no problem with them dying. It's just how they live despite being sad.
Not going to lie, there's some annoying glitches with the Pikmins dissapearing and that sort of stuff but most of the aspect people criticize aren't as obnoxious as they claim they are.

The Wii Version improves in small yet great aspects like the controls and some changes to the balance, but you can still get some a breat of fresh air playing one or the other.

Agobia un poco el límite de tiempo y la inteligencia artificial de los Pikmin es un poco producto de su época pero es un juego maravillos en todos los aspectos.

It is very creative but the time management aspects of the game is a bit of a hurdle. This has some of the best enemies though.

I spent a few days aggressively obsessed with this game, but to be honest I legit don't remember much about it. It was very fun, obviously? But I haven't played it since, so.

Great start to an amazing series

Love chucking those little fuckers into the mouths of giant evil ladybugs

What a weird little game. It doesn't even feel like this should be a Nintendo game, with the bizarre mix of cartoony visuals and terrifying implications having a Sega-like feel. The learning process is uncharacteristically hands-off, letting you make mistakes and be unable to finish without starting over. That's what I like about this game though, it treats you like a smart guy who can figure stuff out, take risks, and plan on his own. Nintendo's characteristic polish without Nintendo's characteristic patronizing design philosophy can be a beautiful thing.

I'd like this more if the Pikmin AI wasn't braindead at times.

a nice proof of concept for what they would go on to improve in Pikmin 2.

a cute spin on the RTS/Diablo-like genre that was Red Hot at the time by nintendo. in another timeline, we live in a world where we play competitive 5v5 Pikmin in a MOBA--style game where small ship captains control the small minion waves in tournaments for millions of dollars. i think that would be at least Slightly cool

extremely charming game. what this game lacks in RTS genre depth it more than makes up for in personality and quaintness. pikmin 1 is probably always going to be my favorite in the series because it possesses a simplicity to it that i feel the later games lost.

edit as of 10/9/2020: lost half a star. blame pikmin 2.

Wow i hate this game so much but I love it. This actually never happened before but this game hunted me in my dreams. When i couldn't kill a beast it did not let me sleep until i figured out how to get rid of them.

And it always did something to me when those bugs killed my Pikmin, I mean, how is this supposed to be a child game? ITS BRUTAL! (Except some of my Pikmin drowned, they deserved to because they're just stupid...)

But however. I didn't manage to beat the Endboss and this somehow was awful because you don't get a second chance (unless you switch your console off and on again)

Still a brilliant game

Perfect and beautifully unique. Wouldn't change a thing.

While managing and controlling the Pikmin can be a bit janky at times, the game is absolutely incredible. The game revolves around managing your Pikmin efficiently. If you don't learn how to spread your Pikmin out to accomplish multiple tasks at once its unlikely that you'll manage to find and collection all 30 ship parts in the 30 Day limit. This day limit is what forces you to act quickly and intelligently, there's simply no time to waste. The level design along with the placement of the ship parts means that you are never far from making progress, but it's never a walk in the park.

Love the entire feeling of this game's world, how hostile and alien everything is, as well as the feeling of eventually understanding the land better and feeling like you're able to take on anything. Structure of the game is very satisfying, leads to that feeling of "just one more day". Everything about this game is the perfect showcase for why I love Gamecube-era Nintendo so much, who else would have thought to make this?

A surprisingly solid attempt at an RTS on console, with a unique and charming world and hauntingly adorable creature design.

My favorite in the series. Has some minor bits of jank that may frustrate players, but it's so replayable and fun.

Haha Bulborb eat the funny plant guys :)

Probably the best console RTS I've played, not that there's much competition.

What a joy to revisit this world. It made me happy.

Well it started off really well. There's a lot of charm to be found here between the general aesthetics, creature designs, and the music (god some of it is so good...)

Problems started to show up as the game asked more and more of you in regards of precision maneuvers with the Pikmin. The gameplay never feels quite solid enough for some of the more complicated segments that pop up. Those little plant fucks just love to Die whether it be from waltzing into water or other hazards which isn't getting into the spongey health values for most of the enemies and other inconsistent behaviors.

Things kinda just topped off with the last level and boss where things took two in game days, not because of any difficulty with the boss in terms of strategy but just due to how much health it had. It restored a majority of its health going into the second day to top things off. I'm glad the game ended at this point because I was about done at this point.

Definitely less excited to get to 2 and 3 than I was before starting or early into playing this one. I'll get to them someday regardless but I'm not sure this series is gonna ever be a big fave of mine.

The areas and music are a sight to behold. Olimar's monologues are great. The Pikmin are great...when they're not acting stupid.
Pikmin idiocy and brutal enemies can be killjoys sometimes.

Definitely best played on the Wii, but thats not to say the Gamecube is a worse option as both are fun. Super replayable, going through this game multiple times and progressively getting faster is super euphoric

It's a good game but I don't think it's for me. I can't really get into it. Scheduling and multitasking are my worst traits lol.