Reviews from

in the past

Sometimes, I buy a game just because the title is so weird that I have to know what's happening here. This is just an interactive screensaver, more or less. I don't know what I was expecting.

The most enjoyment I've had doing literally nothing.

I played this and watched as Ducks descended from the heavens. I named each one and gave them backstories and personalities and told tales of how the bottom pool was the kool kid pool where the rebel ducks sneak and go smoke. I watched as Biwwy the sad duck hid constantly while the sassy Christmas Duck Martha swanned about, far too cool for the others.

It was very amusing to make up all this nonsense backstory.

Oh yeah this is supposed to be a review. Um. Ducks?

No joke if youre an artist tired of video essays or your old playlists, pick up this game and play it while drawing

in memory of little timmy, taking flight every session. i hope he makes it big in the world

This game is great. Every new DLC/update has included new ducks that do weird things and new stuff to find. For a game that's basically a glorified screen saver it has a LOT to do/look at while not being a check list.

It's a bit like watching a really odd fish tank.

I like having the game on second screen. This is another summer for me without a vacation so I need to cope.

Who knew a game where all you do is watch plastic ducks not do anything could be so entertaining.

i paid 2 dollars for a screensaver and thats okay

I do not know why this game is so good. But it is, somehow.

gaming simply just doesn't get better than plastic ducks

A really fun toy, there is not much to this game beyond looking at and watching the plastic ducks. however the ducks are well modeled and the two locations have some fun things for the ducks to do.

A duck walked up to a lemonade stand
And he said to the man runnin' the stand
"Hey! (bam bam bam) Got any grapes?"
The man said: "No, we just sell lemonade
But it's cold, and it's fresh, and it's all home-made!
Can I get you a glass?"
The duck said, "I'll pass."
Then he waddled away - waddle waddle
'Til the very next day
"Bom bom bom bom bom babom"
When the duck walked up to the lemonade stand
And he said to the man runnin' the stand
Hey! (bam bam bam), got any grapes?
The man said: "No, like I said yesterday
We just sell lemonade, okey?
Why not give it a try?"
The duck said. Good bye
Then he waddled away - waddle waddle
Then he waddled away - waddle waddle
Then he waddled away - waddle waddle
'Til the very next day
When the duck walked up to the lemonade stand
And he said to the man runnin' the stand
"Hey! (bam bam bam) Got any grapes?"
The man said: "Look, this is gettin' old
I mean, lemonade's all we've ever sold
Why not give it a go?"
The duck said: "How about - no."
Then he waddled away - waddle waddle
Then he waddled away - waddle waddle waddle
Then he waddled away - waddle waddle
'Til the very next day
When the duck walked up to the lemonade stand
And he said to the man runnin' the stand:
"Hey! (bam bam bam) Got any grapes?"
The man said: "That's it! If you don't stay away, duck
I'll glue you to a tree and leave you there all day stuck!
So don't get too close!
The duck said, Adios
Then he waddled away - waddle waddle
Then he waddled away - waddle waddle waddle
Then he waddled away - waddle waddle
'Til the very next day
When the duck walked up to the lemonade stand
And he said to the man runnin' the stand
"Hey! (bam bam bam) Got any glue?"
"What?" "Got any glue?" "No, why would I - oh..."
"Then one more question for you:
Got any grapes?"
And the man just stopped
The he started to smile
He started to laugh
He laughed for a while.
He said: "Come on, duck
Let's walk to the store
I'll buy you some grapes
So you don't have to ask anymore
So they walked to the store
And the man bought some grapes
He gave one to the duck
And the duck said: "Hmm, no thanks
But you know what sounds good?
It would make my day
Do you think this store
Do you think this store
Do you think this store
Has any lemonade?"
Then he waddled away - waddle waddle
Then he waddled away - waddle waddle waddle
Then he waddled away - waddle waddle

Its more like Wallpaper Engine except I can touch the ducks.

Não da pra chamar bem de um jogo, é mais um papel de parede interativo ou uma experienciazinha na qual você fica só assistindo os patinhos de borracha na piscina. Mas apesar disso, pra oque o jogo se propõe eu confesso que até que eu me diverti com esse jogo, é até que interessante a expectativa de esperar pra ver qual vai ser o proximo pato que vai vir pra sua piscina e qual nome você vai dar pra ele.

É uma experienciazinha baratinha, me custou apenas 6 reais na steam, uma pena só poder platinhar todos os trófeus só quem tem todas as DLCs que adicionam mais patos.

No geral é um jogo interessante pra quem gosta de jogos idle e coisas do tipo.

For a game that is basically an entirely visual experience where overtime you get more of the funny characters that do funny things, this is honestly really really good, am a big fan! The idea is simple, as is the progression and ultimately gameplay, but it is the execution of just watching your arsenal of rubber duckies grow slowly over time and seeing them all just float around in the pools, all with their own fun designs, sounds, and even behaviours that is just done oh so well! This is an oddly engaging game for what it is, and for that alone it is deserving of my praise.
Just wish I could afford the DLC to let the fun times continue, looks like there is so much more awaiting me.
For now though I guess I consider this complete, and when I eventually get the DLC I will probably just say "An excellent extension onto what was already an oddly captivating experience!".
You can quote me on that.

Hard to argue with a pool full of rubber ducks.

I love the game, I open it while watching podcasts and dimension 20