Reviews from

in the past

This game gets too much hate. I had a ton of fun with it especially when playing with friends.

Honestly wasn't bad. My only complaints are the roster choices, but the team had their hands tied on that end

This is a poor man's attempt at a Smash game for Sony with the only thing saving it being the music.
Also why the fuck is reboot Donte in this garbage?

Not quite the SMASH-hit that Sony was no doubt hoping it would be, and a bizarre selection of characters that were no doubt heavily influenced by upcoming titles and not wanting to shell out for the rights to Spyro or Crash. Utter shame.

I think this game takes better advantage of a big "crossover" game by having stages mix series together and having characters talk and interact with each other. It also has Kat Gravity Rush. However it's also not that great gameplay wise and has Dino, so I must give this a firm 5/10.

I wanted this to be Smash Bros. and it wasn't. I tried to have fun but I didn't. I have it a real chance but it didn't get there. You tried, Sony.

It's nice seeing the properties again and mixing them up, but the gameplay isn't all that good.

bruh this is the most stupid game iv ever played in my life holy moly maccaroni

a lot better than most people say, i feel like people judged it solely on the low budget presentation and not much else. i think the gameplays pretty good and there's a lot more meat to it than most think, although balancing is pretty bad

I'm quite sure I played this game with my friends more than anyone else on the planet and it is absolutely not that bad of a game. It is different enough from smash bros to stand on it's own (certainly not as good as smash bros of course) and if you learned certain techniques it could be pretty complex. but some of the characters are balanced so poorly they're completely overpowered

I appreciate this game, cause I got to know many classic games through it.
I also appreciate developers which tried to make this game as good as they could. I'm just kinda sad, cause if Sony really put money in it, that game could be great first entry in long series, but maybe in another life....

I'm so shocked at the fact there was a time I enjoyed this game more than Smash Bros Brawl

Boring rip-off that I only played for the characters. It was at least fun to see them interact and try out all the special moves.

I used to be hung up on the fact that the audio repeatedly gets cut off, something I assume only exists in the PSN version because I never hear anyone else pointing it out. (But this isn't the first time this happened, so maybe I am expecting too much from 'anyone else' in terms of their capacity to notice very obvious bugs in games if they didn't hear a youtuber point it out for them first.) For most of the time I was playing with no music at all which for some of the stages was pretty awkward, lol.

But at one point I finally realized something. Does this REALLY matter, because no of course it doesn't. It would only matter if the game was good. Like, if this was some master work of a platform fighter that came so close to being a classic and was ruined because of a mere audio glitch that I was spilling tears over. Hell if push came to shove there was technically nothing stopping me from getting a physical cart assuming that would fix it. And it would've been completely worth it, if it meant being able to experience one of the six or so respectable games in the Vita's entire library.

The problem is that the game simply has everyone grinding each other for blue meter so they can use their lethals which is the only semi interesting part of the gameplay. Aside from those attacks nothing you do really matters, and things like attack damage seem to have no meaning as long as you get your "LEVEL 1!!!" in the end, which you always do. The only fun part of the game is landing the kill attacks, which makes me wonder if the game would've been better it was comprised solely of those attacks. Or maybe have a gameplay system where everyone gains blue automatically and normal attacks reduce the opponent's meter rather than increasing yours. (Hey at least then it would actually make a difference who you were attacking.)

I completed arcade mode with an embarrassing number of characters, the game forever etched as a stain onto my PSN card. But I noticed that no matter who I was playing as there was no meaningful variety in the gameplay- No matter which character I was playing as, there was always pretty much just one attack of theirs that I'd end up leaning back on and continue spamming for the duration of that playthrough.

The game arguably has other issues such as an unappealing roster, or not being a proper representation of Sony, but the gameplay is what's more relevant and that's where I feel the ball was dropped, not the roster.

i beat my friend in this and he got mad at me

No era tan plagio de smash como muchos decian en su epoca, pero hasta en eso se queda muy atras.
La jugabilidad es mediocre, No es muy buena, tiene pocos combos y sólo con los niveles vences a los rivales, tambien peca de estar algo desbalanceado el roster, los graficos estan decentes, la musica es olvidable y la seleccion del roster pudo ser mejor.
Lo unico bueno que le veo es que es aceptable para jugar con amigos o pasar el rato en combates offline, pero la verdad cualquier juego de peleas de este tipo puede lograr.
al menos estaba divertido jugar con kratos y kat

I guess I had some fun with it when I was a young teen. No reason to pick it up now though except out of curiosity.

Overhated, I played this game to death

@PlayStation Where the Fuck is PlayStation Alberts

This review is based on what I remember from playing this game waaaaaay back when it was released, and the mind of a 12-13 Y/O probably.

So, Smash Bros was always a gem to me, I WANTED to play it so badly but I never had the consoles for it; and Nintendo wouldn't just throw it around freely, no. So All-stars was released and I lost my mind. Sony characters fighting each other? Dope!

I picked this up, slapped it on my PS3 and immediately I loved it. Sly Cooper, Kratos, Sackboy, Drake and so many other iconic characters, holy shit. This is the game.

It was the best, I could satisfy my needs of playing Smash Bros just with this game - awesome.

A few years later, I look back at this: and what can I say? I was fooled by my childish mind. This game is not that good, and some if not most characters just plain suck. It's not even fun to play some of them, if anything, I gave this game one star because they tried.

Well, they didn't try but I enjoyed seeing Sly Cooper getting some attention, and it's sad to see this is one of the last games he participated in.

No less, it's probably a good game if you are 14 years old.

I personally love this game a lot and found it really enjoyable. And the characters actually played the way I wanted them to and stayed true to the games they are actually from. If they make a sequel to this game for the PS5 I would absolutely get it

I wish this game got more love because a sequel maybe would have smoothed out problems this game had.

Great premise ruined by gameplay mechanics and cheap art direction.

Platinum # 20

This game should have been better than it was, they had all the big names but couldn't deliver on the gameplay front. Unfortunately, it could never compete with the likes of Super Smash Bros.