Reviews from

in the past

O sistema de combate, a falta de suporte da própria Sony, o conteúdo e o sentimento geral da experiência com esse jogo são indescritíveis de tão desagradáveis.

A sensação de cópia fajuta do conceito de Smash Bros é inevitável.

If you come for the king you best not miss.

It's a playstation character themed smash clone. It was super fun, the abilities were all unique and fun, it was dumb but i liked it

A misunderstood classic with some actual good ideas that will never be refined and expanded upon because people either didn't give a shit or wanted it to be more like the much more popular game that has better support.

Better than you'd think, but less than you'd hope.

I don't know what's missing from this game, but it's held back by whatever that is.

Commendable that they didn't just try to copy Smash Bros. when they made this but you'll just be wishing you were playing that after the first few hours.

Sweet Tooth never got his ice cream cone back

Now that PlayStation owns Evo when can we see this game on the roster?

Look if an old and busted game like Melee can be at Evo for more than 3 years why can't this, just saying.

احد اجمل العاب القتال الي لعبتها اتمنى تصير سلسلة بالمستقبل

This sure as hell ain't Super Smash Bros.

Un juego que podría haber dado mucho más de sí. Con un sistema de vidas mejor planteado, una selección de personajes más interesante y un correcto balanceo de los mismos, habría sido un excelente brawler. Por desgracia, hoy por hoy sólo podemos soñar con una secuela que sepa hacer los deberes.

Need this game remastered or a sequel. Fun concept that could've been better under more care. I hate that it got brushed over cause it's "A smash wannabe" because it was genuinely fun to play despite it being hella unbalanced

my friends wouldn't play this game with me and we went back to Smash Bros.

I have more hours in this than I'd like to admit

PS All-Stars is a good game, especially since it is just another Smash clone.

Featuring Dante from the DmC Devil May Cry series.

I genuinely believe that this title is a flawed but solid title, a lot of it's issues could have easily been improved upon in a sequel if it was allowed to become a series but the game was retired far too quickly by Sony.

needs a sequel that is better than it

western devs really don't know how to make fighting games feel aesthetically good

It has potential to compete with Smash Bros but Sony just don't care anymore.

"can we have super smash bros"
"we have super smash bros at home"
super smash bros at home:

Played only but a few times, nothing special.

Maybe I'm a fucking idiot but I had a good time playing this both single and multiplayer

You can really tell that Sony both wanted their own version of Smash Bros but also didn't want to spend the time and money necessary to make a game like Smash Bros. Sony really needed to just open their wallet a bit more and give this game an actual budget for the roster and the story mode and we would've had something here.

This game gets way too much hate. Just needed more classic/good characters. It had a unique fighting system and the cast was overall fine but obviously too recency dependent.

Fun times to be had but this game basically a Smash clone without any of the depth that makes Smash still fun to play years later.