Reviews from

in the past

My snorlax and blastoise will change the world and I don't give a fuck if this is a children's game you will get fucked up by the squad and I

The Canadian beta was quite impressive and I enjoyed my time very much, the game is a bit repetitive tho so I hope they add new modes to switch things up!

This game would be pretty shit if it wasn't Pokémon.

I hate League of Legends but enjoy this and I'm not sure if this game is good or I just have Pokemon brainworms

En este juego puedes hacerle bullying directo a crianzas sin decir ninguna palabra

me lo paso genial ganando a niños de 9 años

baby's first moba. i'll get as much enjoyment out of it as i can before everyone stops and the whales remain.

Currently first impressions only based on 2 days of playtime but yeah it's pretty fun actually.

It's got some predatory schemes but they don't feel very necessary yet and the major stuff can still be bought using in-game currency.

Having a playstyle that differs from the same old LoL or DOTA formula is also nice where the minion kills actually matter.

If anything it will be a fun little game to do dailies for a while until I eventually fall off lol.

Fun game so far, can't say I didn't like what I played. Nothing spectacular about it either though, just a solid time if you're looking for something chill to play.

Unless you can find 4 long-term teammates to dedicate time to this, the prospect of playing this long term is terrifying. The P2W elements are also already obnoxious, a I can only imagine where it will go from here.

I gotta be honest, fellas. I pointed and laughed when I saw "Chinese Pokémon MOBA." But my friends dragged me into it and now I think it's pretty fun. It's given me zero drive to check out League, and the pay to win elements, while miniscule, even existing at all is omega cringe, and the cast is wildly unbalanced. I don't understand what Venasaur is supposed to do, but Zeraora just shreds shit like a high fiber diet.

Crustle gang ride or die.

Now at first, I wasn't really interested in picking up this game. But seeing how it was just a mobile game and it was free on both Switch and mobile devices, I thought I'd try it out.

Now there's not much to this game since this is a mobile game. Basically, the game is you play as Pokemon against team matches, usually 5v5, and you're competing for points by shooting basketball-like scores by taking down wild Pokemon that spawn in the arena. Depending on who you play as, you start as your first form and level up in the match and eventually you evolve which increases your stats.

You can use up to two moves that are equipped and you get better moves as you level up. You also have this "Unity Move" which is basically similar to an Ultimate move from Overwatch. It can deal a terrific amount of damage and for some Pokemon, it gives you a boost.

And really, that's all there is to it. There really is no mode other than that. And to be honest, I think it's fine for what it is. I say this is one for when you want to pass the time.

Matchmaking from what I've had, seems fair. Though you can tell when some people are experienced and some are not because man I got my ass kicked a few times.

There's a good roster of Pokemon that you can play as like Pikachu, Charizard, Greninja, Lucario and many others. They all have specific classes like attacker, defender, speedster, supporter, and all-rounder. More to come as the game goes on. Gardevoir just recently came out which I might have to try out. Though there are some odd choices for base game like... Eldegoss and Cramorant? Are they really that popular? Okay then.

Now you only start with a few Pokemon with I believe Snorlax, Alolan Ninetales, and Zeraora along with three other Pokemon that switch out every day. You get more as rewards from different point systems. You can raise your Trainer level to unlock Slowbro and Venusaur along with many currencies and items.

Now this leads into what most, if not, all mobile games have and that is... microtransactions. You have many different currencies which are coins, tickets, and gems. These can be cashed in for Pokemon, clothes, and different skins for Pokemon, most of which are beach-themed.

Now getting coins and tickets are no problem. You just gotta grind in matches but the stuff they have is so expensive. Especially for the Pokemon. Some range from 6,000 coins like Pikachu and Talonflame to 10,000 coins like Lucario and Garchomp, pretty much HUGE fan favorites in the Pokemon universe.

The currency that you pretty much never get is the gems except for ONE way... Use ACTUAL money... Again, not a surprise for a mobile game. Make a free game just to trick people into using actually money to get stuff. So you better hope tomorrow gets you a skin because unless you pay them gems, you most likely ain't getting it.

So overall, it's alright. It's fun. There's just not much variety in the game. Like there's pretty much only one map which you might get easily tired of. And you might say the same for the battle system. You can't defend yourself and all you can do is spam moves and see which one of you dies first. You can try to run away but most of the characters move like molasses.

So if you want to give it a try, go ahead. It's free. You ain't spending anything. Just don't expect anything grand from it. It's just a simple Pokemon team match game.

I'll give Pokemon Unite a 7/10.

As a Pokémon fan who had never played a MOBA, Unite was a gentle introduction into a new genre with a familiar look and feel. The premise of leveling up and scoring goals is simple yet understandable. The progression and strategy of movesets is satisfying. However, one major flaw stands out - pay to win elements completely ruin this game.

It's predatory enough that I can't explain it in simple terms. The use of three currency types intentionally hides how shady this is, but essentially expect to open your wallet in order to upgrade items or buy new characters after the first weeks missions have ended. As you play, you'll eventually hit a wall where teams with maxed out stats demolish you and there's nothing you can do. Also, an endgame 'boss' is completely unbalanced and whichever team gets it is practically guaranteed the win.

This was fun for a few hours, but expect to pay in order to rank up with other players, or use your favorite Pokémon. Disappointing.

its like league of legends but good

First impressions: It's fun! I bounced off league super hard when I tried it but this game is for moba babies like me and for that reason I've actually been having a good enough time. That being said I still don't really vibe with this genre, feels insanely grindy and like it could get real frustrating real fast. Plus based on how it's looking now at least the monetization is extremely trash so couldn't in good conscience give it a higher score than this

I told myself I would never do this kind of shit

El puto gengar jungla tio que se pilla la cimitarra mercurial y dice que se va a follar a mi madre por el chat

the ui is ripped straight out of a super predatory gacha game but,,, why did i have fun with this it is way more fun than it has any right to be
I had a few graphical hiccups but they didnt inhibit play too bad

Very very fun, I tried league of legends but couldn't get into it. This is way more fun and the fact that games are not that long is great

Better than I expected! The UI is pretty ugly and the game started to feel repetitive after less than 10 battles, which is basically how I feel about games like this, but I think a match every now and then is pretty enjoyable

Nintendo's IP hitting the moba game, and doing a decent job of it out the gate. Obviously monetization/systems need tuning, and the content dripfeed needs to be established, but the base here is solid and addictive (and I don't mean the dumb energy gacha you should 100% ignore). I think I'll be playing this for a while, and I hope it lasts.

Only major concerns at the moment are character balance as more are added, how the item upgrade economy will settle after people grind out their maxed good held items, where most cosmetics land (direct store, gacha, or battlepass), and the battlepass needs to have premium currency inside it to buy the next one.

I'll say, this was pretty dang fun until the "whales" showed up and showed how pay-to-win this nonsense is. A shame, honestly, because I'm not opposed to playing MOBAS but hell if I'm going to give Blizzard or Riot any of my time or money.

For the cost of zero dollars you can not only experience the least optimized menus this industry has to offer, but also you can queue into random matches and bully children for overextending into your healing zones.

Better than I expected, but still not great overall. The terrible roster balancing, horrendously slow movement speed, and framerate issues make SWITCHING BETWEEN THE CHARACTERS a chore, Zapdos being absolutely broken, and Horrendous Pay to Win Microtransactions, this really drove down and ruined a kind of fun and interesting gameplay loop. I had fun, if only for a few days, but damn. This REALLY isn't that good.

Standard queue, play as Eldegoss, follow one of the attack types into the bottom lane, heal them and soften up mobs for them to level them up quick. Kill Zapdos a few minutes later. You'll win a lot of games.

(though the killing of Zapdos is perhaps too vital of a step)

(oh and all of the external systems are real bad)

Lo he estado jugando estos días con amigos y es bastante disfrutable y está muy bien para ello. Lo que no me gusta es que sea un tanto pay 2 win con el rollo de la mejora de items porque al final eso marca muchas diferencias. Pero nice en cualquier caso.