Reviews from

in the past

take the worst parts of zelda, mixed with the boring parts from a team ico game, and make it pretty.

It tries to be like journey but isn’t as good


A gorgeous, melancholy adventure that's a bit short and shallow.

A pretty cool game. I must say that it starts out pretty badly, but as soon as you've gotten past the first level, the game becomes a lot more fun. One of the biggest pros in the game is actually something that should be a con, which is that the game doesn't really punish you for your actions. It is not necessarily a good thing in games, but here it is incredibly consistent with the theme of the game. The level design was mostly ok, but the biggest enjoyment came from the concept of the game, which is something I'm not gonna spoil here, as it is explained first during the ending. The game does have a lot of flaws though, mainly in the music, which is pretty preachy, and in the fact that the character you are controlling is moving a bit too slow for my tastes. It was a cool experience overall though.

I still own this game strictly because of the box art.

El juego entra por la vista desde la primera toma de contacto. Tras la agradable sorpresa inicial, mis buenas impresiones empezaron a flojear (me pareció que alargaba algunos tramos de manera poco necesaria y me llegó a aburrir en algún momento concreto). Luego creo que empieza a remontar y en su tramo final es un cohete casi sin techo, sorprendiéndome gratamente hasta el punto de parecerme una grandísima obra.

- Música espectacular
- Preciosa ambientación
- Al final todo encaja y cierra de manera redonda

- Podría durar menos (aunque dura como 5-6 horas)

Copy and paste indie cliché.

I don't even remember anything that happens in this game!

A sweet little puzzler that is ultimately satisfying, though it took me a little bit to get into it. The story is heartbreaking. I wanted more actual interaction with Fox Friend. He was always dashing off screen.

A arte é linda demais, a história do jogo é muito bonita.

A pretty adventure/puzzler whose story hits fairly hard at the end when everything gets re-contextualized. I'm a sucker for environmental puzzle games so this one was right up my alley. Not incredible, but well done enough and kept me engaged.

Journey + The Unfinished Swan + Fumito Ueda vibes

Linda história e visual sensacional. Porém os puzzles são MUITO fáceis e não seguem uma progressão de dificuldade, o que decepcionou um pouco.

A bit dissapointing...was hoping for more.

My girlfriend played this while i was in the room. FUCK ME ITS SAD

This review contains spoilers

this was fuckin dumb. Every other indie game I’ve played the past like 4 years has been a somber tale about dealing with death or depression and I’m kinda over it. This one wasn’t even interesting gameplay wise though the music was great and the twist where you’re playing as the dead kid did surprise me but man I’m over this genre.

Probably about to go play another one

"Mom can we have The Witness?"
"Sweetie we got The Witness at home"
The Witness at home:

você me causou tantas emoções diferentes, nem sei pq
coisa linda
character design perfeito <3

The most beautiful, touching ending.

Fun puzzles and nice visuals, though somewhat short

Um jogo excelente com uma história emocionante e bons puzzles.

Honestly the actual mechanics of the game and overall look of it are pretty good. I love the art style and the puzzles are interesting. What isn't is pretty much everything else. Noticeable frame issues even for someone like me, a nonsensical story about the stages of grief, and not a memorable soundtrack. Like it's a fine, Rime, but I see why this game kinda just gets forgotten.

Easily one of my favourite indie games.

Rime cuenta un tipo de historia con un tipo de gameplay muy manido por juegos indies. Es un juego sencillo de jugar, preciosista en lo visual y en lo auditivo que al final del día no cuenta nada especialmente nuevo, pero sin embargo (en mi caso concreto al menos), logra emocionar (que al final, es lo que más pretende). A pesar de lo manido de sus temas, el final sorprende y recontextualiza el juego, pasando de ser "otro más" a ser un juego que se siente honesto y bastante congruente con los tropos de este pseudo-sub-género dentro de los indies: la sencillez de sus mecánicas y lo preciosista de su apartado audiovisual funcionan, pues esta es una historia sencilla, infantil, que en parte habla de la negación al dolor, que aunque trate temas amargos, se ve concebida como un cuento infantil, como una leyenda del mar que acaba siendo un pequeño canto a la vida y a aquello que podemos perder. Me ocurrió (aunque menos) con GRIS y me vuelve a ocurrir aquí: aunque puedo entender las críticas a estos juegos, pues estos intentan tratar temas como la pérdida o la depresión pero sin embargo solo se aventuran a explorar esto bajo formas bonitas y aceptadas por la industria (vamos, que prioriza lo "bello" sobre la expresión y sus temas), esta apuesta por mostrar "lo bonito" se me acaba antojando como una reinvidicación, como una forma de decir que valoremos lo bonito que tiene este mundo. Puede que Rime sea "otro de esos juegos" y puede que mi analisis peque de emocionalidad; no voy a negar que Rime no es un juego excelente, pero yo que sé, me da igual. Lo he disfrutado mucho.

The ending of the game (and the whole meaning the game takes on because of it) has been done a million times but overall this is a good experience. It takes a lot of inspiration from Ico without being beholden to it.