Reviews from

in the past

This has such an odd charm to it you can't help but love it. The story, the style and the gameplay is just nice. The multiplayer is some of the best strategical multiplayer you can get on its systems. Very Good game.

Cutscenes between levels - This is a masterpiece of humor! The visual is awesome, added co-op and remote play, but there are problems in the gameplay, eg. most of the balls are useless.

It's Rock of Ages 1 except with way more fun gameplay, comedy, level design and story campaign

It is like Rock of Ages 1 but it is more fun.

Rock of Ages 2 > Rock of Ages 1

Was für ein verrücktes Spiel.
Beautiful Katamari meets Tower Defence meets Super Monkey Ball.

Jeder Spieler bekommt die gleiche Bahn, die aber vom jeweils anderen Spieler mit Hindernissen bestückt werden kann.
Anschließend muss man mit seiner Kugel möglichst unversehrt und schnell ans Ziel kommen.

Absoluter Schwachsinn... herrlich :D

Wie alle "Fallenstellspiele" (ja.. das Genre platzier ich hier so)
hat man irgendwann die perfekte Kombo an Hindernissen raus, ab dem Moment ist dann die Luft raus.

Bis dahin ist es aber eine Gaudi.

Muy divertido juego, especialmente en multijugador, con un buen humor.

molto meglio del primo, l'ho anche giocato con dani

Great spin of a tower defense game while also becoming the best boulder rolling simulator on the market. Multiplayer obstacle course is a blast and the variety in boulders makes for endless hours of hilarity.

Fun tower defense game that makes me wish I had friends that played this.

The multiplayer is awesome, whether you are fighting each other or working together.

I'm biased and I don't care. I love this game and it's ridiculous sense of humor.

i love monty python and boulders

An extremely fun sequel that expands on its predecessor in every way. Probably my favorite ACE Team game.

Tão bom quanto seu antecessor!

That greek level is like the highlight of the whole game, I love that level. Reminds me of when I used to throw rocks at my greek friend's window. She'd call me a skank and throw them back, it was a lot of fun.