Reviews from

in the past

I dislike classic Megaman, unfortunately.

this game has some good ideas but with how heavy the jumps feel and how ass the level design can be at times make it hard to recommend. I was getting more mad than I was having fun. some levels that stand out are Sichte's level with the stupid rain make something like ice physics and The Golden Palace 1 with too many enamies but I had a lot of fun with Schwer-Muta's level and the music slaps and I do like how they add a whole new playable character with a code but I don't think they thought out levels with the new character in mind so it ends up being more of a hassle than a plus. Every time this game does something cool theres 5 other things it does poorly. I say if you really want to play an anime mega man clone get the legend of the dark witch on the 3DS that game lacks the great music but the hole package is better as for something on steam just get one of the mega man collections for fuck sakes

Cuando lo estuve jugando pensaba "por qué hay zonas donde son literalmente copypaste de los cuartos de varios mega man?"

y claro... cuando hace su propio diseño de niveles la caga en dimensiones galácticas LMAO

A competent doujin megaman clone that was released back in 2007 (pretty much 2008) originally. The actual formula of the game is pretty apparent, lifting some of the better ideas from the classic Megaman games. There's some decent incentive to give this a second run through that I do not wish to spoil. The sprites are quite pretty. It's nice that it made it to steam! If you are a fan of classic Megaman games, it's worth checking out.

It's Mega Man. Not a "spiritual successor" like some people claim it to be, just a clone with good production value.
RKS is closest to Mega Man 4 or *5 in particular, which means you have a charge shot and slide; most other early clones or fangames had only one or the other, so it's nice seeing this one with both.

Somehow I keep thinking I'm forgetting at least one of the first eight bosses. I only ever played Arcade mode so I can't go off of their dialogue. Let's see who I can remember:

- Freudia, whose stage spams Quick Man lasers but whose boss theme is nice
- Grolla, the one with the sword whose weapon I kept forgetting existed
- Luste has my favorite stage theme and gives you Metal Blade but chargeable, but I wish she didn't wear
- The swimsuit one whose name I forgot how to spell is like Air Man but slightly more annoying
- Sichte, the time-stopping lady who fights you in a clock tower and throws knives at you
- Zorne, the one whose weapon is just a bomb from Bomberman, never really gave it a chance either
- Pamela is a girl with rain powers whose stage is in an electric tower for some reason?
- Schwer-Muta, a girl in a goofy cat/wolf/bear/other unspecified animal suit who has a tiny squid man. Can't argue with that design, honestly.

Yup, that's all of them.

I think the fortress stages have the issue people keep having with
Mega Man fortresses in the sense that they're too "samey" compared to each other; in this case, a lot of them actually do have unqiue gimmicks, but share very visually similar tilesets. There's still a few standouts when it comes to the bosses, like "Glass that's out for your blood" and "Yellow Devil but both you and its gravity flips."

I always thought it was respectable, but weird that they bothered putting in a complete password system for this game (and its sequel.) For comparison, since
Mega Man 8 every game in that series had a more traditional save file system, including 9 which came out the year right after the first RKS and was famous for being just like the NES games in most aspects.

Yeah, it's
Mega Man.* Guess you can't expect too much out of it, it's pretty old.

I really did enjoy this anime mega man game. Solid gameplay and great music. Can't knock it anywhere. Not as hard as most mega mans but that's not a bad thing.

whoever thought the wall boss was a good idea should be sent to prison

An alright Mega Man clone. Some areas are undercooked like the Bomb Man clone, but there's enough decent levels in there to make this worthwhile. Its more brutal than the NES games too. Lucky for the worse players, there's enough E-tanks and lives littered, at least for the steam release.
plus, phaggy review by that ciel guy, almost got aids reading that.

Mega Man with the gothic horror aesthetic of Castlevania but they took all the bad parts of Mega Man 2 and made them even worse.

It's Mega Man with anime girls so it's top 1

Mega Man com garotas de anime, músicas e visuais legais

Megaman but with anime girls so it sucks

i wanted to like this game but it just kept throwing shit in my face lol. some of the stages are pretty fun, others a bit bland, but pretty much every single boss is an utterly unintuitive and miserable disaster of game design, such that even the levels i thought were fun were left with a sour taste. of course this is also true of many megaman games, but i don't recall them being quite as bad as this. i gave up at the boss of iris stage 2; at that point i completely lost any and all desire to continue playing. the iris stages (well, 1 and 2, at least) are the most obnoxious, awful stages in the game too, with garbage bosses as the stupid, rotten cherry on top. if not for the handful of stages i did genuinely have fun with i would probably leave this at a 1/10. even with that factored in though, a 3/10 is more than generous

every screen is borrowed from mega man. i recognized all the set pieces and enemies and recall the exact part they came from, so it's basically a cheaper alternative to Legacy Collection.
the controls might be more tight than mega man but I'm not sure. it's pretty ok but I refunded it since I wasn't interested in playing anymore.

ost is good tho

Recuerdo que conocí este juego en un foro gringo underground donde solían hablar de la scene indie de juegos japoneses hace ya 1 década, no fue sino hasta que lo sacaron en steam que al fin pude jugarlo y... Ok, amo su estética de juego doujinshi e incluso investigué el desarrollo de este juego y es ciertamente interesante lo que pudo hacer 1 persona (bueh, fueon 2, pero los que saben la historia del desarrollo entenderán poque digo solo 1) y creo que es de los mejores clones de megaman que se han hecho a pesar de que tiene fallos como no tener metodo de guardado convencional sino un tipo contraseña que es demasiado sobecomplicado.

Ahora bien, creo que es un juego que si bien es complicado, creo que la mayoria podria llegar hasta el ultimo nivel... Si, hasta el ultimo nivel mas no pasarlo, ya que por alguna razón el pico de dificultad en los últimos niveles es tan estúpidamente grande que no sé cuantos se lo han llegado a pasar esa última parte, puesto que en serio, es estúpidamente difícil e imposible y en mi caso me rendí.

Dejando eso de lado y aunque mi nota sea "baja", aun así es un juego que recomiendo si te gusta el megaman clásico. Su música es muy buena y toda su estética me transporto a los 2000s, mi época favorita como ya he mencionado varias veces.

Hating on this feels like a low blow. It’s so shameless with its influence and lack of talent it doubles back into being charming.

The horrible character design, the blatant stealing from classic Mega Man, the game’s reliance on text for storytelling, the references to things like Touhou and Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure. It all speaks to a bunch of nerds who put all the stuff they liked into a game, and it exudes sincerity despite the quality.

All this to say, it still has a better game feel than whatever Mega Man 7 was cooking. Tia moves at a solid speed, the jumps are heavy but reliable, it’s literally the best thing about the game.

Objectively, this is terrible. Probably a 1/5 type game, but I don’t rate games objectively so…

The story is cool as shit and the gameplay is very solid, but the level design is all over the place. It looks like they got everything wrong with Megaman 1 and 2 and shoved inside this game.