Reviews from

in the past

Try a word. Any word.

...not that one! >:(

cool concept for a puzzle game that ends up being a touch boring by the end

Fun game that’s brilliant in theory only to realize you can complete the majority of tasks by just drawing yourself wings.

The only game where writing is fun.

Really, just play Super Scribblenauts, it's this game but better.

My mom stopped me from playing this game when I was a kid because I told her 3 t-rexes killed god.

been slowly chipping away at this a few puzzles at a time but something in me snapped this most recent session and decided to drop it overall.

the puzzles are cute but the controls in this are absolutely awful. the choice to use touch screen only controls for EVERYTHING other than camera movement is baffling considering the amount of buttons available on the DS. even something as simple as moving Maxwell becomes a chore with potential for disastrous outcomes with no fault of your own. this isn't getting into some of the higher precision moments that come with more complex puzzles.

i'm under the impression that the later games change the control schemes so i'd be willing to give the series another go someday. maybe this was a rough start.

I really respect this game. Normally when people make a game they put in special requirements so you can't just click a button to win. For example: "If you destroy this steel beam you solve the quest!"


spawns cthulu misspelled because I am 12 years old, like a boss

Awesome game design with fun open ended puzzles. Later on the puzzles do get a bit tricky and sometimes the game won't let you be as imaginative as you want to be with some items. I spent so much time just messing around in the sandbox on the title screen as a kid just spawning things, seeing what words worked, and messing around. The sequel, super scribblenauts, improves the formula in such a huge way that you might be better off playing that instead by now.


I like Scribblenauts. Unlimited and Unmasked are extremely fun games that allow your creativity to flourish in fun ways and I wish the series kept going after that instead of giving us a multiplayer focused spinoff that looks bad (I'll get to it eventually). Super Scribblenauts, while somewhat limited, is still a lot of fun to go back to and uses those limitations well. This game, though, is very rough to come back to if you've already played everything after. Unless you're a diehard fan of the series, I struggle to recommend this game outside of the before mentioned Scribblenauts Collection.

For starters, the game's challenge pretty much relies on you giving yourself some self imposed rules, like not giving the obvious answer or not reusing the same answer for multiple puzzles. I wanna say like over half the puzzle levels in the game can be solved with a pegasus and a rope. If you wanna fly, the Pegasus is basically the only way. Giving yourself wings or a jetpack has you drop like a rock after a few seconds and flying vehicles tend to destroy things you'll fail for destroying.

The controls for this game are pretty bad, which is another reason I recommend playing this via the Collection cause it fixes the issues. You control Maxwell via the touch screen. Normally I have 0 problems with this control method. I love games like Legend of Zelda Spirit Tracks which also does everything via the touch screen. However, here the second you tap anywhere on the screen Maxwell will immediately bolt towards that spot and will not stop. If he overshoots it, he will turn around and go back. This can create some funny moments where it looks like he glitched out, but more often than not it results in him screwing everything up and dying. This doesn't help that the game has some pretty bad touch detection when it comes to items you spawn in. I can't even count the amount of times I tried to grab something only for the game to register it as me telling Maxwell to move. The game also seems to struggle with trying to figure out how to connect items together like a rope and a box for instance. A lot of times I'll be hovering the rope over the green circles it wants you to connect them to only for it to not register till I moved my character or moved the item a bit. It got annoying fast.

I do gotta admit, though, that the game can be fun when you're not annoyed with the above issues. A lot of the puzzles have creative layouts, especially in the second half of the game. I do wish some of the level start hints weren't somewhat cryptic cause there were a few where I had 0 idea on what it even wanted me to do leading me to watch videos from 13 years ago and see how an 8 year old did it (cause I'm a moron).

Look this specific version of the game isn't a fun time to go back to. Stick to the sequels for a good Scribblenauts experience or the Collection if you absolutely must play the first game.

I couldn't play this for more than like 30 mins lol

A masterpiece idea. Very very fun and can be quite difficult

I love writing BIG GUN and killing people im so silly

I used to think this was the coolest thing ever until I played and learned copyright was a thing.

This game broke my mind when I was younger because I could spawn in just about anything I wanted. Seriously increased my creativity in critical thinking skills when it comes to solving arbitrary problems

Really fun and creative puzzle game.

Very exciting concept for a game- where you can write your own solution to the puzzles it throws at you. Unfortunately, Scribblenauts feels too limited by not always understanding your intent and leading you to just cheese the puzzles instead, and from its terrible control scheme where you’ll accidentally be moving Maxwell around when you’re just trying to drag an item across the screen. But it was still a fun game for the DS overall and I enjoyed my time with it as a kid.

I never understood why typing gaf spawned a weird ball. Now I know.

Si ponías Shub Nigurat o algo así te salía un bicho y con Cthulhu también asíque creo que el creador era un gran fan de Lovecraft además podías poner Dios y salía pero luego ponias Zeus y salía el mismo bicho asíque mal pq Zeus y Dios no es la misma deidad valiente mierda pero podías poner un bazooka grande buen juego

Not the biggest sandbox fan but does a decent job at it nontheless.

So what we do is, is we give Death a lighter next to a nuclear bomb.

Pretty fun game to mess around, with although most puzzles could be solved with the same words once you worked it out.

The concept really carries this game.

another sequel makes it irrelevant game

This was the game we fought over on the DS


I remember playing in the free mode a lot as a kid, just to see how all the different items could interact with each other. It was really neat :)

i love this game. i miss this game. i want the notebook.