Reviews from

in the past

I can clean the crime scene but I can't clean the christmas tree.

Me recuerda muchísimo a Hotline Miami pero limpiando los cadáveres que se generan en ese juego... y siendo mucho peor. El concepto del juego está bien pero está muy mal ejecutado.

Serial Cleaner is a game in which you receive calls from a mysterious client who directs you to fresh crime scenes. Your job is to dispose of all bodies, retrieve evidence and weapons, and often to clean up blood that's been left behind. And it's fantastic. I love it so much. My wife and I played it together, passing off the controller when one of us got caught.

It's so fantastically intense. You know how it feels when you're running from [REDACTED] at the climax of SteamWorld Dig 2? Or doing the Green Demon challenge in Super Mario 64? Or even just hiding from plain ol' Slenderman or FNAF robots? That delicious adrenaline as you plead with the game "PLEASE DON'T FIND ME PLEASE DON'T FIND ME PLEASE DON'T FIND ME"? That's Serial Cleaner in its entirety.

I've honestly never screamed so much at a game. Not in anger, more like:

don't look at me don't look at me don't look at me don't look at me

This was easily one of my favorite games on the Switch during its first year. Though, YMMV because (for me, at least) a lot of the enjoyment comes from playing with someone. Not wanting to get caught so you don't have to give up the controller, screaming together, etc.

I don't know if it's for everyone because it can be a little frustrating at times, but it's 100% fair. I've never felt like the game screwed me over or like it was impossible to get out of a situation. If you're calm and analyze the movement patterns of the guards/cops that you need to avoid in each stage, you can make it through.

Until you screw up and you scramble for cover like a panicked maniac.

Would recommend to anyone who's interested after a cursory glance.

P.S. The main character's mom is SUCH a sweetheart.

A casual stealth game of sorts, reminds me of Party Hard, only you are trying to clean the evidence instead of murdering everybody.

It's hard to say exactly what to think about Serial Cleaner, as it seems to be full of good intentions. Inspired by the Hotline Miami model, and giving it a twist with its stealth-based gameplay, the game is adorned with qualitative assets. The introductory cinematic foreshadows the excellent graphic style, which communicates the atmosphere of the 1970s well. On paper, the mechanics should all work well and provide a worthy experience. Nevertheless, the execution leaves a rigid game, which is just a carcass of what an infiltration game should be. What should be its charm becomes an unpleasant chore: failure is particularly punishing in this title, as the mission starts again from the beginning. On the other hand, the game has no moments of grace in finely crafted plans, as it is possible to escape any policeman by jumping into a crate or hiding in a plant. The emergent gameplay is never rewarded; you just have to wait for the unreadable and boring cycles of the enemies. In the end, Serial Cleaner fails miserably on an interesting concept, even though it offers a particularly charming art direction. But the game breaks its teeth on the basics of game design. It's unfortunate, both for us and for the developers.

Spaßiger Tatortreiniger-Simulator mit vielen Stealth-Elementen und gut durchdachtem Leveldesign.

Das Spiel hat eine kurze Story, bei der man auf die Spur eines Serienkillers kommt, indem man hinter ihm die Tatorte aufräumt, um die eigenen Wettschulden abzubezahlen.

Nachtrag: Nach und nach versteht man mehr über den eigentlichen Täter, denn in gewissem Sinn ist das Wortspiel im Titel auch ausschlaggebend für dieses Spiel. Es ist eine lange Reihe unterschiedlichster Mordschauplätze und die Schwierigkeit steigt stetig an, besonders, wenn man alle Errungenschaften haben will... hehe.

Zuletzt noch ein wenig Gebrabbel von mir über den Artstyle; sehr erfrischend und dazu mit 70er-Krimi-Look, nur nach einer Weile ist es anstrengend, die kleinen Blutspritzer, die man übersehen hat, noch zu erkennen. Das Spiel hat mich übrigens sehr an Party Hard erinnert, könnte sogar der böse Zwilling hiervon sein.

Browser oyunu gibi sürekli aynı patikada yürüyen polislerin arasında zamanlama yapmaya çalışıyoruz.


Dissapointed with the rating, this game is so fun!

A must play, I really enjoy playing this game and I have bought this with a funny price which definitely worth.

as vezes é meio estressante, mas é um jogo simples e divertido

Neat game! However it's defs in the "if you didn't finish this in one sitting, you wont ever" genre.

isso aq é tipo aquelas ideias mirabolantes q vc tem quando ta tomando banho

Starts off pretty fun but unfortunately as the game goes on, the levels get bigger and busier, the amount to do in each level gets more frustrating and the one-hit and restart back to the beginning of the level mechanics just make for a very unfun time.

Remember this being kinda janky and annoying.

Já houve aquela pergunta na sua cabeça de como a Máfia limpa as suas evidências dos seus crimes? ou melhor, quem seria a pessoa que faria esse tipo de trabalho? bem, aqui você tem a resposta... Serial Cleaner é creio eu uma inspiração muito grande a premissa do Mr. Wolf no Pulp Fiction, uma espécie de "Faxineiro" do sub-mundo do crime onde limpa toda a sujeira que os seus clientes deixam pela frente, o jogo é divertido, sua jogabilidade é bastante prática e o enredo não traz uma grande história e sim uma um tanto quanto comum e previsível só que ainda sim funciona devido a simplicidade imposta no jogo por isso creio eu que vale a pena dar uma conferida...

Really great game! The puzzles are quite fun and challenging, and the back story, simple but direct, enough to keep you engaged.

Hotline Miami, but make it a janitor.
Not my type of game, tho.

meu indie favorito de todos os tempo, adoro a vibe, o grafico, a musica (tenho salva para ouvir no trabalho), a gameplay stealth me pega muito e a história é simples mas envolve

recomendo com força

This game is golden. Loved every minute of it. Fun, challenging and i love the top down aspect. Achievements aren't too hard and it has a variety of levels, Will be playing more games like this in the future. Can be frustrating at times though. 9/10

The thing about this game is, it tries to be style over substance.
And although it harbours a fantastic presentation, it falls short where any game worth its salt should not fall short - being fun.

The game design at its core is very simple.
You find the bodies, clean up the blood and try not to get caught by the police patrolling the map.
This concept is good on paper, not so much in its execution.

The gameplay has a feel akin to a 2000's flash game.
What I mean by this is, the controls feel borderline clunky and the gameplay loop itself is very repetitive and although the game tries to change things up by introducing new mechanics, it never manages to change the formula enough to really capture and entrance.

There are also technical problems with the policemen's line of sight being twitchy and unpredicatable (in a stealth game, you need to telegraph these things properly to players!) as well as the hiding mechanic being straight up overpowered.
You can hide even if the police is right behind you and they will ignore it like they have no idea where you went one second ago.

Another problem is, the artstyle is very pretty, but it hinders the readability of the map as the colours make everything blend together and it's sometimes hard to see what is a passage, a movable object, etc.

Aside from these glaring problems, Serial Cleaner has a fantastic, pop-y artstyle and a jazzy, funky soundtrack that made the missions a lot more enjoyable to complete.

Cool concept that falls short as the game continues and the gameplay fails to meaningfully evolve. The story doesn't do anything to compensate for that so by the end it's just a slog. An interesting experience though, I still remember it after 4 years.

que hace torrente lavando mi casa

Dude lost his job to a Roomba years later

I love a good arcadey stealth puzzle game, it reminded me of Party Hard in a way but it wasn't quite as in depth (or frustrating). You have to sneak by guards and clean up blood, remove bodies, and remove evidence without a way to defend yourself. You can interact with the environment to move some objects or hide in certain spots to avoid them, and it is pretty forgiving which keeps you from getting annoyed when you fail as you use trial and error to solve the puzzle of each level. There is also a simple, but interesting, story told in between missions that doesn't overstay it's welcome. I also love the art style and music in the game, it has a great unique vibe.

Cleaning is super serial, you guys.