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Mesmo sendo um spin-off, consegue ser mais mecanicamente próximo do Civilization original que suas sequências diretas. Há um enorme foco no microgerenciamento de suas unidades e colônias, principalmente no que tange à economia. Se você gosta de passar horas criando cadeias de produção e otimizando a logística de cada parte de seu reino para só depois sair como um rolo compressor expandindo e conquistando tudo, esse game é um prato cheio.

O que de fato distingue Colonization como um spin-off é a temática, passando-se nas Américas entre os anos 1492 e 1815. Apesar de ter um recorte temporal e geográfico específico, Colonization não é especialmente mais "histórico" que Civilization. Ambos são igualmente mitológicos em sua abordagem — a série original se baseando em mitos nacionais, o spin-off no mito da colonização das Américas como um sonho em busca de liberdade e autoafirmação. Esta mitologia se expressa mecanicamente de diversas formas, com "liberty bells" sendo um dos recursos essenciais que suas colônias têm que produzir para poderem se expandir e limitando as condições de vitória do jogo unicamente a declarar independência da metrópole.

Mitologias são explicações narrativas de origem que têm alguma base histórica, mas não são história — antes, elas a sanitizam e simplificam, tornando-a mais "palatável". O mesmo processo está presente em Colonization. Não há menção à escravidão africana ou indígena e as relações entre as colônias e as metrópoles são tratadas de forma completamente unilateral. Tudo o que foge do mito da colonização como um projeto de liberdade é suprimido.

Não quero de forma alguma dizer que "é um jogo problemático, logo é ruim". É um jogo de estratégia viciante como qualquer Civ e que usa muito bem uma mitologia histórica para moldar sua narrativa e mecânicas. Mas é interessante ver que mitologia é essa, como ela é utilizada e que limitações ela cria.

“Another Boring Early Civilization Title”

I don’t really have much to speak on with this game besides that it reminded me a lot of “Civilization” and “Civilization II” with its systems, presentation, and low amount of fun. Navigating menus and ordering units around was confusing, it was difficult to get running, and lacked deep mechanics compared to later titles in the series (obviously something the game can’t control, but didn’t change the amount of enjoyment I found from it). It was just too old and too archaic in its design to suggest playing, so it would be a Not Recommend from me. Later titles in the series expand the gameplay and presentation a lot more, and it is worth starting there instead of playing the early titles UNLESS you are specifically interested in the series’ development over time (which is how I’d describe my interest with many game series I try out).

Final Verdict: 1/10 (Terrible)

Back in 2018, I revisited this beloved classic of mine with the intention of finishing it for the first time. Although I always loved this game, I never really reached its end. And even though I had the good intention of finishing it, that only happened later when I replayed it in 2020. There are no words to describe how good this title is.

1492 only knowable through 1994, throw away your books rally on DOS. colonization is the last illegal game on steam, could be honeypot, find elsewhere. who is "goombah" only on sanctioned paper ("Sickos Haha Yes" Amazon Best Sellers) is recounted truly by sid meier As one unstirred countenance aboard a carrack; As bearer of beautiful gift. Sid Meier's Confiscation if you do not download this behind 7 proxies. this is What Really happened, increase your cpu cycles and keep increasing and keep increasing until you get to the GOOD ENDING robbed from you. climactic finish to the strætegy genre from before the pop history wool. have been told by wizened grognards that 3.5" floppy of this is reliquary known to smell sweetly of myrrh. what greater "POWER FANTASY" in gaming than to actualize the mundus novus by bringing men into one body?

Sid Meier's Civilization is a timeless strategy game that provides a rich and immersive experience. Its historical accuracy, customizable civilizations, and rewarding gameplay make it a must-play for strategy enthusiasts. While the learning curve and lengthy play sessions may be challenging, its replay value and strategic decision-making make it a standout title.

Despite being an early title from the Civilization series, it holds a special place in my heart and surpasses even the newer entries. It is probably my most beloved and frequently played MS-DOS title. It's difficult to articulate what makes it so exceptional, but its charm and appeal are undeniable. From the retro graphics to the diverse nations, this game captivates me. The only thing I miss is the inclusion of Portugal, given its unique historical significance. Nevertheless, it's worth noting, that during the time period represented in the game, Portugal and Spain were under the same king. As a result, playing as Spain can somewhat be considered as being playing with Portugal in a historical context. Colonization remains one of my favorite games of all-time.

I was initially somewhat disinterested at first playing through this when I realized a large portion of the game was about trading (not usually my favorite part of playing strategy games like these). But, after digging into it, I really appreciate its narrower focus compared to the Civ games where it really hones in on your settlements, your individual colonists, your relationships with native tribes and especially with your European overlord. It makes you feel more attached to all these elements in-game when everything's going really well or really poorly, something that I think only Crusader Kings has successfully pulled off