Reviews from

in the past

It’s kind of just a bunch of mazes in isometric 3D? The instruction manual has some story justification for why Sonic moves so slow (Eggy tricked him into wearing some shoes that slow him down and he needs to collect all the Chaos Emeralds to break free of them? Yeah, idk.) Guessing the slowness is actually just because of the isometric perspective, because Sonic 3D blast is also slow as heck for a Sonic game.

So, yeah. This isn’t great. The levels and gameplay are repetitive as fuck, and not particularly rewarding. Other than Sonic Eraser, which barely even counts as a Sonic game, this is pretty easily the worst game I’ve played so far in this project.

I guess the only real positive thing I can say is that it apparently served as an inspiration for the drastically superior aforementioned Sonic 3D Blast? Not that that’s one of the best Sonic games of all time or anything, but it’s at least pretty decent, which this is... not.

8-bit Sonic 3D Blast ft. Seizures

Journal Entry 79

It’s… fuck I don’t even know at this point. I’ve smoked so many doobies that I can’t tell if it’s day or night anymore. I found this big ass field, I’ve been sleeping here for the past several days, and I go to the nearby McDonald’s to use the WiFi and jerk off in the bathroom stalls.

Where did my life go wrong? I don’t fucking know. What I do know though is that Labyrinth kind of sounds like Labia, and that means saying Sonic’s Labyrinth is like saying Sonic’s Pussy and I’m sure that right there just got some furry’s rocks off.

Dad’s hanging in there… I have to.

(Played via Mega Collection Plus on PS2.)

I wanted to check this out after hearing many stories about how awful it is, with some even going as far as to call it the "worst sonic game" or "one of the worst" and yet I came out being pleasantly surprised. This game received a lot of flack over the years about having janky and awkward controls that are difficult to figure out but I was able to nail the controls after the first couple of levels. The presentation is a little lacking, with some of the zones looking and feeling too similar to the last with the only thing that differentiates them sometimes is the colour of the checkboard you walk on. The soundtrack is good, cute and bouncy 8-bit tunes that won't leave any Sonic fan disappointed with. Controls are a little awkward to learn at first which was one of the biggest reasons this game flopped but they don't take long at all to master. There's no running or jumping like you're standard Sonic romp though, as this game forces you to walk and spin-dash only. You hold down the X button (played on PS2) to charge up the spin-dash and use the d-pad to select the direction you want to go. You hit the same button whilst rolling to come to a stop. Easy to learn, but takes a level or two to really figure out and nail. Boss fights in this game were also a little too easy, with the first 2 being able to be beaten by bouncing around from spin-dashing if you're lucky enough.


- Visual presentation is lacking, even for GameGear standards.
- An alright soundtrack worth checking out.
- Slightly awkward controls, but not as bad as people make them out to be.
- Boss fights are a little too easy.

If you think about it Dr. Robotnik swapping Sonic's shoes was actually a smart move. Instead of just killing him, torture him and the player by playing through this shitty game.


Why tf do people hate this? Yeah it's not a good SONIC game but tis a fun puzzle game in its own right. The spin dash is really not that finicky and it's quite short. I enjoyed myself. Probably the best sonic GG game i've played.

Better than Sonic 06, Shadow the Hedgehog, Sonic Lost World and Megaman X6.

What does Megaman X6 have to do with this? Nothing, but fuck Megaman X6 anyway.

When people talk about bad Sonic Games, they're usually talking about perfectly mediocre games. Not this game. Fuck this game.

i hated this game before i was even able to read

Sonic Labrynth is such a stupid concept for a sonic game, lets just make sonic slow and put him in mazes yeah!! How this got made is beyond me, but for what it is its fine I guess, nothing special but nothing too awful I guess.

What the fuck? Guess it wasn't as bad as I was expecting but at the same time I just wish I was playing 3D Blast instead.

It's another short Sonic game gear game.
I don't think its nearly as bad as everyone says it is. The game is an isometric puzzle game where Sonic must collect 3 keys in each stage and make it to a goal.

The soundtrack is actually quite good but it only features 4 levels tracks which play in every world so The Labyrinth of the Sky and The Labyrinth of the Sea have the same music which is a bit disappointing as I would've prefered one track for each world.

The problems I had was that the game was rather slow and you basically have to spin dash everywhere and the speed up shoes make the screen flicker which could cause a seizure in someone sensitive to that.

Still I think Sonic Labyrinth is disappointing and doesn't feel like a Sonic Game. Only play this if you really feel like it.

“OK GUYS OK, HEAR ME OUT…what if Sonic 3D Blast…but WORSE?!?”

This game fucking sucks and is antithetical to Sonic's nature as a whole, literally lmfao

It's a Sonic game without any sense of speed at any point during gameplay, which is just sacreligious, but even if you look past that it's just kind of dull at best.

Ayakkabıyla sonic in ne alakası var mına ya

nostalgia too strong lol
(1.5 without bias)

i don't understand the purpose that this game fulfills

The year is 1994. You sit in the Sega boardroom, awaiting the start of the meeting with one of your fellow game designers, set to reveal what they'd told you shortly prior was a surefire hit of an idea.

As the door swings open, he seems beside himself. Rather than exuding confidence in his idea, he clearly looks to be holding back laugher. Before you can ask a question, he speaks.

"Hey, wouldn't it be funny if we made a Sonic game, where you couldn't run fast or jump, and instead had you find keys in an isometric puzzle game that had no reason to be a Sonic game?"

You swallow your pride a little bit. The idea at its very core was entirely antithetical to what made Sonic, well, Sonic. But you wanna keep your job, forcing a weary smile. Surely, entertaining this joke would be worth it for the revelation of his real idea.

"Heh, y-yeah, that sure would be funny. Good joke, Tim."

His face becomes entirely serious, not a dash of humour in his voice as he speaks his next, accursed words.

"What do you mean, 'joke'?"