Reviews from

in the past

Really found myself bored at a lot of points throughout playing this. I definitely overestimated how much of a South Park fan I am, but even then, some parts of the game bogged me down. Combat got tiresome as the game went on, especially mashing through Jimmy's stuttering. Exploration wasn't all that enjoyable either. Story was funny though, as to be expected. Dumb and disgusting at times, but enjoyable. I'm better off just casually watching South Park.

I was never a huge fan of RPGs, but I was interested in how South Park would tackle it in a video game. It's game play was amazing, its transition from cutscene to game can be similar to an actual episode of the show.

This game means alot to me! I have played it 1 time on ps3, 3 times on ps4 and 2 times on switch. There is something about the soundtrack of thid game and the feel of it, like its so fun doing the side quests, exploring and lvl up ur character. Everything from the story to the combat is Perfection to me and i dont really like RPGS haha. But yeah Stick of truth is a PERFECT game for me

I have without a doubt grown out of the humour in this game, but I was really shocked to find a genuinely pretty solid casual little rpg

one huge interactive episode of south park and it does that job incredibly well. also i can minimize cartman's screen time so that's a big plus

I loved this so much.

I love the show and I was delighted to play this and find a surprisingly well made RPG that translates the humor of the show wonderfully.

edgelord humor, surprisingly good gameplay

a sequencia eh melhor e eh isso

-Descripción: Paper Mario (clásicos) con skin de South Park, si eso no te convence pues no sé que lo hará.
-Explicando las estrellas: No es tanto por el acabado técnico sino que se queda corto en varios apartados como la diversidad ante la estrategia dominante, carencia de un Post-Game digno del genero y coleccionables redundantes e inútiles.

Esse jogo é diveridissimo e é provavelmente o melhor jogo baseado em desenho.
O gameplay é muito fluido, as piadas são engraçadas, tem as coisas absurdas do desenho.
Tudo de bom, só acho ele um pouco facil demais mas tirando isso o resto é maravilhoso

Fun if you're a fan of the series. Gameplaywise its not that good.

Absolutely a guilty pleasure game, but tbh it absolutely fucks. Cannot recommend enough if you're down with South Park humour.

If you like South Park, you'll like this. If you like Paper Mario and are okay with South Park, you'll also probably like this.

by Ubisoft Entertainment, Obsidian Entertainment

As a South Park fan it was hilarious and fun.

yes very funny cartman now suck my colossal stick

With a controller in your hand, you are literally playing a 14-hour episode of South Park.

Alright this game is unironically really good though

The Best South Park game that currently exists

its just a good south park movie

Funniest game I’ve ever played, the combat system is great, has to be one of the best film/tv to game adaptions ever made

Funnier than Fractured but Whole but the gameplay is a poor man's Paper Mario and is far too easy.

En verdad, si te mola mucho South Park este juego es de lo mejorcito. Lo unico que se echa de menos es el doblaje, pero el juego es muy gracioso overall

This game is my bottom bitch

Funny as hell and and an absolute fanservice delight if you're a fan of the series, but the battle system could use some fine tuning and the game is pretty easy outside of any section where you aren't allowed to use any party members and the siege on Clyde's tower. The fart mechanic is a neat concept but is nowhere near as fleshed out as in Fractured But Whole.