Reviews from

in the past

This game is really good lol. I have no nostalgia to it, I grew up playing Truth or Square on Wii, yet I do think it's a really good game. It nails the feeling of SpongeBob with dialogue that makes explicit, and sometimes subtle, references to the show; music that sounds exactly like what a SpongeBob game should; and other details that the more hardcore fans of the show will love, like when the player goes out of bounds and the human hand grabs the character. Some of the stages also make references to specific episodes, like Rock Bottom. It's just really neat, and even if you don't know too much about SpongeBob it's still a really charming and fun platformer. Sandy is the best character in the game.

i can quote this game like an encyclopedia

idk why this game's rating is so low. This is a licensed game that has all the pros of spongebob from my childhood while also being a top tier 3d platformer.

The PC version of this game is a barebones collection of minigames which have little to nothing to do with the world of Spongebob. Unfortunately, I have yet to play the actually good versions of this game; if I do, it'll likely be through the remaster so I can leave this review as-is.

Probably one of the best licensed games out there. While this game does suffer from some bugs difficulty spikes, it's still a great time and a lot fun even if you aren't the biggest Spongebob fan.

This was the first video game I ever beat, and it's still enjoyable to this day. Really solid platformer with great charm and fits the SBSP universe like a glove.

REALLY fun licensed game. Probably top 15 platformers I have played. Replayable, great level design, tight controls, humour reminiscent of the first 3 seasons of the show, and rock solid performance on all platforms I tried it on. A must have for platformer fans and especially SpongeBob fans.

robo patrick best character idc what you tell me

Yeah there's a reason this game got a full blown remake, fantastic licensed game which fully deserves its praise.

mr. krabs' voice makes me sad no matter how many times i play it but like no one ever talks about mermaid man dude he sounds fucking awful bro turn that shit off

game's pretty alright though, i'm rating the console version although i've played the old pc version which is just kind of whatever, kids will like it it's a minigame collection

I know objectively this game isn't anything impressive, yet I find myself constantly revisiting it every year and doing a 100% playthrough of it. It's just that solid!

Fuck 100%ing Rock Bottom & Kelp Forest though.

[Replay] I’ve been playing this game basically annually for a while now. But my last two playthroughs have been Rehydrated, so its been a bit since i've gone back to the gamecube version. My main question going into this was “what is going to be the version that I’m going to be mainly playing going forward, the original or Rehydrated?”. I do think the original is definitely superior, as the two games are basically identical aside from visuals and a few UI changes. That and the many glitches and design changes to rehydrated (Like spongebobs lowered walking speed). They both have there plusses on what I like better, but I think Rehydrated doesn't mess THAT much up that I can refuse to use it as my go to version of this game. But that said, if Rehydrated and the original were both available on Switch, id pick the original 9/10 times. Its just such a fun game to revisit and play to 100%. I purposely went into this playthrough telling myself that I’m only doing a 75 spatula run because I don't have the time to 100% complete it, but i still found myself having to resist sweeping every area of each level for every sock and spatula. Still, it was kinda interesting to go do a non completion run of this game that i'm so used to completing all the way through, i haven't played the game like this in a while. It’s not the greatest game ever made, but its like a pair of old shoes to me. (Plus, I dont care what anyone says, the soundtrack is incredible. They really composed like 15 authentic spongebob production songs for licensed game, and they all sound like they belong in the show, despite the show generally just using licensed music itself.)

One of the best licensed video games of all time. Really good 3d collectathon platformer. Big part of my childhood.

My favorite game that I have played I feel as a 3D Platformer it's great at keeping great level design while being open enough for exploration. I love all the nods they have to the show in it and I grew up with it so automatic 10/10

puta merda lembro so de uns frames mas é pika, Confia.

Literally the greatest 3D platformer ever made fuck Rehydrated.

Like many people, I grew up watching and loving Spongebob Squarepants. And thankfully, this isn't some cheap licensed game like so many titles end up becoming. Not only is there a ton of references for fans to get a kick out of, but the environments, music, and characters are also spot on and really make you feel like you're exploring Bikini Bottom. This is all packed into a pretty great 3D platform, with super responsive controls and creative level designs. This is a must play for any Spongebob fan or just anyone looking for a good 3D platformer.

Great 3D collectathon made near-perfect by the Spongebob world and characters being spot on. A relic of its time.

Classic spongebob game and an actually good licensed video game. This was my childhood

My favourite platformer of all time and for good reason. Wish they could've got Clancy Brown for this but I love it nontheless. Spongebob is my childhood and this game does it so much justice. Possibly the best Spongebob game out there.

they really put a lot of love into this that you don't normally see with licensed games. it feels like the developers were big fans of spongebob which is such a treat

fav childhood game and fav platformer of all time, simple but fun and loaded with season 1-3 references


Not only is this my favorite licensed video game of all time, but it is also one of my favorite collectathon games. This game is just a massive treat for fans of Spongebob, as well as being a very enjoyable experience for people who enjoy 3D platformers.

I have to recommend this version over the remake honestly.