Reviews from

in the past

This browser game was a formative experience for me. Probably my first real RPG outside of pokemon. I don't recall it being particularly in depth, but it was funny enough. Fondly, I can recall biking to a neighbor's house after school only to discover that he had been playing the stock market minigame (which I had rightly ignored as being lame), and he had made a shitload more money than me. I recently found out that this friend has a baby, although soon after discovering that I forgot to reply to a text, ghosting him. Then the novel coronavirus COVID-19 arrived. This game was cute and you will never play it because flash is dead. Go fuck yourself.

stickmen need to make a comeback

Some of you will never know. YOU'LL NEVER KNOW. This trained me for my future with dead end jobs and serving cocaine.

Xenoblade wishes it could be as good as this.

Way too charming and nostalgic for me to say I don't like it, but also way too repetitive and grindy for me to say I do like it, even if that is kind of the point.

I used to spend all of my school lunch playing this game in the library, I loved the shit out of this.

Nostalgia speaking here, but this is a decent enough sort of RPG game and something where the developers were kind of messing about with mechanics and incrementals and so on. Do you like numbers? Well, there's a lot of them here - and you can raise numbers like Intelligence, Money, Strength, Charisma - you need a certain amount of Intelligence in order to get into good jobs, and also you need charisma in order to successfully rob a bank and sell cocaine to people.

Now you get a lot of charisma by drinking lots of beer at a bar, and because everyone is impressed by your drinking skills they think that you're some Oliver Reed type who will cave their head in and are like "Woah, holy shit. Stop that." and then they give you lots of money. You get a lot of intelligence by going to University - which is literally only a pipeline to a job, and you go to a gym to raise strength so you can survive being hit by a car and get better at barfights.

There's also a skateboard you can get in this game by giving a kid cigarettes, and then you can murder him by repeatedly giving him more cigarettes - which nets you negative karma. As does dealing drugs and robbing banks. Now how do you raise karma? By working. That's right. You become a good person in this world through the power of capitalism, which is about as bleak a message as I've ever seen in a game.

I don't know. This became a hallmark of 2000s era Newgrounds stuff, and it's fun specifically on a basis of having your friend prop this up and they're like "It's Stick RPG." and you get into a barfight where you cave someone's skull in. Most of the mechanics in this are just novelties, but they're fun novelties, sort of.

This was the first time hearing "RPG" as a kid who's only RPG before this was Pokemon. Things are a little tricky to figure out but as a kid this was the jam.

this prepared me for the real world this is really what it's like to be an adult. press the work button

i liked it when u gave the teenager enough cigarettes, he dies. just like in real life!

I love how you can drink like 7 beers and not get drunk.