Reviews from

in the past

the goat mario 3d game sorry not sorry

My favorite 3D Mario platformer.

A very fun,very pretty game. The controls leave much to be desired however.

I hate this game, probably the worst 3D Mario game. I play it nearly every year and it might be my favorite.

Feels more like a test run than a actual game at points. Still it's impressive and very gripping, the revisiting of the same areas again and again should be annoying but it's pretty cool when the areas are reworked every time. Still a better system should have been implemented.

May actually have the best 3D Mario control, except for what happens when you walk off a ledge

It's a shame that the majority of this game's missions (both mandatory and optional) are terrible because the core improvements to Mario's abilities and the expressiveness of the world is amazing

the best 3D mario, and it's exclusively because movement never stops being fun. it's a shame that this was a one-off, because with better execution, this could've been one of the best games to ever exist.

really fun movement options and mechanics combined with horrible level design and lack of variety makes for a pretty poor experience ngl

it really sucks because those mechanics and the world itself are some of the most unique of any Mario title, no wonder they're afraid to actually experiment anymore

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when y'all finish Episode 1: The Manta Storm and the tryhard stingray comes out the most ridiculous spot sweaty and dusty af and they got dry lips and no money and no future

Would be perfect if it had better missions but this game feels really nice.

Game 7 of Mario Marathon

People really swear by this game and have made pretty compelling arguments to defend it and the speedrunning community is pretty interesting but ultimatey I can't really do it with this game. It was really the worst replay of the marathon and I was very happy to be finished with it when I did.

It just doesn't work. The concept seems neat enough but FLUDD creates a dynamic that I just personally don't like. If this game came out for the Wii and you could just control fludd with the Wiimote and Mario with the Nunchuck it may have solved a lot of what I don't like about the game. On a standard controller it just doesn't click with me.

Even with a better control scheme I still thing this game has problems. A lot of the mission design is outright obnoxious. It's filled with star missions that just make me grate my teeth. The camera is not as bad as 64 but it is still very much not there. It's especially bad in Hotel Delfino. And while the No-Fludd levels feel like a nice change of pace, they don't play as nice as other 3D Mario games thanks to the stuggling camera.

I tried to like this game. It was one the first games I bought for the Gamecube, but I've only mustered like 3 playthroughs in 18 years and I'm not looking forward to playing it again anytime soon.

My favorite Mario game to this day.

The overwhelming use of color and the tropical setting, along with the unforgettable soundtrack that represents both of these things makes for an incredible experience.

Unfortunately, the game feels like it's full of a lot of padding, the FLUDD is a bit of a strange addition (especially with its talking, though it can be forgiven due to the plot being dirt/paint themed,) and the HORRIBLE inverted axis for the FLUUD.

But the game still has such a warm, and nice atmosphere to it all, as well as still looking really good to this day.

I enjoy the core mechanics, but detest some of the extra Shine Sprites. Enjoyable if you laser focus on the primary content and avoid extraneous missions.

I am sorry but I like it more than 64.

Unfortunately a step down from Mario 64. The game makes use of Fludd which could be cool but the platforming in this game isnt very tight and not being able to choose which Shines I want to go for in each level really brings it down. I don't think I have to mention the terrible Pachinko level do I?

This is not an easy game to complete, especially with the infamous Pachinko and Chuckster shines, but its controls are tight, the enemies are unique for the series, and I love the tropical flavor in the locals.

Revisited this game after hearing so many naysayers talk trash about it. I documented basically every thought I ever had on it here:

But in summation, Super Mario Sunshine is still one of the best Mario games and easily one of the best 3D platformers of all time. The controls are intuitive and delightful to engage with (thanks to the analog nature of the Gamecube's triggers and the wonderful control stick on the Gamecube), the level design is extremely varied and exciting, the storytelling and worldbuilding of Isle Delfino in each level is surprisingly very well thought out (cutscenes aren't great though), and everything about traversal and movement is as strong as SM64. Haters be damned, long live FLUDD.

No le entendí nada por que estaba en inglés.

The worst 3D Mario game just by virture of the fact that half the levels/objectives range from tedious, to jank, to just plain bad. Really neat setting, some great music, and a lot of fun stuff in regards to FLUDD. However, Mario is all about great level design and this just doesn't have it by and large.

Also there's no long jump or backflip which drives me insane.

wish i was ever able to understand how people managed to enjoy this one. i've always felt it was a real dud. easily my least favorite of all the 3d marios.

Super Mario Sunshine does so much right but also so much wrong. It's hubworld is great, each area feels connected with this great sense of atmosphere. It's presentation is probably it's greatest strength, with a fun visual look, great detailed areas and good music.

The Gameplay is hit or miss. Mario can sometimes be super satisfying to play and other times you'll be annoyed when he slips on something or doesn't do exactly what you wanted him to do. Level design is also hit or miss. Sometimes the levels are super fun and can lead to fun moments where you think outside the box. Other times the levels are so broken that you wanna break the disc.

It's a frustrating game, but if you push through the bullshit, you'll see a game with so much fun to be had and so much ambition to achieve.

Played this for the first time in 2020 and it is an absolute banger. It has a lot of rage-inducing mechanics but is still so lovable somehow. I love how every level is part of a cohesive world.