Reviews from

in the past

A way better theme than Man of Medan but loses some of the flavor due to the end and some of the more open areas.

Ok, essa dark pictures foi uma das piores ideias que já vi btw.

Having played in this order: Man of Medan > House of Ashes > Little Hope, this felt the weakest of the three. The technical quality bar is still pretty high, but it adds little to nothing in terms of gameplay compared to the first entry, the only main difference actually being a step backwards (quick time events having warnings long beforehand make the otherwise tense situations extremely easy).

We found the plot resolution quite unsatisfying, almost felt cheated. Other than that it's another enjoyable party game.

with the exception of some dialogs (mostly at the beginning of the game) that don't make much sense, i enjoyed it.
graphics are good, history is good

SPOILER (kinda):
the only character that i did not have nothing against during the hole game was Andrew. John and Angela are SO fucking annoying, Taylor keeps being a bitch for a good portion of the game and Daniel is an ass during the prologue.

I'll give it that it has some of the best video game lighting I've seen. Lots of candles, lanterns, and fires flickering across faces and revealing things in the shadows.

I really enjoyed, but it´s to abstract in terms of gameplay.

A definite improvement over Supermassive Games' previous entry in The Dark Pictures Anthology, Little Hope continues to offer a decent blend of choose-your-own-adventure excitement with heart-stopping horror wrapped up in a janky, unoptimized bow. Narratively, I wasn't as distracted by the baffling decisions characters made when I wasn't in control of them, and it also gives Until Dawn a run for its money in terms of satisfying conclusions. But again, the game lacks the polish and prestige of their PlayStation-exclusive spook-show, leaving it in the weird middle-ground of AA titles from days of yore. Apparently Ashley Tisdale is the star of the next installment, so maybe they can put some more money towards animating the character models in a way that doesn't evoke the terror of a bad marionette show.

Agradezco que haya un estudio dedicado a hacer este tipo de juegos, este capítulo de la antología aunque correcto es bastante flojo. Sus diálogos ridículos, su terror se basa en el mismo jump scare una y otra vez, la historia bastante meh.

My friend made me play - i hare horror...

Estuvo bien aunque un final trambolico

This was worse than Man of Medan. A lot of bad dialogue exchanged between characters who have unexplained, wild mood swings, most of the playtime is just walking around on an empty street or forest path, and the story doesn't get interesting until close to the end. There's a least some fun QTE encounters.

do vinho (until dawn) a agua em segundos mds pq???

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The worst out of the whole lot so far, another it's all fake game immediately after the 1st game. Except this time, it's all in your head, so there really is no consequences this time around.

Shortly after I graduated from high school, I had made the executive decision to implement a "gap year" in my linear life before entering college. During this year, I had to fill down time with sporadic decisions, woefully, in order to get the water in the mill of my mind turning. Often, I would peruse my neighborhood around midnight, moving various thoughts shooting around in my head from my mouth to a field recorder. Simple fleeting synapses of my brain remembering fonder times or merely speaking to break the silence (as I had less respect for such an absence at the time). I no longer have these recordings, but to this day, the only recollection in my mental possession of those jaunts was walking the exact path I had taken almost every day for years to get to the bus stop for school. Said route is now paired with the best & worst instances of being in high school, but one of history nonetheless. I still live in this neighborhood, & I remember the exact path to this day. Turn left from my house, then left at the end of the street, turn right, then an immediate left, then another right to arrive at my destination. Occasionally, I include this forsaken yet back-of-my-hand "bus route" as part of bike rides on my own volition, as to prove to myself that my life finally has the breadth to no longer be linear.

If you had any doubts that Silent Hill 2 is thee most inspiration horror game of all time, look no further.

This is the one where I thought the premise was on the stronger side but the actual execution was really bad. Thinking back to it now I remember the start and the end but nothing in the whole middle of it. Ending was so bad it retroactivly ruined the game for me.

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I played Taylor in this in movie night mode with my four friends. I liked the story and the twists at the end, but I feel like the ending is only satisfying if either none of them live (besides Andrew) or all of them live. I also found it really frustrating that I died on an aim-based quick time event since that was the first aim-based one I had faced. Felt a little unfair that the detrimental quick time was the one I had never done before.

90% of the game is absolutely stupid dialogues in an uninteresting atmosphere, game has only 1 good plot twist at the end and its all.

Goes on way too long, is very boring and shit. Really had to push on through this one, the only bits that were good were anytime one of the characters died. Towards the end I stopped doing any of the quicktime events to try and get the characters to die! They did die, and it was the best part.

That ending was a whiff, in my opinion. Probably the worst one of these from SuperMassive, although still a satisfying adventure romp.

The most important thing about these games is that there are several legitimate forks in the road that mean the story I get, and the story you get, are unlikely to be the exact same.

The writing was hot garbage. The characters were hot garbage. The gameplay was hot garbage. I can't decide if I liked the plot. But I will say this: Will Poulter actually looked quite nice with longer hair.


I think I liked this better than Man of Medan but it still isn’t getting to Until Dawn levels for me. The ending too…I am not sure it was the best idea to do that…

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The game has a very slow start that even discouraged me at first but once it really starts, the pace doesn't stop until the end. The graphics are much better than Man Of Medan (and this time without a rendering bug🙏🏻) and the story too, which from the beginning keeps you stuck to know what the fuck is going on, the characters are even good and some well developed but not so much to make you care about their death.

I saw that a lot of people criticize the plot twist of this game for not being a real thing but in my opinion it's a good plot twist... it's just a poor man dealing with his mental problems, it's very creative. I just hate the fact that nothing you do with the characters in the game matters since it's all a hallucination... it sucks.

Mid-horror-movie soup which sustains a relentlessly vague plot mostly through production value.

Little Hope é um arquétipo de história interativa não funcional, contando com escolhas que pouco alteram ou não alteram o desenvolvimento da trama, até os QT's sofrem disso, são contados os que realmente têm penalidades.

Ressalto que Little Hope é ligeiramente superior ao seu antecessor, porém não deixa de ser uma jornada desgastante e monótona, inclusive uma grande parte da história é desnecessária e logo não agrega em literalmente nada, portanto poderia ser facilmente descartada.