Reviews from

in the past

O conceito desse game apesar de abordar o tema clichê das Backrooms é único e criativo com uma jogabilidade que de início aparenta ser simples, mas ao decorrer do jogo demonstra que é necessário muita atenção do jogador para que haja o avanço dos níveis. Além disso, o terror psicológico acontece de uma forma que nunca tinha visto outro game utilizar. Então, se você for jogar, desejo boa sorte para encontrar a saída. Ah, e antes que eu esqueça, lembre - se disso: nem tudo é o que aparenta ser.

Charming spot the difference with some fun jump scares and clever easter eggs. There is one trick in this that made me think I was going insane though it was absolutely nuts

average day as a japanese salaryman

I did not watch nor played this game, but @mikli, @Vincento, and @NutHut was playing or watching, idk, but I was playing fornite and I cannot believe that they removed the icy grappler and replaced with the normal one. It was only just one day.

definitely an interesting game

Cool little Observation Duty like game.

Don't look up anything about this game; just play it. It's priced fairly for what it offers. This game can be creepy, though, so if you're sensitive to that, be warned.

A refreshing take on "Spot the difference". Really unsettling. Also, the "hyper-realism" it's going for definitely adds to the uncanniness. Worth the couple of dollars asking price.

First & Blind Playthrough:

The 'Spot The Difference' genre of indie horror gets a welcome rethink with a stylish Japanese subway aesthetic, and PT-esque location-looping putting players directly in the thick of the spooky anomalies. For me, it's a more engaging shift from the screen-watching of cult breakout I'm On Observation Duty, with spookiness ranging from the head smackingly subtle to the downright startling. All anomalies feel like they play fair, and there's extra fun in finding them all (with a convenient counter supplied), and entering into some of their fail states. Simple, but cheap fun. High on quality with potential to do more.

The game that teaches you that smiling at someone in public is an anomaly. This is a really fun (and cheap at $4) experience where you walk through the same hallway scene over and over and look for differences to help you escape.

I'm seeing from other reviews that this is a genre of games, but this is my first of these "spot the difference" type games and I had a lot of fun with it. Some differences are super obvious and others are very subtle. The very subtle ones will have you 2nd guessing whether you actually missed the anomaly or not in each pass-through. This makes a fun but tense playthrough, hoping you can get that number to keep climbing to 8 and escape.

I would love to see a sequel to this with multiple environments!

Actually really fun but it did give me brain damage

It's no Observation Duty, but it's a similar concept. I'm not sure it's worth its price but it's enjoyable nonetheless. Best enjoyed without any sort of spoilers because there aren't a ton of anomalies to see.

Figuring this out in a VC was pretty funny


Seriously congrats to the developers for thinking of such a simple and effective concept.

The subject of liminal spaces has exploded in popularity recently, having had a loyal following before, but pushed to the spotlight by the short movie The Backrooms released a few years ago. Similarly, the spatial loop became a trend following P.T.'s ever shifting hallway. Finding itself in the intersection of those two thoroughly abused trends, it's unlikely I'd have given The Exit 8 the time of day had I not seen it in action beforehand.

As one would expect from the $4 price tag, it's a simple game, based entirely on observation: the player is in a subway station and must get from exit 0 to exit 8. To do that, they must pass through a hallway with set characteristics: a set of posters, a row of doors, signage and so on. If everything about the hallway looks right, they press on to the next exit. If there's something fishy going on, they must turn back. Failure to observe these guidelines loops them back to exit 0.

When displaying an anomaly in the station, the game picks randomly from a few dozen possible anomalies, a set which ranges from subtle shifts to surreal occurrences that are immediately noticeable. Conditioning the player into paying close attention to small details then tossing in something clearly unnatural is a highly effective way to get a jump out of them, making The Exit 8 a great horror game for people who aren't great with the horror genre.

Its biggest success, however, is in the short and dense runtime. The Exit 8 is cheaply produced, as is made evident by the use of Unreal asset packs and the appalling performance for an experience that takes place entirely in a hallway. Had the game stretched itself thin and tried to pad runtime, its weaknesses would have begun to show, however, since it makes a point of not repeating events the player has already seen, it proves an enjoyable pastime.

markiplier played this, it looks gas

A fun little 'spot the difference' game. A lil spooky. A lil silly at times. It's not perfect though. I feel like there are some missed opportunities to add anomalies. And there are a couple that are way too subtle and more frustrating.

So THIS is how schizophrenic-paranoids feel when they wake up

Was kinda lucky on my first try.
But its a fun little observation game. Went back to see all differences.

Took me 7min for my first ending and 36min for completition.
It can get a bit creepy.

Love how tight the concept and scope of this is. I had a pretty funny experience getting stuck on this while streaming to some friends and losing my mind while trying to get through the last few rounds but I was absolutely fixated on completing it in one go.

interesting idea, but more of a proof of concept than an actual game.

Jogo é bem diferente, ele não é complexo, um jogo bem curtinho, que tem como proposta fazer você memorizar o cenário para passar de fase, ou seja, você é obrigado prestar muita atenção em um jogo, o que pode causar um susto maior nas pessoas, mas as entidades que eu vi no jogo não foram assustadoras e nem me causaram nenhum tipo de medo, mas a premissa e mecânica do jogo tem bastante potencial.

nunca está claro cual es la habitación verdadera, consigue dar miedo sin screamers, PARTE 2 YA

The Exit 8 isn't groundbreaking in any sense. Fortunately, what it does do is executed to near perfection in almost every facet. The game's fantastic visuals and audio help improve an already engrossing atmosphere, and the gameplay itself is about as good as it possibly could be given the type of game it is. I hesitate to go into specifics because the quality of the experience this game provides relies on the player knowing little to nothing going in. Because of that, I have to recommend the game to anyone reading. It's neither long nor difficult, and the experience is well worth the price. Please try to avoid any and all spoilers going in, as I wrote earlier, minimizing knowledge of the game before starting it is key, and that minimization includes even the game's store page, which reveals much more than it should. Go find your exit.

A fun simple spot the difference with a horror aspect.

VERY short (I finished in half an hour), but what I saw was great- a wonderful game to try and figure out in a Discord call with friends trying to find the anomalies. Cool concept done very well. VERY tense, without a REAL payoff, which is too bad.

Buy at a discounted price and have some tense fun for half an hour.

anomaly games freak me out so this was the first one i've played myself.. i got to the end in about 15 minutes. it was a little too easy. i kept playing until i got all anomalys & it took about an hour. it was okay.. but very very short & very easy.