Reviews from

in the past

i would give this a higher rating but theirs 2 big downsides to this game 1 the final boss of all the house of the dead games are just bullshit there designed to kill you not to give you a chance just to kill you its annoying 2nd it repeats bosses its lazy hate that in games

Please for the love of Curien, don't play Saturn or PC releases of this game, try original arcade, even if it comes to emulation. You wouldn't regret it, playing with widescreen support and the best graphics from all versions of original thotd is a blast. Anyway, the game is still one of my favourites! The music, the B-movie horror dialogs, the designs of creatures. AM1's team cooked an amazing experience. If you really want to try a rail shooter, try this one!

This one kinda goes harder than the remake, I fully recommend this, I thought the whole branching paths in rail shooters thing was exclusive to remakes, turns out it's not. It's surprising the amount of innovation sega was able to cram into their rail shooters, really excited to try out the other ones, this one was a blast.

Above average arcade shooter for the time. Balanced the style with the arcade mechanics pretty well.

Not as good as I remember, especially the bosses. Still incredibly fun and heads and shoulders above most rail shooters. The correct way to play will always be one player double guns.

It's probably not as good as I remember it but dammit it was fun.

I always loved playing this game whenever I would be hanging out at the mall with my cousin, and I will always cherish those memories.

Having played the second installment of the franchise on console first, I have to say it makes quite the difference to play it on an arcade. Improves the experience tenfold, especially with friends. Voice acting also a cherry on top, still.

The fact this isn't a mainstay in every arcade in America is proof that this country is full of fucking shit.

Borderline perfect. The amount of style on display with this game feels a little underappreciated. The iconic voice bellowing "THE HOUSE...OF THE DEAD" over Dracula's Castle organ music. The incredibly varied and inspired monster designs, all moving and animating just beautifully, dismembering in ways that surely had to have blown your fucking mind in 1996. The way every sound-effect is perfected, from the gunshot to headshot to "RE-RE-RELOAD!" I have to blame preservation as to why this game is not a stone-cold classic like House Of The Dead 2 rightfully is.

Playing this thing is such a fucking hassle that I can understand why you might not even bother. The Saturn version is a very watered-down version, having to push a LOT of polygons on the ill-equipped Saturn. The PC version is a headache to get running in any year after 2007. The remake is...oooouuugh the fucking remake.

Your best option to play this beautiful little game is to get it running on MAME, which is tricky since MAME is a total pain in the fucking ass to get working and nobody is going to care enough to do it.

So, let's say you get ALL OF THAT up and running, and you are finally able to play The House...of the Dead.

It's a 30 minute long rail shooter.

This is why it needs to be back in physical arcades!! The experience is neutered by the headache required to play it along with the fact it is such a short game by design. If I ever got rich, I guarantee you my first wasteful rich guy purchase is a cabinet of House Of The Dead and inviting everyone over to play it.

It's just a tragedy that the hideous remake is now people's image of the game, with just some of the most ghastly visuals I've ever seen. The original has such a great color palette, it looks a very distinct way, very sharp and direct. It's impossible to replicate with modern day slop graphics.

I also think we need to appreciate the Magician more. That might be one of the best monster designs I've ever seen. He looks noble and elegant yet beastly. He stands dignified and it is absolutely believable he would be some mad genius's crowning jewel.

I think this game is stellar. The music is more brilliance from Sega's music department and creates the perfect symphony for one of the best light-gun games ever made. It's just a shame you can't play it in its original form in any way that is convenient.

I recently played some light-gun games and boy are my arms tired!

from what I played it's a solidight gun game with cool graphics

Ah, one of my most revisited arcade cabinets as a kid. Spooky stuff didn't bother me so much when you had a gun you could fire at them endlessly. The monster designs looked awesome for the time, and the boss fights felt intense. I don't think I beat it until Family Fun Center/Boomers started doing 10 Buck Tuesday where you could play games endlessly with no quarter requirement if you paid $10 up-front. We eventually got it on PC too, and I got a lot better at beating it with minimal damage

I think this might be the first time I've played this. I've had 2, 3 and overkill before, so it was nice to have a crack at this. Silly fun.

It's fun. Graphics have not aged, the gore is toned down but it's still a fun light gun game.

shoot a zombie in the chest, his chest has a hole in it now. Shoot a zombie in the head sometimes his eyeball falls out. It's so simple to make games fun :)

This game is one hell of a quarter muncher on bosses but goddamn is it fun. Just feels good to play and honestly it helps that the cab that I was playing it on was in very good condition and it only took 25c to play.

I played this in arcades well before resident evil and this game/series is way more goofy. Zombie ninjas? of course, why not.

I played this at a bar arcade with infinite lives. It's a goofier, more quarter-munching version of Resident Evil 4. I mean, zombie ninjas? Cyborg ninjas? If you somehow forgot that this is a Japanese game, a final boss zombie levitates, teleports around the screen, uses magic, and wants to take over the world as its new god. So yeah, this game is fucking awesome. I would play again to get a higher rank and explore separate routes. I only fought 4 bosses, thus only saw 4 arcana (yeah the bosses are designated by arcana)

Used to play this game all the time when I was a kid. I still remember how amazing it felt to finally beat the game with a friend. Played it again recently and it's still as fun as I remember

Definitely very loose compared to 2 but defined the strong core tense gameplay (and enemies) that makes it great. Everything is very rapid and tight.

joguei muito quando era criançaa, bom jogo

This game is bullshit from hell but its also great it really makes you think

My all time favorite light gun game. HOTD 2 comes close, but I have a bit more of a soft spot for HOTD 1. It's a shame the source code is lost so it can never be ported to newer systems, but emulating it is still really fun.

I love The House of the Dead series, and this game is easily one of the best in the series.