Reviews from

in the past

Drawful and Fibbage are fun, Word Spud has the potential to be fun but doesn't explain itself at all so you don't get the chance until it's too late, Lie Swatter is... not the worst but not good, and You Don't Know Jack makes this deserve a -10 million/10 rating. Overall has good opportunity, but if I ever have to play You Don't Know Jack ever again I'm fucking finding who made that game and haunting them forever.

some very solid foundational games for the future of jackbox but overall feels a bit underwhelming, when it was the only jackbox i had though i definitely made the most of it with friends

i didn't know jack before this and i wish it stayed like that

You Don't Know Jack carries ngl.

word spud is ironically pretty funny

Fibbage and Drawful are the real highlights, YDKJ could also be a highlight if you, you know, knew a bunch of random 2015 trivia.

Jackbox games are great. This pack is alright.

this review applies to all the jackboxes

im not giving a star rating to jackbox packs. but i have played them thats for sure

Fibbage is the only good game

The Weakest Party Pack is the first so thats cool i guess. But how could any pack with Word Spud in it be bad?

Three of these games are trivia show based games

The potato one just hated one of my friends and hit them with the curse every time it was their turn

overall its still jackbox its a grand old time but its def the worst one I've played

i played drawful at a christmas party when i was like seven and i got the game so i could play it with my family
we didn’t play it too much
i like having the box though i think that’s hilarious

Not the best of the Party Packs, but they had to start somewhere and I'm glad these exist and are still going strong.

You Don't Know Jack 2015 - 4/5
Drawful - 5/5
Word Spud - 1/5
Lie Swatter - 2/5
Fibbage XL - 4/5

Like most party packs, there are 2 good games, 2 okay games and 1 bad game. But honestly this game is the goat party game.

nobody was playing word spud or the other one

For it's time and before the sequels, this was an impressive collection of mini-games. It's introduction is revolutionary for the party game genre, especially as players use their personal devices and a browser, instead of owning the game or sharing controllers. As with all Jackbox Party Packs, these can be rated individually.

You Don't Know Jack is the trivia game, based on the one from the 90's - a multiple choice question with some odd (but fun) choices. The questions are often presented with some gimmick (ie. wrongfully pronounced words) or critical reading requirements, similarly to SATs. There's also a hidden game within the game, where a wrong answer that matches a clue at the beginning of the game will award additional points. Regardless of whether points matter or not, this is a fun game that is limited to four players.

Fibbage XL is a unique trivia game, where the fill-in-the-blank answers are provided by both the game and players. This continues to be an enjoyable game, if you do not get repeated prompts (I still don't think I have after years of playing), despite there being 4 Fibbage games by the 9th pack as well as a stand-alone version of it.

Drawful, similarly to Fibbage, has sequels and a stand-alone version that contribute to this pack aging poorly. On its own, Drawful is an incredible and unique game, where players draw a prompt, others make false answers to the prompt and guess the real one. It is very fun and well designed.

The last two, Word Spud and Lie Swatter were almost entirely ignored by my group of friends. Word Spud seemed to not have a point nor any reason to be fun. We tried it for a few minutes, laughed a bit, then closed it and never played it again. Lie Swatter could potentially be fun for a stream, but playing among 2-4 of us, it was a simple true or false game with an annoying user interface.

As with all Jackbox Party Packs, the fun depends on the group you're playing with. We got this one for free on Epic and played with our family, which has become a tradition ever since. After almost 10 years of these packs, however, this one could possibly be skipped, as the most remarkable of these games have received much superior sequels.

If you think about it Mr. Jack is really bad at making games because in every pack there are 2-4 stinkers

I piss everyone off everytime I win Fibbage

This is the only one I don't own, it's pointless

Probably the weakest of the Jackboxes. When Word Spud is one of the more fun games, things are a bit dire.

It's the first installment which makes it worthwhile, but there are just better packs (i.e. literally every other one).

it could get better and it will get better

El calvo sale de una caja. Creo. No me fijé.

- YOU DON'T KNOW JACK 2015: Un juego de trivia que me ha sorprendido porque (al menos en las pocas que he jugado) no salieron muchas centradas en EEUU. Como juego de trivia pues no está mal, pero la ronda final me parece que arruina la experiencia. Además, en el navegador no se muestran las respuestas, por lo que tienes que estar ciclando entre pantalla y navegador, haciéndolo muy molesto. Finalmente, la mecánica del tornillo es un dolor de webos. 1/5
- Drawful: Un juego de dibujar en el que hay que adivinar qué significa el dibujo de los demás jugadores. Este es el mejor del pack, pero me parece que hay juegos de dibujo más divertidos. 3.5/5

- Fibbage XL: El primer Fibbage. Un juego de trivia en el que tienes que llenar un hueco con una mentira. Muy centrado en EEUU. 1.5/5

- Word Spud: Juego de palabras encadenadas. Te ponen una palabra y tienes que completarla con algo que sea real. No está mal, el problema es que puedes poner cualquier gilipollez y eso lo arruina. 2/5

- Lie Swatter: Otro juego de trivia más. Te ponen un dato y tienes que determinar si es verdad o falso. Podría ser mejor, podría ser peor. 2/5

Puntuación total: 2/5